Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Did you only have to have 5 injection? They gave me 7 xx

  • I have had 7 as well but started on day 2 so my last one is today.  PICC flush completed that was really straight forward.  I’m feeling much more energized today.  Managing to do a bit more but still having a nap when need to.   
    chemo team confirmed the chest pain was injections as puts down bone marrow.  

    how are you feeling today ? 

  • Oh right, mine didn't start until day 4. Glad flush went well and that you're feeling like you've got more energy. Reassuring to hear reason for chest pain, that must make you feel much better. I've  been getting lower back pain today, not sure if it's the injections or not. Also waiting on call back from gp, to discuss if I have thrush in my mouth. Will also ask for something for constipation. Boob pain seems a little better today, hopefully it will completely go. Having the pain in my boob makes me more aware that I have cancer, makes it harder to stop thinking about it. Hope you have a good week moving forward. Xx

  • Got a call today to arrange a date for my port. Unfortunately, can't fit me in before next chemo cycle, which is disappointing. First date offered was 27th March, which is only 2 days after my chemo, so was a bit concerned about this date. Ended up settling on 3 April. I'm pleased it's now been organised.

  • Oh that’s fab you’ve got a date. I had my port inserted yesterday, was sore yesterday but already feeling lots better today and I’m sure I’ll be so grateful for it when Chemo starts..glad the boob pain easing can totally understand that it’s a constant reminder…Hope you get your GP appt soon and hope the lower back pain gets better once the injections stop. You must be end of week 1 now so fingers crossed side effects should start to reduce a little??

  • Oh that’s good to hear you’re feeling more energised hope that continues..and hope you can have a couple of weeks of feeling ok before round 2. 

    thanks for putting updates on here..it will be so helpful I’m sure when I’m going through it especially heads up on chest pain etc and lower back pain with injections…gosh so many different side effects aren’t there? Glad you’re feeling like you’re getting a little more energy back. Hope that continues xx

  • Feeling much better this evening, back pain much improved. Had a lovely chat with gp today who was very reassuring. She has prescribed me treatment for oral thrush  and given me stuff for constipation if I need it. Pleased you're feeling OK after your port, I don't feel so worried about procedure after hearing about your experience. Xx

  • Hi Rufusblue 

    I have been in excruciating pain following last injection. Severe back pain. Was this normal. I can honestly say it is worse pain I have ever experienced 


  • So happy to hear your back isn't so sore and amazing that you had such a good chat with your GP. 

    Please don't worry about the port. The first day/night was painful but yesterday felt much better, i slept pretty well last night and it's better still today. You can feel it, it's slighlty uncomfortable but not painful. I didn't take any painkillers either so actually if i had on the first night i would probably have been so much better. I'm just a bit weird about taking pills...which is silly really seeing as i'm about to take pills for the next 10 or so years anyway!!!!!! I have no doubt over the next little while i'll take all the drugs i can get to take any pain/side effect symptons away!...but yes please don't worry about the port, it's super quick and easy. 

    Hope no new side effects today and hope the oral thrush treatment kicks in soon. Take care xx

  • Hi Pippin 24, that definitely sounds like a side effect from the injections,  mine was my legs, maybe contact the hospital for advice,  they may suggest painkillers just before you have the injection,  hope this helps xx