Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Back pain returned as soon as I got into bed last night and thought I wouldn't get any sleep. However, I managed to prop pillows behind me and stuck one under my knees. Amazingly pain vanished, and I ended up really comfortable. Feel so much better today and have been for a nice walk. Feel really positive about having the port now, thanks to you sharing your experience. I know what you mean about only taking medication if really necessary. My mouth improved as the day went on, so I haven't taken anything for it yet, will see how it goes. At least I have it here if I need it. Have all the family coming over on Saturday, so looking forward to seeing the grandkids, can't wait. Look after yourself. Xx

  • Hi Rufusblue, think you're right, probably a build up of the injections over the days. Last one tonight I'm pleased to say. Feeling so much better today. How are things with you? Do you know when your treatment will start?

  • Hi Pippin 24, glad you're feeling a bit better today that is good news,  I haven't been great mentally since my oncologist appointment last Friday,  I've had a horrible feeling of dread since they said that they're is no end to treatment.   Today I've worked from home this morning then had a lovely walk with my friend after lunch and feeling a little bit better,  I have my chemotherapy phone interview next Tuesday and treatment on Friday the 22nd so finally things are moving along , I need to be more positive xx

  • I can totally understand that you've  been finding things difficult since your appointment. It is a lot to take in and process. Pleased you felt a little better after walking with your friend. It's at times like this we really need our friends. Xx

  • Hey Refusblue, I think it's totally understandable and totally normal to be feeling overwhelmed..It will take time to process it all but you've got this and we're here for you too. Also rememnber it's ok to not feel ok. So glad you managed to catch up with a friend though, your support network will be invaluable and make sure you lean on them when you need. That's what they are there for. Sending you big virtual hugs and please feel free to offload here anytime. xx

  • Oh good tip about propping your legs up with a pillow. Glad that helped and it sounds like you are doing really well, which is fab to hear..and yes you will be totally fine with the port. Sore for a day or so but will be totally worth it. Hope your mouth is feeling a bit better...how is the tiredness? Have you been needing to rest/nap most days or have you been ok? It's so weird not quite knowing how i'n going to feell...i guess time will tell on Tuesday!

    Have an amazing time with your grandkids on Saturday, how lovely!! xx

  • Hope you’re doing well Pippin with each day that goes by and it will be wonderful to see your grandchildren for sure.  How is your mouth feeling ?   

    today I finally feel as close to normal as possible.  I woke up and said “I’m back”.  Very clearly the injections and I do not like each other so I will know that for next time.  The chemo team are speaking with my consultant to prescribe something stronger if I need it for the pain next time.  

    I feel positive today and am hopeful that I now have 2 weeks before we go again  

    i hope you are doing equally as well 


  • Hi Greeny

    today is a Good day.  I am feeling much more normal.  I will be thinking of you on Tuesday.  I would say the first 10 days are very up and down so listen to your body and have no expectations of how you may be each day.   All the tips and reassurance in this chat has really helped.  

    good luck xxx 

  • Hi Greeny80, feeling really good today. My mouth is fine now and I didn't even need to use medication from Dr. The last few days I started drinking warm lemon juice first thing in the morning, as I read it helps with constipation. Seems to be working and mouth seems back to normal too. Really don't know if it's the lemon or not to be honest. Have had occasional nap in the afternoon and usually in the evening, but haven't felt exhausted. The daily walks seem to give me more energy strangely. Last injection was last night which is great. Booked to go out for dinner with hubby tomorrow evening and seeing all the family on Saturday, so all is good. Good luck with your treatment on Tuesday, hopefully any side effects will be minimal. Xx

  • Hi NGS, I feel just the same as you, back to my normal self, which is great. Mouth is totally fine now and I didn't actually need to use medication the dr gave me. I had started drinking warm lemon juice first thing in the morning, for constipation. Don't know if this could have helped my mouth too, who knows! Looking forward to a meal out with hubby tomorrow evening and seeing the family on Saturday, can't wait. It's good that your chemo team will be speaking to your consultant, so pain management can be sorted for next time. I, like you feel positive and am going to enjoy a bit of a break from everything, before next treatment. Fingers crossed we both do well next time round. Xx