Relationships Ending After Cancer Diagnoses / Treatment


I need some help understanding why my girlfriend decided to break up with me during / after her cancer treatment.

Before she was diagnosed we were both extremely happy together and were making plans for the future, everything was perfect between us and I thought I had found the person I was going to marry.

After the diagnoses everything seemed to be fine for awhile but slowly she started to change, obviously I put this down to the chemo and everything else that was going on and continued to support her but for some reason she started to become resentful towards me and I felt like even though she was acting fine with everyone else, she was treating me like a burden and pushing me away more and more.

Around the time she decided to have a double mastectomy and reconstruction she became extremely withdrawn from me, to the point where she stopped spending time with me altogether and even more hurtful she stopped inviting me to see her family who I had become quite close with. Shortly after this she ended the relationship telling me that she just wanted to be on her own and that she didn't want to be responsible for me, but that we could stay friends instead. I thought initially she was feeling self concious about her body changes but unfortunately despite my reassurances she just pushed me away even more.

 This was now two months ago and I am still having a very hard time accepting the breakup. I think because she made the decision during a stressful time in her life i.e. literally just having finished chemo and having surgery. I keep thinking that she will change her mind and give it another chance. I know a lot has changed and she has been through more than I can imagine but I still really want to be with her and find the new normal together.

We have stayed in touch since but despite my attempts to get things back on track she acts like she never had any feelings for me and gets annoyed when I try to bring up anything to do with the relationship. It's like the chemo / cancer completely took any love / affection she once had for me away and she now wants to start a new life without me. I have agreed to be friends as I don't want to lose her from my life entirely but it's difficult hearing about her going out drinking all of the time and staying out late, as it's not something she used to do when we were together. It's like her personality has changed completely.

I am currently seeking counselling through maggies as I am having lots of trouble understanding what went wrong and I keep thinking that something I did led to the breakup. Something she said makes me believe that I pushed for things to be back to normal too soon and that it ended up putting too much pressure on her to be her old self again.

Has anyone got any personal experience with this either from their own point of view or from that of a partner?

I suppose I really want someone to tell me that this is a phase and she will come back but as it's already been two months and she seems much happier without me maybe I just have to accept that it's over and move on.

  • Hi CC,

    I know from experience that having cancer can have a profound psychological effect, it can make you realise that life is too short to waste, to re-evaluate relationships and friendships and sometimes to put yourself first for the first time in your life.

    Maybe you would have split up eventually, even without the cancer - you will never know. Maybe she feels that you were staying together for all the wrong reasons - a sense of loyalty or even pity? Maybe she just wanted to cut loose and live life to the full by staying out late and drinking all the time? Maybe  this is her real personality and she had suppressed it while you were together? 

    Break ups are never easy if one half of a couple wants to stay together and the other doesn't, cancer may just be an added complication. 

    For your own sanity you need to walk away and make a clean break. It won't make you a horrible person who is abandoning someone because they have cancer, just someone who is showing respect for their ex partners decision and sensibly calling it a day so they can get on with their lives.


    I hope things go well for you both.



  • im thinking,perhaps you should of accepted her decision to just be youve not mentioned how long you were together ie if youve been together years and you had big plans or only a short it is im just going say she was probably not wanting to have to try please you,but to focus on her self and trying deal with her own health.hopefully she will beat cancer and maybe she will then look to the future,that might be with should try keeping in contact but dont hassle or hound her.offer support if needed and accept that things might not ever get to how they were.sorry if youve been together years and become very emotionally attached to her.but like ive mentioned she as decided for what ever reason to push you to one side at this particular time in her life.hopefully a lady whose maybe pushed her partner because of smilar circumstances will be able to enlighten you as to why they would push a loving partner away.

    good luck 



  • ,having just read your other post,which i wish id read before my response to this not exactly a relationship expert be any means.i was with my partner for 28 years,when Jayne had a cancerous lump removed in 2015,after radio therapy ,at times she would be very abrupt with me,i would not react, but just try understand,see the drugs that are taken can have side effects ,that cause those taking them to react a litte terse at times.luckily for me, we had spoken about this possibilty ,so i understood and at times Jayne would appologies for her at times apparant nastiness, i just told her i loved her and will always support her.sadly after 3 years clear we went hospital so many mistakes made  by the medical profession. which ive made official complaints, to try avert other ladies, and their partners having to go through the same .when if things were properly looked into and after treat ment was better Jayne could be here now .within 16 days my world colapsed and after nigh on 10 months im missing Jayne like crazy and not looking to any kind of future.sorry for droning on.try understand she may have reactions to drugs she is on,as i know with breast cancer their is certain drugs you have to take for up to 10 years, and this also may be affecting her emotions etc.if i was you i would stay friends,try not to cause friction and occassionally ask her out for dinner or a drink, may be buy her flowers or chocolates ,or just something you know over your relationship  years  that she paricularly still may not end how you want or desire,we humans are strange creatures at times.i hope what ever you decide to do it works out for the best for you both 

    good luck again 



  • Hi Ian,

    Thank you for taking the time to reply. I am very sorry for your loss and even though I miss having this person in my life in the same way as before. I am extremely grateful that she is clear of cancer and that I still have the oppurtunity to see her looking so well even as a friend.

    Apologies for not referencing my previous post, it had been awhile since I put it on the site. We were together for just over a year when she was daignosed with cancer, so it did put a lot of stress on an early relationship and maybe I was niave to believe that we should have been able to carry on and find the new normal together, but it's hard not to wonder what life would have been like for both of us if things had been different. 

    We met again recently as friends and she has made it very clear that she doesn't have any romantic feelings for me anymore both in her words and actions, so I have come to the acceptance that even though I love her, she needs to live life on her own right now and figure out what she wants from her future without me.

    It's been a very upsetting time because we were so in love before this and after everything that we have been through together this year, I did become extremely close to this woman to the point where despite the changes she had been through, I didn't have any doubts about having a future together.

    Unfortunatley I just have to accept that somewhere along her cancer journey the feelings she had for me dissapeared and I will only be able to be there for her as a friend now. More than anything I just want her to be happy so if that means she needs to be alone or with someone else I will always be grateful that she survived and that I still get to see her smile and live her life cancer free. 

  • Hi

    I can only share my experience and not sure it will help you.  First of all cancer plays with ones mind, even if you're "cured" it's always there... the big word reoccurrence... it's not easy, you try to put it to the back of your mind but it's very difficult.  

    For nearly five years now I've had one thing or another, my latest being breast cancer, albeit my cancers have been pretty easy to deal with ie caught really early, I've got it in my head that it's best staying single because I can only look after me.  I don't want to burden anyone.  And mostly if my partner gets to the point that they can't cope anymore I don't want to get hurt.  I've ended two relationships because of my cancer and just when they were really going in the right direction.  I'd love to have that special relationship but in the back of my head I seem to believe/think it would only work with someone who has gone through what I have.  

    I've remained friends with both of them but I've blocked off it evolving into anything further than what it currently is.  It's sad, I'm sad but I feel like I've got more control on my issues and the what if's


    Best wishes


  • So sorry to hear that do you think am the same 

  • A put a wall up cry on me own be strong for all but am hurting in side

  • Hi on the forum we call it the new" normal," . You try to live your life as before but there's always the thought that it might come back so life is always different despite on the outside things appear ok.

    Cancer does change people's lives no doubt about that,we just need to find a comfortable way to live as best we can, and keep as positive as possible, despite the thoughts..

    Good luck with your future take care.


  • I find myself in the exact situation of feeling well trapped I planned a fresh start.As I didn't like how my partner treated me. Emotional abuse. Sexting someone else. I had left an abusive marriage. So I planned my escape. Only for him to get an advanced cancer diagnosis. I feel robbed. My health has taken a turn for the worse. I am finding it increasingly difficult to care for both of us. He has given up, doesn't take the meds to help with sleep or pain.

    So i am truly trapped. I didnt want him to die on his own. At this rate I'm going to die 1st. He has older children they do nothing. Ive asked them all to step up. He has no family or friends. I would be classed as a heartless bi'<>h, if I told him to leave. He would be in a shared house or homeless hostel. I wanted to make sure he wasn't alone when the time comes. I honestly thought it would be quicker