
I have recently been diagnosed with CMML it came as a massive shock as I've always felt quite healthy , the only thing I've ever had was appendicitis, it was only found during a blood test , I find myself waking in the middle of the night wondering how is this going to affect my life, although I'm 71 years old I am quite active and enjoy gardening, walking, and I'm wondering if this is going to shorten my life , its worrying me more that I would like to admit 

  • Hi Ampisparticus.

    Thanks for reply.

    Had couple of scans on lungs checking for Cancer but come back negative.

    Still got problems got an appointment next month to discuss findings.

    Hope your ok.

    Got nice weather here at mo hope continues .

    Take care x X X

  • Hi strawbs sorry to hear your still unwell, good news about the scans though , hope your appointment next month is good news, I'm not too bad although for a few days last week I had a spell of light headedness and a bit dizzy for some reason ,not sure why but better now, keep in touch let me know how your results show, enjoy the nice weather take care xx

  • Hi Ampisparticus.

    Thanks for reply.

    Glad your dizzy spell has passed.

    Yes enjoying nice weather.

    Have you got any hols booked ?.

    Take care x x x

  • Hi strawbs how are you, I recon the dizzy spell was caused by a bang on the head I got on my car door, still all clear now , I've got a week in Spain on the 15 July, hopefully the weather will be warmer over there ,I was in dubai in February, that was a great experience, balloon trips in the desert and we went up the burj Khalifa, the highest man made structure in the world ,fabulous place ,let me know haw your tests go on your chest infection, take care x

  • Hi..Glad your over your dizzy spell.

    'Ive never been Dubai.

    My daughter has several times and says it's fab..

    Enjoy Spain..

    Got appointment reference lungs end of month.

    Take care x x

  • Hi strawbs, how are you keeping, did you get your chest infection cleared up, I'm not to bad now, I got covid after coming back from Spain, I was pretty bad with bad chest and blocked head, but lot better now ,Spain was hot 33 degrees most days, I like the sun but I had to keep in the shade a while ,luckily the bar and pool were close by, benidorm is OK but I don't think I would go again,  it's like Blackpool on steroids,  anyway hope you are well ,look after yourself take care x

  • Hi Ampisparticus.

    Thanks for message 

    No haven't got lung cleared up.

    Still having tests.

    Think maybe I'm stuck with it.

    I've had COVID once couple years back and because of cmml was put on an anti viral drug can't remember name.

    Do you have COVID jabs.?

    Glad you've recovered.

    Sounds like you need another holiday.

    Do you travel alone?

    Take care x x

  • Hi strawbs sorry to hear you still got your lung infection, hope it nothing serious, I had all the covid jabs plus boosters, for all the good it did me, I'm beginning to think it was all a scam, if I could afford it I'd have a week in the sun every couple of months, this cold weather doesn't agree with me , I go on holiday with my wife, I sometimes have a weekend away with the lads for a boozy few days, she goes away with her sisters/friends, do you travel away on your own, I suppose all we have to look forward to is dark nights and cold damp weather, anyway take care look after yourself, hope that infection clears up x

  • Hi Ampisparticus.

    Still got lung problems.

    Got another scan next week.

    Never smoked so don't know what's causing issues .

    Like to holiday with friends or family.

    Have holidayed alone but find it lonely..When are your next bloods ?

    Take care X X x

  • Hi strwbs how are you getting on with your chest problems, they cleared up yet , I've never holidayed alone, I'm a bit too reserved to mingle, always with family and friends, what family do you have, children ? my next bloods are in November, are yours due soon ,look after yourself take care x