Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Hey Carol, 

    Glad the op was a success. Deffo keep up with the exercises. I also had some build up of fluid after my op and like you they don't like to drain it unless it's really bad as can lead to infection...but the fluid definittely got absorb by the body so i'm sure yours will too in no time. Glad you got out and about and enjoyed a latte!! It's the lilttle things isn't it! 

    Really hope you get the biopsy results back soon. Did they give you an indication of when that might be? Hopefully not too long a wait and hopefully some good news. I've got every thign firmly crossed!...amazing to hear about the regrowth of your hair, eyelashes etc!

    My hair is very thin on top...can just about get away with wearing a wide headband although not sure for how much longer. I had a big shed after my previous chemo but it's stopped shedding now. Wonder if i'll have another period of shedding or not? Or do you just have one main one? Do you remember what happened with you?

    Good luck with back to work...i hope they are being super supportive of you and your return and allowing you to do it when you feel ready.

    Emjoy the rest of your weekeend!! xx

  • Hi Carol, lovely to hear from you, so pleased that your surgery is now behind you and that all went well. I'm starting to think a bit more about my surgery now, as far a I know it will be a mastectomy and reconstruction. Have been told I will get another appointment with the surgeon soon. I've had a good rest this afternoon and feeling much better. How lovely that your hair, lashes and eyebrows are growing back well. Haven't lost eyebrows or lashes yet, or leg hair strangely. Might have to shave leg hair soon, I'm starting to look like a tarantula lol! Great that you feel happy to go out without your wig, especially in this warm weather. I only wear my wig if out for dinner or with friends. Most ot the time just wear my hats. Good idea about a phased return to work, you don't want to overdo it. Take care and I hope you recuperation continues to go well. Xx

  • Hi Greeny80, I chilled out in front of the TV this afternoon and did manage a nap. I'm now feeling much better and feel like I have a bit more energy. You're right, it is annoying about the food taste, hope this improves. Sounds like you have been busy today, just reading your post made me feel tired lol! It's a shame your son lost the final, but pleased it was an enjoyable game. Sounds like your daughter has had a lot going on today as well. I remember when mine were all young and always had something going on. Good luck to your son at his cricket match tomorrow, but try to fit in a rest yourself at some point. Xx

  • Hi everyone 

    sorry I’ve been quiet. It’s been a tough ride.  Ended up in hospital Friday after shivery then sweats Thursday and temperature spiking Friday and heart rate high. Another IV infusion of anti biotics and saline as body showed sign of infection. Eventually sent home with more anti biotics and morphine for pain which is excruitiating I’m really struggling this time.  Have awful night sweats mouth ulcers not fancying to eat much as throat hurts and horrendous bone pain and muscle aches throughout.  Only positive is not got tiredness I had before but I’ve been bed bound for last few days so unwell.  
    no idea if it’s zometa , docetaxel or injections or the triple whammy of it all 

    I have two more cycles but right now I cannot face this at all 

    thankfully have call with oncologist this Thursday 

  • Hi NGS, so sorry to hear you ended up in the hospital, sounds as if you have had a really difficult time. I know facing two more cycles must feel daunting, but stay strong,you can do this. This time I have felt more tired, strange how it effects everyone so differently. I've also had a sore throat and slight changes of taste in my mouth. I've also started to get some shooting pains in my knee joints. Not sure if it's down to the new phesgo injection ( this is instead of the Herceptin, a combination drug that apparently does the same thing), I'm now having, or the filgrastim injections, although these haven't been an issue before. I have three more cycles to go, but feel better knowing I'm now past the half way mark. Hope you have a better week this week and your appointment with the oncologist goes well. Xx

  • Oh gosh NGS, that must have been scary. You poor thing. Glad you're home now but sorry you've got so much joint pain. It's so hard. LIke PIppin says it's so strange as the drugs do the same thing to each of us but it's so odd how it effects everyone so differently. 2 more to go, you've totally got this...hang on in there, the end is in site. We are here too whenever you need...hope you get some respite before the next one...will they push it back a week as you've been so poorly this time around? When are you due to have your next chemo?

    Sending you huge virtual hug and just so sorry you've had such a rough time. Just think how amazing you'll feel once this is done and how proud of yourself you'll be for totally nailing it and for getting through it all....you'll have to arrange a big celebration when it's over!

    hope oncology appt goes well.

    Pippin - Sorry you're suffering a little bit too on this one...if you have any difflam mouthwash then use that, 2/3 times a day, it's really good for mouth ulcers and sore throats...the strange taste i can't help you with though! It's so weird isn't it?! Fruit is what tastes the weirdest for me?! Hoping my taste buds come back after treatment! Hope you get your CT scan results back soon too, must be on your mind...although i'm sure it will be good news but i know the waiting is hard so really hpoe you get those back soon.

    i'm doing ok this week. Enjoying some normality before we go again for the next round, which is a week on Tuesday. 3 more to go! The end is in sight!!!!

    Take care ladies and hope tomorrow is a better day for you both xx xx

  • Hi Greeny80, thanks for the tip on the difflam, will have to get some. The taste thing is more annoying than anything. We had a takeaway last night and I really didn't enjoy it at all. I haven't noticed it so much with the fruit though, I have a bowl every day for lunch and that seems fine. Pleased to hear you are feeling OK this week and can enjoy this time before the next cycle. As you say just three more to go, we can do this!! I am starting to feel a little anxious about having such a major surgery very soon, but maybe I'll feel reassured once I have another appointment with the surgeon. 

    Wishing you all a lovely day, take care everyone. Xx

  • Hey everyone,

    How are you all doing today? I hope you've all had a relatively easy day.

    Pippin - I can totally understand about being a little anxious about the surgery but if any help my op went super smoothly and recovery was very straight forward, really hope yours is too. I had lumpectomy and node removal...are you having masectomy and reconstruction? Hope you can get some answers and some comfort from the surgeon when you see him. Do you have a date for the op yet? WIll that be after radiotherpay or before? I really want to know when my radio will be as most likely will impact summer plans...will be glad when the chemo is over though.

    Have got itchy hands today but i think that might be to do with the gardening i did over the weekend....I'm hoping a slight irritation from a plant or something rather than anything to do with the chemo. Fingers crossed! Getting hot flushes at night, intermittently but otherwise am good this week and have had a productive day.

    How are you feeling tiredness wise? Hope that's eased a little....And the joint pain? The taste is very annoying isn't it?...mine does get a little better towards the end of each cycle but definitley makes food less enjoyable....not that it stops me eating!!!!

    NGS how are you doing today? I really hope you're turning a corner with side effects.

    How are the new puppies settling in??

    Hope everyone else is ok. xx

  • Hi Greeny80, still feeling pretty tired today. I did go out for a walk and managed to get some cleaning done this morning. I did chill out this afternoon and have a rest. As far as I know I will be having a mastectomy and reconstruction, which is what the surgeon initially told me. However, the breast care nurse said the reconstruction is often done later, after radiotherapy, so Im really not sure. I'm really hoping it will be done at the same time. During my last telephone review before chemo, I was told it would be recommended that I have another meeting with the surgeon. Hopefully I will find out a definite plan then, along with an idea of a date. I will be having node clearance too,  how did you find this during your recovery?  Radiotherapy will happen after the surgery, so a while away yet. Lovely that you managed to do some gardening over the weekend, one of my favourite hobbies. I find working in the garden very therapeutic. Hope the irritation on your hands clears up soon. Knee joints seem to have improved, but now seems to feel like I have restless legs. Didn't finish dinner tonight due to weird tast. Hope like you this improves as I get towards the end of the cycle. Chocolate seems to taste OK, which is nice. Do not usually have a sweet tooth, but have been eating more chocolate lately. Probably why I'm struggling with my weight! Hope you have some nice things planned before your treatment next week. Xx

  • Good morning everyone, hope you are all feeling OK. Not the best day for me, as I feel totally exhausted. Woke up at 5.30am with pain in my knees, thought that had gone. Read for a while, then managed to doze off again. Didn't get out for our walk this morning due to the rain, I wonder if that's why I feel so lethargic. Might try and go out this afternoon, but really don't feel in the mood. Perhaps I need to push myself  a bit, as I did say at the start of treatment, my goal would be to try and walk every day. Still have a sore throat, also toothpaste seemed to make my tongue sore this morning. I'm going to get a childrens strawberry flavour one and see how that goes. Wishing you all a lovely day, despite the weather. Xx