Oncologist appointment tomorrow - what questions should I ask?

After being diagnosed on 18th January and going through all the various test, I finally get to see the oncologist tomorrow. Would like to hear from anyone who has any suggestions about what questions would be good to ask. 

Also what are your experiences of how long it took for treatment to start after first oncology appointment. As my breast cancer is grade 3 and fast growing, I'm worried about it spreading, before my treatment even gets started. 

Was it suggested you have a PICC line or port?

  • Hello everyone 

    firstly I really appreciate this group.   It is so comforting to connect with others going through the same thing. 

    I had my first EC chemo yesterday with cold cap - been an up and down reaction 

    firstly cold cap - not as scary as I thought.  First 5 minutes was like head rush , I counted and breathed through this and can liken it to contractions when in labor.  They only last so long.  After initial 5 minutes it was manageable just like a cold head.  I took paracetamol before hand    I caked my hair in conditioner ( bought one for hair loss from Avon) 

     have had a mild headache today but that could also be due to chemo or what happened next as below 

    chemo going in was absolutely fine.  Was tired after but likely more from not sleeping night prior due to worry and anxiety 

    however by around 5 pm I experienced swelling in my throat and struggled to swallow. I could breathe and drink water but phoned chemo team and they advised a and e 

    spent 12 hours in hospital. ECG and chest x ray clear.  Pumped with antibiotics , anti histamine and saline.   My tonsils are inflamed so using the mouthwash. I am prescribed anti sickness day 1-3 and also steroids day 1-4 so at moment not sure what meds have triggered reaction.  I am allergic to penicillin and Diclofenac and reaction was same.  
    swelling reduced following anti histamine 

    anyhow stored today and mild headache 

    im using the polybalm on my nails - thanks for tip Pippin. 
    eating very little and soups mainly but that is due to throat.  

    wishing everyone else the very best in their journeys xx


  • I think i'm on a similar treatment plan to you, starting EC on the 19th. Good to hear you're doing ok and managing to escape any major side effects, hope that's still the case and hope your headaches are easing. Keeps us posted on how you're getting on. Did you use the cold cap? Hope you're doing ok and looking after yourself. xx

  • Oh gosh that does sound like a lot to take in. I find that every time i go into the consultants room they seem to up the treatment! It started off like you as a lumptectomy and a week of radio...and now we're onto chemo, more radio and 10 years hormone treatment and injections and possible ovary removal at some stage!! It's a lot isn't it! It does seem to be very much a journey with breast cancer but i am super grateful that there are treatments available and i can chuck all of that at it to stand the best chance of it not coming back.

    When does your chemo start and do you know what you're having or how many rounds? Wishing you all the best with your treatment and hope you can breeze through it all...i start my chemo on the 19th and it's so weird not quite knowing how i'm going to feel with it...i guess time will tell! Look after yourself xx xx

  • Oh gosh that sounds a bit scary. It's so hard not quite knowing how you're going to react to these drugs and everyone reacts so differently. I really hope they can work out which specific drug is triggering that reaction, sounds horrid you poor thing. I hope you're doing a little better now and that's a bit more under control...do you have 3 week cycles or 2 weeks? Really hope you start to feel better soon. 

    Thank you for sharing the info on the cold cap - i think i'm going to try it and see how i go although i've got super fine hair anway i'm not sure it really stands a chance!!

    Take care xx

  • Hi NGS, so sorry to hear you have had such a hard time after your first treatment. Hopefully this is a one off and it will be better after next cycle. I'm due to start injections tomorrow until day 10 to boost white blood cells. Apparently I could get some side effects from this, so will have to see how that goes. Had another lovely walk with hubby today, which was nice. I too have been using the polybalm and am really hoping it helps to avoid too much nail damage. Really hope the cold cap works for you. I decided against it as already get headaches anyway, so thought it would be too difficult. Have my wig and hats ready. Hope you start to feel better soon. Xx

  • Sorry Pippin i replied to you and then asked whether you used a cold cap but i know you have told us a million times that you haven't used one! Sorry i clearly have chemo brain before starting the chemo!!!!!

    Glad you got out for a walk today, that sounds lovely. How tired are you feeling or has the tiredness not been affected? Sounds like you're doing well! Fab news...will have a look at the polybalm! xx

  • Headache now gone I'm pleased to say. Only side effects so far is a little tiredness, but did manage an hours walk with hubby. Due to start a week of injections tomorrow which can also have side effects, will have to see how that goes. Decided against cold cap, due to already being prone to headaches. I also feel the cold and thought this would be too uncomfortable. It'll have to be a wig and nice hats, which I've got ready. Good luck for the 19th, hope all goes well for you. Always here for a chat and to swap tips. Xx

  • I did snooze on and off yesterday, but today I've been fine. Think this is due to a better night's sleep  last night. Don't worry about asking same question, it's hard to keep track of what you've said to who on here. Xx

  • Hi Greeny 

    I started on 19 th as well.  I hope you have gotten on ok.  It’s very surreal - I too had my very long curly hair cut short.  It’s weird being so upset my cutting hair in the grand scheme of things isn’t it. 

    wishing you well

    Norma x 

  • Thankyou so much for kind words. Im Feeling better today just a fuzzy head 

     I have started the injections today for 7 days in total. Was told to have them after 5 pm as can cause bone pain so if so best just to go to bed.  Will let you know how it goes but so far so good 
