Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Hi Greeny80 thank you for your support,  good luck with your treatment xx

  • Hey Pippin,

    Just checking in. Hope you're still feeling well and back to feeling normal and hope you had a lovely time with your family over the weekend. When is round 2? Next Monday? Hope you can enjoy a week of feeling good....i start my first round tomorrow....ready as i'll ever be!!!! 

    Take care xx

  • Thanks so much! Hope you're continuing to feel good this week. Yep I start tomorrow, eek!!...but ready as i'll ever be!!! 

    Take care and hope round 2 goe ok...keeping everything crossed for a smooth ride!! xx

  • Hi Greeny80, I'm feeling really good at the moment. Hubby and I are doing a 2  1/2 mile walk most days, when the weather is OK. Unfortunately didn't get to see the grandkids on Saturday, as my Grandson was unwell. Was really disappointed, as haven't seen them in 5 weeks. Was also meant to visit them just before 1st chemo started, but my granddaughter was unwell. My daughter has decided to take them out of school for a day tomorrow, to bring them over, as I have chemo coming up again next week. Good luck with your treatment tomorrow, hope all goes well, with minimal side effects. Did you decide whether to try the cold cap? I'm starting to feel a little apprehensive now about my hair starting to fall out. Let me know how you get on this week. Xx

  • That's fab you're getting out and about so much. I"m generally super healthy so my worry is losing my fitness etc but i'm determined to make it out for walks as often as i can....i'm so sorry you didn't get to see your grandson at the weekend but that was totally the right thing to do...but very happy to hear you might see him tomorrow, that will be worth the wait! Hope next week goes ok and isn't too much worse than the first one. I'm going to try the cold cap but feeling relaxed about it as in if i find it horrid then i'll just stop. I have pretty fine hair anyway so not sure how much it will work but i'll give it a go.I think i don't have a massive attachment to my hair, it's definitely not one of my best features!!...but I think it will feel strange when i do start losing some and i think the reality will hit then, it's such a visual thing isn't it?? I don't know how i'm going to feel..have you got a wig and some good scarves, hats? My mum brought round lots of her old scarves the other day for me to try as headscarves - that seemed very surreal! Hope you're ok and have a fan time with your grandson tomorrow and good luck for next week. Will let you know how i get on over here too...xx

  • Best of luck for tomorrow Greeny80   Will be thinking of you xxx 

  • Really sorry to hear the weekend didn’t go as planned but everything crossed for you and what a lovely thing of your daughter to do taking them out of school. Time is so precious.  That’s great you’re getting out for walks.  I was going to ask bout the hair loss. Have you had much loss at all ?   Whilst I’m hopeful loss of head hair will be minimal ive not seen much loss overall.  Bizzarly I then question if the chemo is working.  Will the worry ever end eh ? 

  • Just checking in to see how you are doing ?  Are you still on track to start chemo Friday xx 

  • Thank you!!! Hope you're doing ok...and hope the next round next week is kind to you. xx

  • I've not had any hair loss so far and feel a bit apprehensive about it. Keep giving it a little tug to see how it feels, a bit stupid I know. I too have worried about if chemo is working, especially as my side effects have been minimal. Seems like we all have the same worries, which is understandable. Good luck with your next treatment, hope all goes well. Xx