My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Jules,
    Sorry to see you had a crap day yesterday.  Hope being at work has helped a little.  The feelings just come and little we can do about it honey, just get back up and plod on.
    Glad you had a lovely break away and the weather was kind to you.  Please let me know what you think of the Amanda Hart book.
    I ended up at the kids yesterday to babysit while DIL had a job interview, so that was an unexpected bonus for me.  It meant being away all day but managed to get home before dark, but that was my choice as wanted to have a coffee with son after he finished work.
    Today the weather is fine so a bit of weeding planned for later. Got to make hay while the sun shines.
    Son coming down for a sleepover Friday night before Mother's Day and will spend a chunk of Saturday with me (can feel a list coming on) before going home to prepare for his darling wife's Mother's Day on the Sunday.  Look forward to feeding him up and letting him have a lie in.  He has requested Apple crumble without the fruit!!
    Ok honey will sign off and get moving.
    Sending you big hugs
    Love Kathy xxxx

  • Hi Kathy,

    Thanks for your supportive words. Emotions are normal but sometimes come when not expected.  Had a change of my plans (no problem as it was only garden centre visit) when I picked up an e mail from my daughter letting me know that eldest grandson (6+) was struggling with his understanding/feelings and had a 'sad' day at school (teacher spoke to my daughter at end of day).  This has the obvious affect on us all on how to help him accept that Grandad will 'not be back'. Confusion had set in because of the Easter story and his little head had been dwelling on why Jesus could come back to life and not others.

    He did not wat to upset his Mummy because she was already sad (this made her sadder!!) but has talked to his Dad (they are great parents and its a difficult period for us all) and the school is being very supportive. I popped over to keep her and Zack company and we were both a bit teary but its good to have the comfort of each other and being able to talk face to face.

    Anyway (lump in throat so onwards and upwards), went back to work and being occupied helps plus I am lucky to have good 'listening ears' there. As you say its an up and down journey but then so is life in general.  On a positive note I chatted (by text) yesterday evening and the school had reported a good day for my grandson and they had included in class talk time about how to remember people/pets when they died and different ways of remembering including making a memory box. This is a project that I am sure will be helpful so we will see if it helps.  Strange really as when I popped round to my daughter initially I had taken a 'lapel pin' of hubby's (from a surprise trip we had been treated to on Concorde) for her to give to him as a 'memory link to Grandad' - he loved it.  Mutual love, respect and support of all concerned is the way to go.

    Well that one was one hell of a ramble sorry!!!

    Do hope you have a lovely Mothers' Day get together with your son (bet he gets his foodie wish too) and I can almost taste the crumble (I like extra topping too) yummy. All these special times are like a rock to cling to aren't they. 

    Good that you are still able to get into the garden when the weather is okay. Beautifully sunny this morning (rainy yesterday) but a bit of a chilly start and the upcoming Bank Holiday weekend looking a bit mixed so no plans (working B/H Monday all day to help out  yuk!) though am getting hair cut tomorrow, catching up with late friend's husband (her year anniversary coming up) and then attending retirement party at Mum's care home (Manager of over 25 years is leaving but will come back on a volunteering basis after a little break) tomorrow afternoon, so hoping Mum in chat mode though thats always a bonus when I visit.  I can take my camera down to show her my holiday shots if she is up to it.

    Well time is moving on and I had best clear away breakfast and get some housework done before I leave for work (have a new ironing cover to fit too- how exiting is my life ha ha).  Take care and sending hugs and peaceful thoughts your way.Jules xx






  • Good morning Jules,

    It always tweeks our heartstrings when young people have to try and deal with the loss of a close relative. Your young grandson is obviously a very sensitive and caring young man in that he didnt want to talk to his mother as he knew she was allready upset and he didnt want to make her feel worse. We as individuals can be very good at hiding our emotions to the world but it only takes something like this to show us how vunerable we all are to our emotions. But I feel sure, you as a family will all help each other to cope with situations like this, however upsetting they may be at the time. You can take comfort that you can all talk to each other, and that your grandson Is going to grow up to be a fine young man.

    After a bad day in the garage where everything I touched went wrong including my low voltage ligting transformer I use on my lath, Yesterday was okay and I have turned three wooden pigs to add to my collection. Photo attached. I now plan to try to turn some wooden otters and beavers. Its funny, you think you know what they look like until you try to draw, carve or turn them. I have search the internet for photos but most showed both of these animals in the water with just part of their heads showing. It took me quite some while before I could find photos that showed what they look like out of water. So will be trying to add them to my collection in readiness for our show.

    Thanks for asking about my dad and brother in law. Dad is okay but tires very quickly which is undestandable and has got a bit hard of hearing too. Brother in law is keeping reasonably well allthough he diid overdo things in the garden last week and fell over, scaring my poor sister in law. Its hard when he has always been used to doing thing and now to find he cant do things without help. As for me and Mrs B we still cant shift this tickly throat/cough we have been left with, even though she had a course of antibiotics. My grandaughter is supposed to be competing for the Sussex team this weekend at archery so will be keeping fingers croosed for her.

    Well I had better get out to my garage Jules, Take care of yourself, sending big hugs your way, Brian.



  • Hi Kathy,

    Just to advise you when I went shopping on Tuesday, They still had my cheese buiscuits on offer at half price so have in creased my stock once again. I also went past the nut shop last weekend, well I lied I was going past when my legs took control and next thing I was in the shop. I bought a bag of chocolate peanuts and one of chocolate raisons and when I went to pay for them, the lady said, dont you want the othe bag as they are buy two get the third one free. I havent moved so fast since payday and was back with the third bag before she had finished speaking. So I now well stocked up.

    Why is it you always make my mouth water when you talk about what you are going to cook??????????? I think you do this deliberately Kathy just to get me going, and you suceed. Incidentally, there is a timber called Lime, which when it is sanded and it gets a little warm, spells just like fresh baked bread. It always makes me feel so hungrey. Hope you enjoy your sons visit.

    Take care, best wishes and hugs, Brian.

  • Hi Brian

    The pigs are great and with all your plans for further animals you will have an 'ark full' in time for the Fair. I bet it was very frustrating when things were not going right but glad all resolved now though am sure  you could 'play on it' a bit and get Mrs B cooking you some favourite munchies though perhaps with extra special offer  cheese biscuits and nut offers you are probably still well stocked..  I have just finished off lunch with a few peppermint creams - very naughty but enjoyed them!

    Good day at work today and busy so time went quickly. Also my friend has  managed to book a day out to Tewkesbury soon so nice to have that to look forward to. I am indeed fortunate to have children/grandchildren close by and by supporting each other know we will 'manage' the sad times and come through them together. Still very grateful that I can share my thoughts/feelings on the forum and the 'walls may have ears' as the saying goes but they cannot answer back ha ha.

    I know what you mean about that tickly cough (still have mine even though the cold cleared up several weeks ago) and am beginning to think it may be a bit of hay fever though have not suffered from it in the past.  Hope you both lose it soon as its very annoying.  Your Dad is doing amazingly well and glad that the brother in law is coping fairly well just now but can imagine both his wife and yours being a little flustered when things knock him back. I know my hubby found it so hard not being able to do what he wanted when the illness took hold.  Hoping that they can keep him comfortable in the longer term and that he will slowly adjust to taking things a little slower.

    Seding you kind thoughts for the weekend ahead and chat again soon. Jules x

  • Hi Jules ...... been trying to read thru and catch up with how you are.  Your holiday sounds lovely and I am glad you got away for a few days. I also see some sad times and how your little grandson has been feeling - how wonderful that his school is acknowledging that and trying to assist!  Something else drew my eye. -  chocolate raisins!  I love them and will no doubt have to buy some tomorrow now the thought has been planted.

    Thank you for popping up to say Hi to me now and then Jules.  Sorry I don't always get back quickly but life is a little "fits and starts"   - chemo, sit on loo and sleep for around 9 days, then normality.  Haha, reading that, I don't fall asleep on the actual loo!   So I'm here lots then disappear for a while.  Anyway glad of a quick catch up and lovely to read what you are up to.  Brian and Kathy are still talking about eating I see hahaha.  Much love to all x







  • Great to see your post and hope the chocolate raisins are the first item on the shopping list. Despite it all there you are thinking of others and 'coping' with a sense of humour thrown in. There are not enough adjectives to let you know how inspirational you remain (are you blushing?) and know you have the wonderful support of family as you dip in and out of normality.  Now for some toilet humour (sorry) - its about time loo roll was on prescription.  Its no laughing matter but know that 'humour' has to be there as a coping mechanism.

    As a family we have been so very lucky to have support in all areas and having lost my 'wife' status my children are getting used to me worrying about them, worrying about me! vicious circle comes to mind. Am so very impressed with grandson's teacher/school and am sure many in his class will have found the 'circle time' chat reassuring though, as they say, Rome was not built in a day. My daughter and grandson are taking part in the Race for Life in June (she has done it several times but this will be his first) and its always emotional event. Am thinking I will be doing a lot of deep breathing exercises as I go along as support (picnic will be full of comfort food I think!!).  Thankfully we have no problem talking through our vulnerabilities/grief/feelings(well talking in general really) but then none of my forum buddies will be surprised to hear it.

    Finally, I can hear the sigh of relief, no matter how often (or not) you manage to post, please know that I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts along with so many others going through their own journey. Despite the loss of personal messaging I still feel I have a very large virtual family whose mutual help is much appreciated.  Sending big hugs.Jules xx


    Ah, thank you Jules - I dont look too inspirational when sitting on the loo with my book haha!  And toilet paper by prescription, now there is something to mention to my lovely GP!  I would love to sponsor your grandson for the RFL - do you know how to send a link (I havent a clue!). Regarding PMing - I have left you a message on that thread if you would like to take a peak x

  • Good morning Jules,

    I dont think I have ever been to Tewkesbury. I am sure you will enjoy your day out there with your friend. I also hope you enjoy your usual Friday night out. We all need a change of ruotine every now and then.

    I have searched the internet and have managed to fing photos of beavers, otters and badgers and even Foxs. I have orderded up a small pen sized blow torch which uses lighter fuel. Once I have turned the badger in some white coloured wood, I will heavily wire brush it to give it the textured look and will then use the blow lamp to lightly singe the black areas before spraying it with an acrylic laquer to seal it. I find it pays to spend time working out  how to do things before hand.

    If Max reads this, I am sitting in my chair eating my chocolate raisins. With regard to talking about eating Max, Its Kathys fault for she keeps on about her cooking and always make my mouth water. So I try to get my owm back every now and then. You can see what poor Mrs B has to put up with; I can be a right wind up merchant at times, just like my dad. I have inherited a lot of his good points but also a lot of his bad points as well, ha ha.

    Sorry to read you are working on Bank Holiday Monday Jules. I know when I worked at Jewsons I always ended up working extra hours at holiday times. Have now started to pack things up ready for our show. I hope we get some more new members as we could do with boosting our membership up. One of the good things about our craft shows is seeing the young children looking at the work on display. I have been asked some very inteliugent questions by quite young children. With so many good and toys being made of plastic and wood fibres, it is great for them to see what a versatile product wood is. In the early days of our wood club, I was asked to give a talk about how a tree grows and the uses that wood and it by products are used for. The list was quite extensive and surprised many of our members. For instance 80% of rayon used to come from wood fibres. With all the medicines that we get from trees and shrubs, we would all be the poorer if we lose our tree cover.

    Sorry, when I get talking about timber I do ramble on (and on and on)

    I wish you and Max a peacful weekend, sending big hugs your way, Brian





  • Cmon guys play fair,
    Brian and I are not obsessed with eating (not all the time). I do prattle on about the garden occasionally and he does things with trees.... eh ....wood
    K x