Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Offline in reply to NGS

    Forgot to say I’m finding the PICC line relatively easy to manage.  I do go weekly for it to be flushed but that’s very quick    I have such a fear of needles this is the best thing for me. I’ve found comfortable ways to sleep so it’s not bothering me - I just make sure I don’t lift things with that arm. Xx    

  • How are you feeling hun.  Hope 1 st round has gone ok.  

  •  Ah thanks so much for checking in! Annoyingly i slightly fell at the first hurdle and had an allergic reaction to the E part of EC so they had to stop that one fairly promotly. They continued with the C part and then will switch my cocktail of drugs up for the next round probably to TC. Not sure how i feel about it, feel a little disappointed and now worrired that i'm now not on the best treatment plan but my body just didn't want that one so we have to move to Plan B....what i'm quickly learning is that cancer and cancer treatment is very unpredictable!..and i'm just going to have to try to go with the flow!

    Felt super sick last night so didn't sleep very well but have taken some more anti-sickness and steroids this morning and went out to get some fresh air with my dog which has definitely taken the edge off the nausea!...

    How are things with you? Looks like the PICC line is working out well, that's fab news! HOpe you're doing ok, when is your next round, Monday? 

    Thanks so much for checking in!! xx

  • Hey Pippin,

    Sorry you're finding it a bit tough with your hair loss...i think you're totally right, it's one thing thinking about losing your hair and going wig shopping etc but I think it's a totally different thing when it becomes a reality. Definitely allow yourself to feel the feels..i have a feeling there will be a lot of ups and downs throughout this crazy cancer ride! Was your head itchy before it started coming out or any other signs? 

    So glad your husband has stayed at home today, I think you need that support and good luck getting your hair cut too. I bet you will totally rock your new look...and before you know it those hair follicles will be growing back thick and fast.

    Sending love - i can imagine this bit is tough so be kind to yourself xx

  • Hi Greeny80, after a rubbish night last night, I'm feeling much better today. The lovely ladies in the wig shop fitted me in to cut my hair today. It's now done, a number 4 with the clippers. I took my wig with me, so they could run through how to put it on and washing it, just to refresh my memory. My head does feel itchy today, I noticed it as soon as I got up. I assume its due to changes in the hair follicles. Sorry to hear that you had an allergic reaction to the E part of your treatment. Will you need to see the oncologist again before the next cycle, to discuss it? Not great that you felt so sick last night and that it disturbed your sleep. Hope you're feeling a bit better today. Hopefully that won't happen next time, once they sort out which chemo will be best for you. Keep in touch and let me know how things go. Xx

  • Ah glad you're feeling more postive and supported and hopefully now you've had your hair cut it actually feels better than you thought...sometimes it's like ripping the band aid off, it's the anticpation which is worse. Really hope you're doing ok and rocking your new look!! How are you feeling about it now?

    Yes my oncologist was there when it happened so he's now put me onto TC for the remaining 5 rounds so let's hope no allergic reactions to that! It's definitely not the start i wanted but iclearly my body had other ideas!....I'm quickly learning that cancer and cancer treament is very unpreidcatble and you have just have to try and go with the flow...and be prepared to change plans...

    Taking all the anti sickness and steroids they've given me and getting outside has definitely helped today so hoping for a better night tonight!...just had my first injection today too...how long was it before you had any reaction to that? 

    Take care and hope you have a good rest of the week xx

  • I'm actually feeling OK now that it's done. Wore my wig all afternoon snd now have a comfy hat on. Good that your oncologist was there and could sort out the change straight away. I didn't start my injections until day 4 and not sure if my backache was connected. I got it on day 6 of injections, but it was gone the next day. On the day of last injection I had no backache, so really don't think it was connected. Will have to see what happens after next cycle. Good that you felt better after getting outside, I went for another 2 1/2 m walk with hubby today, which was nice. Hope you manage to get a good night's sleep tonight. Xx

  • Hi Pippin,

    I'm glad that you managed to get your hair cut today and hope that you are feeling ok, sporting the "new look". Your chemo will soon be behind you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thanks Jolamine, I'm actually feeling much better, now the anticipation of losing my hair has gone. Getting ready now for next cycle, which seems to have come round quickly. If it goes ss smoothly as last one, all will be good. Xxx

  • Sorry NGS,  missed replying to you. It was definitely the right thing for me to take control and choose to shave it off. Once the anticipation of losing it was gone, I felt so much better. The shop helped me put on my wig and I wore it all afternoon, then changed into a lovely hat during the evening. I'm off for my pre chemo blood test today, so will have a go putting my wig on myself. How's everything going with you?