Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Hi Greeny80, I will certainly feel better once the scans and results are over with. A nurse did tell me that if you've been OK on EC, it's the docetaxel that usually affects you and vice versa. This is a little worrying for me, as I've been pretty lucky so far. Hope you had a good weekend and are doing OK. When is your next treatment?

  • Really hope that's not the case with you on the Docetaxol...just remember that the oncologists etc can provide lots of pain relief if needed. Did you end up buying the mitts/socks?

    and yes having tests looming over you is really hard, it can be all consuming..so hope you can do some nice things this week to distract yourself a little. Do you know when you get the results back?

    I've got my next round of TC on the 30th...so hoping for a good week this week before they knock me down again. I'm worried about the cumulative element of chemo and side effects..i've got 4 more of TC to go...really hoping the side effects don't get too much worse...but i guess i just have to take one round at a time and just keep ticking them off!

    Not that i like wishing time away but roll on July!!!!...although then there's radio and then hormone drugs and god knows what else next! It's certainly a journey!!!..but just have to focus on the now and yeah each round i guess, worry about the chemo first!..and deal with the rest later! 


  • I have found some mitts and socks that I'm happy with and think I'll probably give it a go. I think the oncologist said they'll have my results at my next pre cemo consultation, which is not too long to wait, thank goodness. I too have 4 more treatments to go,  then next step for me will be surgery. I know what you mean about the cumulative effects of chemo, I've read it can take some time for your body to get back to normal. I've also got to go on long term hormone blockers, which can also have side effects to deal with. One step at a time I suppose. Xx

  • Hi Carol, just wondered how you have been feeling since your chemo finished, hope you're doing OK. What is the next step for you moving forward?

  • Morning everyone,

    Just wanted to check in to see how you're all doing.

    NGS- How are you feeling today? Any better? How's your throat and ulcers? Another good thing to do is to gargle salt water...really hope you're ok. Sending hugs.When do you finish the injections?

    Pippin - Glad you wont' have to wait too long to get your results. The waiting is so hard!..but that's good not too long too wait. Do you have a date for surgery? Or will they not know until after your chemo? Are you having a lumpectomy? Will you have to have radiotherapy too? Hope you're feeling ok today too and that you manage to get out for your walk.

    Carol - hope you're getting on ok too?

    I'm now in week 3, so feeling ok. My hair is starting to thin a little but still not noticeable. Eyebrows and eyelashes still in place too. Wondering when/if they'll start to fall out?? I've got my Dad and eldest brother coming to visit for a couple of days which will be nice...weird to think this time next week i'll be back in the chemo chair and we go again!!!!!!!!!!

    Hope you're all ok

  • Good morning Greeny80, got out for our walk at 8.30am this morning, so an early start. I don't have a date for surgery at the moment. I assume once chemo is over I'll meet up with the surgeon again. It's going to be a mastectomy for me with lymph node clearance. Will also be having reconstruction at the same time. I've read this surgery can take 8 hours, so a bit daunting. Up side is I get a tummy tuck at the same time. Will then be having radiotherapy, plus hormone blockers for up to ten years, so a long road ahead. Can I ask you how long your stitches took to dissolve after you had your port surgery? My stitches still haven't dissolved and it's three weeks tomorrow. I seem to have a bit of redness around one of the stitches and I'm worried about infection. I have booked an appointment to see a nurse at my gp surgery in the morning, so hopefully she'll be able to give me some advice. Glad to hear you're doing so well on the hair front, you must be really pleased. I still have eyelashes and eyebrows at the moment, also legs like a tarantula lol! I'm reluctant to shave it at this point, as lady in the wig shop said it's better falling out when there is a little length. Apparently less likely to get ingrowing hairs. Have a lovely time with your dad and your brother, always great to have family around you. Hope all goes well with your next cycle of chemo next week. Xx

  • Morning!

    That's good you can have the reconstruction at the same time...I have heard that if you don't opt for it at the same time then there is a really long waiting listso mayhe good to get it done all at once..and haha!!!....Always a bonus getting a tummy tuck!!...gosh yes 8 hours is long but you'll be sound asleep!...and hopefully recovery will be quick. So your chemo is to shrink any tumors before surgery? Yes like me i'll have radio then hormone blockers..not worried about radio but am worried about the side effects of the blockers and injections etc but i'll just have to see what happens when i start taking them and how my body reacts. Everyone is different so no point worrying until there is something to worry about i guess! A friend of mine had an awful time with her hormone drugs but i told her to ask her oncologist to switch brands of the medication and she's done that and is so much better so there is hope that even if you don't react very well to certain drugs there are still options..i guess a bit like the chemo?!

    With regards to the portocatch stitches..funnily enough I had one stitch which was slightly sticking out so when I went for chemo last the nurse actually tweezered it out for me so actually they hadn't totally dissolved. Defniitely worth getting it checked..I'm sure you're keeping it clean etc but yes hopefully the nurse will be able to help.

    I'm wondering if my hair might start falling out a little more this week as it's 2-3 weeks after my dose but we'll see.Great that you haven't lost your eyebrows and eyelashes though...and good tip about the hairs on your legs! I've definitely noticed my armpit hair isn't growing as fast!...these side effects are so strange.

    Glad that you seem be handling your EC round ok again this time. Amazing!

    Chat soon - happy Tuesday! xx

  • Yes the chemo was first, to try and shrink the tumours. Hopefully will find out soon how that is going. I have also read on different threads on this site, about side effects from hormone blockers being a big issue. As you say changing brands can make a big difference, as some people have mentioned. Will see what nurse says tomorrow about the stitches  I did get in touch with my macmillan nurse who gave me a number to book a port check. Not sure what to do now, really don't fancy another trip to the hospital. I've decided against the cold therapy for hands and feet at my next chemo for now.  I got advice from my friend's niece who's an oncologist, who said that there's no evidence that it works. I also asked my macmillan nurse who also didn't recommend it. So think I will just see how things go for now. I think people are put of when you mention buying stuff online to be honest. Really had hoped they would say give it a try. Xx

  •    hi ladies, hi all sorry been missing for a while 1st lot of chemo wiped me flat out and I got an infection and ended up being admitted, just done week 5. Hair is all gone, and leg pain is the main side affect, but lump is feeling smaller. How are you all doing, what's the update?

  • Hi MadhatterC, sorry to hear you ended up in hospital after your first chemo. Are you still doing weekly chemo? I've now finished EC chemo and moving onto docetaxel next cycle, which is meant to be stronger. I've got a ct scan on my lungs on Friday, to check lung nodules previously found. I've also got a scan on my boob next Tuesday, to see how the chemo has been working. Most of my hair has gone too, just a little bit left now  Do you have any idea what is causing the leg pain? Good to hear that the lump is feeling smaller, think mine is too, but not sure if I'm imagining it! Good to hear from you, keep in touch. Xx