Nearly 4 months on

I'm nearly 4 months on from losing my husband, I miss him so much and I feel like it's getting harder! I can't get rid of. This overwhelming feeling of loss, I feel totally lost without him. Being in the house without him is so hard my emotions are all over the place is this normal?

  • Hello Filwain100

    I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling at the moment. Although it may sound like a cliche, the journey with grief is a real rollercoaster and there will be times when it is much harder to bear than others.

    What you're experiencing is a normal part of the process but it can certainly help to talk to someone about what you're going through. I'm unsure if you've considered this but you may want to have a look at the website for a charity called Cruse. They offer a number of different forms of counselling support and many people have found that talking can be really beneficial.

    Alternatively, if you'd like to have a chat with one of our team of nurses you're welcome to give them a call on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm. 

    Be kind to your Filwain100 and take things a day at a time. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Filwain 100

    Just read your post and I'm sorry you lost your husband.

    I lost my husband in 1997,he commited suicide.

    All I can say is its normal the way your feeling, you will have better days to come im sure of that. Its never easy  when you lose anyone,time isn't a healer like the a lot  of people say,but you never forget but you will learn to live your life with out them, yes there will be days that are hard to deal with,a song playing on the radio,that reminds you of a time with thrm, birthdays,Anniversary,Christmas  etc. But believe me when. I say you will smile again,you will have happy days,and that is what your partner would wish for you,as you would him if it was the other way around. Its good to talk about it,don't bottle your feeling up,and allow yourself  the time you need to just sit and remember and let the tears fall,and one day you will feel  better and able to be happy again, with the knowledge that you were lucky to have shared your life with someone you lived,some people don't ever have that.  You will be ok,im sure of that ..I didnt know how I'd get through a day let alone all these years, bit I did and so will you. Always popping on here from time to time  if you need to chat. 

  • Hello,

    Think I replied when you posted that your husbands funeral was forthcoming and just picked up your post four months on.

    It is, sadly, absolutely normal what you are going through with grief and I know being alone at home in the evenings is heartbreaking.

    I lost my wife nearly 2 years ago and although I have a great daughter and two granddaughters that I spend a lot of time with, nothing is the same.

    Best Wishes (you are not alone with your loss)