Liposarcoma - have moved from Pre-diagnosis

My operation is called Resection retroperitoneal sarcoma left nephrectomy left hemicolectomy splenectomy? Distal pancreatectomy.

  • Hi Mary,

    I totally agree and am eternally grateful for the dawning of each new day. How have you been today?  Less than 2 weeks until this is all behind you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Yes, nine days now. I was just wondering to myself, if I didn't have the operation, how long would it be / how long would I have?

  • Hi Mary how are you feeling now ,still ok I hope , do you have to have any pre -op checks before you go in for your op ,have they said how long you'll be in x

  • Offline in reply to Mary.

    Mary bless you 

    I’m sure your operation will prolong your life for a long long time if they didn’t think so they would not put you through this , but if you want to no this you can ask the question they will tell you , I can not imagine the worry and stress before the operstion but you will be ok you gunna be fine , a few months time you will look back and be glad you had it xx 

    big hugs love Lara xx 

  • HI Mary,

    A very good question and I imagine, one that is difficult to answer.. 

    The best person to answer this would be your professor. He should also be able to provide the figures for survival, if you do have the operation. I don't expect that you'll be seeing much of him before you have your operation. However, your specialist nurse could get these figures for you, or arrange for you to see the professor again before your surgery. There are people who don't want to know anything about surgery and just want to get on with it, leaving their fate in the hands of their surgeon. Then there are people like me, who want to know all the statistics prior to the event. At best even a surgeon, as eminent as your professor, can only give you a "guesstimate", because many go much sooner and others can live on for many years past their predicted time. It is likely to be a nurse that you see when you go for your pre-op appointment on 15th.

    However, one thing I would caution you about, before you embark on this. If you were told that you only had a limited time without surgery, would you feel even more depressed, with knowing the facts - I'm not saying that this will happen, only that it could and if it did, do you think that you would be able to cope? Sorry to be so blunt - I am only thinking of your long-term welfare. 

    Always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Quite anxious at times, thank you. Going to London on Wednesday for the pre-op checks. They've said approximately ten days.

  • Offline in reply to laraj

    Thank you. I think I was being silly even putting the question to myself.

  • Thank you. I was getting overstressed and shouldn't have asked that. I must remember that, from the most recent scan, the operation is still, as the professor said, do-able. I have to hold on to that, I think, that it is still do-able.

  • Ok, yes anxious times who wouldn't be ,I hope they make you feel more at ease on Wednesday and remember you'll have the top Doctors and nurses looking after you for 10 Days ,these people are amazing at what they do so just put your trust in them whilst they rid you of this thing once and for all ,I'm not thinking it will be an easy road because its a big operation but you will get there by taking each day at a time .

  • Thank you. Yes, one day at a time.