
I have recently been diagnosed with CMML it came as a massive shock as I've always felt quite healthy , the only thing I've ever had was appendicitis, it was only found during a blood test , I find myself waking in the middle of the night wondering how is this going to affect my life, although I'm 71 years old I am quite active and enjoy gardening, walking, and I'm wondering if this is going to shorten my life , its worrying me more that I would like to admit 

  • Hi Ampisparticus.

    My cmml seems to have taken a back seat lo.Next bloods December.

    Had an ECG and also a CT thorax scan last week.Got a consultant  to discuss results 20th of this month.

    My cruise is with five girl friends.

    Holiday next year with my daughter and son in law.

    Got two children and two adorable grandchildren.

    Take care. X x x

  • Hi strawbs hope it's good news on your medical issues, but why does it always take so long to get the results,  anyway hope your feeling well regardless, enjoy your cruise, is it a first time for you , I'm not sure if I would enjoy being on a boat to long to be honest, I've 4 children, 2 girls from a previous marriage and 2 boys from my second marriage my girls have 6 children between them , I'm also a great granddad , my oldest grand daughter just had a little girl,  I don't see much of them as they live in England but try to keep in touch , anyway take care stay safe xx