Slightly strange topic - online dating with cancer


This is a weird one but if you have any thoughts I would be grateful to know them.  I was thinking about maybe joining a dating website (not entirely to do with romance although if that came along great but as much for company etc), but wondered whether anyone knows of a dating website for people who have cancer.  Not so I can spend all my days chatting about cancer with one specific person (who might also have cancer) but more so once the "C" topic comes along you know they might already be prepared for it and will not disappear asap!

any replies very gratefully welcomed

thank you


  • Hello there,

    I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner - it is hard for me to understand how the person on the other side feels.

    My partner has been amazing but, like you, has had his moments struggling, fearful and tearful. It has been worth the journey for both of us though. Every day is precious, and every day the treatments we might hope to recieve are improving.

    Nobody knows what's round the corner do they, and your friend should be able to expect to be monitored well from now on.

    I shall cross my fingers that your friend's throat cancer never returns and that you both get to enjoy many years getting to know each other, if that is what you choose to do.

    I think you're really brave to talk about it, and your post here gives me some insight as to how my own partner must feel. I too often ignore his struggles. Thank you.


  • Hi billygoat & everyone,

    I too have been pondering the whole single/cancer/dating thing after recently receiving a stage4 breast cancer diagnosis. Though I ended up here after researching alternative dressing with out a prosthetic. Google must have known that I really wanted something else lol


    I really just wanted to bob on and say that for all the horrible journey you and your wife are travelling it is heart warming to read your sunny and helpful posts. Keep up the good work.

    Stay safe, stay positive.

  • Hi Bubbles11!


    I have terminal cancer, I was in a 13yr relationship my husband left me last year, I would love to go on some dates, try and meet a nice guy! Its hard because I feel ill never feel love again.



  • I know the feeling. I have myeloma which at present is said to be incurable yet treatable. I also walk with a stick (long distances due to neuropathy in feet ) When I was diagnosed 6 years ago I was in a 4 year relationship.  My ex couldn't handle it and we parted ways  . She said it wasn't down to my cancer but I think she didn't have the heart to say it outright. Initially I resigned myself to remaining single for ever. (Stigma, loss of confidence with women) Now I am hopefully that I may meet à companion after having a couple if dates via a website.

  • Hi Janie87 

    I have stage 3 ovarian cancer and 4 weeks ago I had major surgery. My hubby walked out on me a few months before the cancer was found .I also get very lonely and feel knowone will ever love me again or I will ever feel love again .


  • It really is a rubbish feeling xxx I'm so sorry you have had to go through it too XXX we deserve to be happy with or without a man 

  • Hi there Annette, Janine, and all,

    It is so hard. I remember how it affected me when my husband left me too. I was down, depressed, terrified and trying to cope with 3 children at school and a job teaching. I thought I would never move forward. And I got so hacked off with anyone who used to say "give it time", cos time was something I was not expecting to have. It all made me so firecely terrified and desperate and angry!

    My daughter told me I had to learn to love myself first. And she was right- I had forgotten how to love myself- I had spent so many years worrying about everyone else but me.

    I was so frightened I wouldn't have time. I was stage 4, still am. But life has a weird way of surprising doesn't it? You might find, that with loving yourself, and enjoying the time you have with the people who love you, you may well find love in the most unexpected places.

    Huge great big hugs to you. And count me in as one of those people who really really care!

    I hope you get some great sunshine this Easter and enjoy some sky.

    Love Mary



  • there's isn't any it's a shame becouse cancer suffering people still have a life im still looking for a partner but find it hard to explain my problem had my prostate removed and find feel im ready to date but don't no where to start ?

    russ x

  • Hi

    i fully understand how you feel

    i want to date and still have fun but feel I've got the elephant in room hanging over me 


  • Hi

    I divorced 5 years ago and have joined a dating site. My biggest concern is when do you tell some one that I have Stage 4 Thymic cancer?

    Ive been brought up to be honest but don't want to tell all and sundry about my situation online, or am I honest with them once I start a full blown conversation or do I wait until after we've met?


    Jools x