Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi Jules,
Gradually getting back to "Normal", not that I have ever been considered normal??? Both me and Mrs B like watching counrty file and I especially liked last nights one as it was mosly about trees. I found it very intersting but draw the line at tree hugging. We are also like you in the respect we wont use self service tills as to my way of thinking, it's doing someone out of a job. Our local B & Q which opened a year ago used to have all self service tills so I wont use them and havent been inside the store. My son tells me they have had so many objections, they have now installed one desk where there is a person who checks out your goods.
Hope I can soon get out in my garage and do some more turning as my first craft fair is the May Bank Holiday and is coming up fast. Its a two day show and I am looking forward to it. Hope the weather will be kind to you on your next break. We stayed at a caravan site this side of Weymouth a few years ago and went to Lulworth Cove and walked up the hill to Durdle Dor. I was quite put out though because we were struggling to walk up this steep hill and two quite elderly ladies came striding past us like an express train. I had considered I was reasonably fit until that moment. They dissapeared from sight never once stopping to take breath. Made me feel very out of sorts.
Well I had better go as I have a few things to do for the wood club. Take care besy wishes as usual, Brian
Hii Kathy
I hope Jules doesnt mind me replying to you on her thread. I just wanted to say something regarding the memorial service you have been invited to. A local hospice who had done so much for my mother invited me to one of these services after she had passed away a few years ago. I must admit I umed and ared Because I didnt think it was my type of thing and it wasnt until the last moment I decided to go. In the end I was glad I did. It wasnt too churchified but just a simple service where there were about 20 families gathered to remember their loved ones.As you can imagine, it was very emotional at times which was why I took a seat right at the back of the room.
A few weeks afterwards, I visited the hospice and donated some wooden keyrings and other things I had turned as they were so good to my mother and she recieved better care there than at the hospital to be honest.
I am still feeling hurngrey after seeing your cheesy scones. You have more than got your own back on me for posting a picture of Mrs B's cheese Biscuits. They do say those who last last have the best laughh.
Take care, sending best wishes and kind thoughts your way, a cheeless Brian.
Good morning Brian,
What a coincidence, as you posted I also had 'mail' from my son's other half to say that as the weather was looking great for tomorrow (day we begin our hols) we are going straight to Lulworth Cove and up to Durdle Dor! (they already know the area well) to make the most of the spectacular views. They sound so excited and it will be a pleasure to be joining them both plus their westie for a few days(and no doubt hard to know that I will have a longer spell back at work afterwards before I have more annual holiday to take ha ha). Will make the most of this precious family time as I did when I was lucky enough to be away with my daughter and family.
Managed to mow the back lawn after work yesterday and after visiting Mum this morning, will be back to 'finish the edges' and have general tidy (so I do not come back to it, bearing in mind rain is promised for the weekend!).
Pleased that you are both feeling 'more normal'; it was certainly a nasty bug and hopefully you have seen the last of it now. There was a local wood club represented at the artisan market I visited on Sunday and its good to see people really interested in local craftsmanship. I had a chat with my 'cheese man' but did not treat myself this time (though there were tasters as usual) as 'running the fridge down' and cheese is one of the things that should be limited in my diet (grrr). Not sure I will be able to resist a cream tea but then I am on holiday ha ha. Have my pedometer at the ready and will be fascinating to see how far we walk during our stay. (at work I usually clock up about a mile and a half during my shift).
I hope you can enjoy some garage time and know you will help the Club put on a good show come May. I am working the Bank Holiday (am happy to do so as my colleagues had been covering most of them during hubby's illness and have no plans this year for that weekend (though all being well have a day out with my friend the following Saturday provided coach not full when we try and book). I am finding its helpful to have mini plans to look forward to.
Well washing machine just finished so off to put it in the garden. Have a peaceful day. Kind regards to you, Mrs B and your family. Jules x
Hi Brian and Jules,
Wish I had taken a pic of the bread and butter pud too!!!
Unfortunately can't discuss the memorial svc yet with nearest and dearest. Seeing outlaws on Thurs so will discuss it then. Seeing kids at the weekend so will chat to them also.
Even though hubby didn't spend any time in the hospice the staff made home visits, community nurse, docs and social worker, physio and volunteer workers for a diversion. I cannot speak too highly of them, they enrichened our last few months with their support. Even the palliative ambulance teams who came out in the last few days allowed pets to stay inside with hubby (normally they ask all pets to be put outside)
Apologies I am dribbling now. - get me a bib!!
Onto a brighter note, days dry though chilly, no gardening done for last few days, still working through admin etc. Tomorrow sees man coming into repair water damage in front room, raked ceiling and leaking skylight. So unless I get dog out by 7.30am he won't get out till late avo. God love him he doesn't ask much.
Will need to get one more quote for repairs, sometimes I feel so lost without hubby to share the decisions, I used to be so in control and so confident. Now I am just so wary of being taken advantage of re home maintenance. Neighbour cross road (brother is a builder) has provided me with a quote but can't see why all he has quoted needs done. Has quoted $2700 another builder quoted $1100???? Big diff.
Anyway Brian good to see you and Mrs B are a bit better and you Jules almost off on another break away. Great to see the weather may be good for you. Remember watching Wimbledon at home in the nice summer weather. Here I need to stay up late to watch the matches but still enjoy the fortnight tremendously.
Young shortass grandson has requested we make apple crumble so if we do will send you a pic Brian. Has been a while since I have done so much cooking but a good distraction.
Ok dear friends will sign off, enough of my bellyaching
Take care
Hi Jules,
hope your visit to your mother went okay. Bet you are looking forward to tommorow and you visit to Lulwoth cove and Durdle Dor, Photo attached which was taken with my old camers which needed film and was taken a good few years ago. On the astern side of Lulworth Cove, on top of the cliffs near the army firing rande, there used ti be some fossilised tree stumps. I have some photos of them too but they were over exposed and you cant see the detail as they are too light.
when I went shopping this morning, they had cheese biscuits at half price. Well, I couldnt turn that down could I Kathy???????? so I now have a large stock of cheesey bicuits which will last me for a couple of weeks; well two days at least.
Take care ladies and hope you both have a great few days, sending hugs and best wishes to you both, Brian
G day Brian and the lovely Jules. Not that you are not lovely Brian but you know what I mean,
Half priced cheese biscuits, well the scot in me congratulates you with a wee bit of envy chucked in there too.
DIL and our son, the light of my life, have asked if they can stay for tea on Sunday when they pick the little angels up. Woo Hoo. May do a roast with Yorkshire pudding oh my giddy aunt must be at least 12 months since I have cooked a roast with the works. Son will have to stir gravy and slice the meat. Now will have to think of a wondrous dessert....
Mmmmm also need to think of any heavy man jobs I need done, will put the thinking cap on.
Brian you are a naughty boy, all I can think of is cheesy biscuits, butter and a red/orange cheese, almost drooling at the thought, thankfully we don't have skype, haha. Boy could we taunt each other, I love it.
Went to a JobSearch place yesterday, young man who I have met once before looking at possible jobs for me said he would look at roles for me, my response was "are they bread ones, " his reply, "no ,no vacancies for comedians"' he took it well. I just can't stop myself sometimes. If you think of a cross between Mrs Doubtfire and Billy Connolly, that's me.
Wednesday you are off Jules, hope you have a ball honey. Enjoy the different fresh air with your loved ones around you. The library books I got out last week are still unopened, still so much to do around the place I wonder if I will ever get into my books again
Think hubbys estate is now wound up, rang lawyer and he doesn't need to see me again, he will work out the account (will be interesting to see what he charges) and post original certificates back to me. Got the kids to sign my poa so just need to get my lawyer to pick them up and file away, my lawyer does home visits which makes things easier.
My goodness it's after 3 am so better hit the hay,
Best wishes to you both
Much love
Kathy xx
Quck hello to Brian and and Kathy (plus any 'looker in').
I am just awaiting my son and then will be off - really looking forward to it (even though playing gooseberry am sure they will not make me feel that way ha ha). Biggest dilemna is what jacket/coat to take so no dramas.Thanks for the photo Brian, I was in the area as a very young child (apparently getting an egg on my head when walked into a door in swanage aged about 3!!) - Mum having reminded me. She is just recovering from 'that bug' Brian but had a few more words for me yesterday (not necessarily ones I needed to hear just now but do understand her feelings (though cannot agree with her views on end of life!)). Will see her again on 1st May when we attend leaving do for the Care Home Manager - she will be much missed though plans to help hubby in the garden on a volunteer basis so she can stay in touch (but without the stress of running the home).
Kathy, you really are doing so well getting things done (with handyman/son's help) around the house. Apart from general tidying and having security lock on door fitted plus the new wall, I have decided to leave further decisions about possible changes for at least a year as do not want to rush into anything I will later regret. Kids are happy enough for me to give the place an 'update' and I will have their help in choosing workforce in due time.. Strangley I still find it difficult to concentrate on books indoors but when sitting outside its okay (maybe because a lot of my reading has always been in the open air!!). Have one to finish and an autobiography of Miranda Hart in my luggage so we will see if they get opened whilst away (more than likely in the early morning when the youngsters are still sleeping (there is a lovely conservatory at the property we are renting overlooking the enclosed garden (great for the pooch too).
I wish you both a peaceful week ahead and hope to chat again on my return. Jules xx
Morning all
Just touching base, having got back yesterday following a break with my son to a small village in Dorset (bliss). Have two more days before returning to work and hope to be able to do a bit of gardening/shopping (weather still being kind to me).
Brian I did manage the walk from Lulworth Cove to Durdle Dor (amongst others during our break) and am going to try to post a pic - OOPS!! You may get a crick in your neck (should have rotated it before I posted - sorry). It was around 4pm when we got to this point but the walk was more than worth the spectacular views (my pic does not do it justice of course).
We had a lovely few days and am now re-adjusting to the 'home alone feeling' once more. I am so lucky to have old memories to keep me company as I make new memories too.
Well off to deal with utility bills (my welcome back grrrr). Hope all my forum buddies are doing ok. Sending virtual hugs and peaceful thoughts. Jules x
Good morning Jules.
So pleased you had a good time and made more happy memories. Thanks for the photo. I always feel the worst part of the holiday is when we get home and have to try and resume Normal activities. It aways took me a few day to get back into routine. Your presence was missed by the way.
I have now managed to resume my woodtirning Saturday I turned another 8 Hedghogs and then yesterday I tried something new; mice. I have spent ages trying to work our how to do their ears and then Friday night, I got hit with inspiration. So yesterday I used this new idea of using thin leather offcuts to make the ears and the attached photo is the result. The mice are slightly textured but nothing like as heavy as the hedghogs. I always enjoy trying to work out how to do things as much as I do in making them as I like a challenge.
I hope your bills wernt too big; just what you dont want after coming back off of holiday. I love that part of the country and the west country. So much to see and do. I had a nice surprise on Saturday, I ran out of my spray laquer which I use for the hedghogs/mice and had to go shopping to get new stock. I had to go past the nut shop and well I couldnt go past it could I. I bought 1 pack of chocolat raison and 1 of chocolate peanuts and Th ladt said, dont you want the third pack as its buy two get one free. I havent moved so fast since payday And was back with the third pack before she had finnished speaking.
Take care Jules and hope you enjoy time in the garden. I am just off to the garage to turn some salt and pepper pots. Will talk again soon, best wishes, Brian.
Hi Brian
Am imagining you have been enjoying your nutty bargain. I love chocolate raisins but having eaten rather too well whilst away need to get back to being 'boringly' good. Have done a healthy shop today and managed to catch up with all the washing (thankfully another lovely day so all dried outside). Also mowed the llawn and planned my last day off tomorrow. I have reward vouchers for our local garden centre so am planning to pop in and have a look around. It is also 10% off day for over sixties. Still need to be kept busy it seems.
It will then be getting back into work routine. It certainly seems quiet after having company for the last few days but am still taking things a day at a time as it seems the right way to cope for me. Have today arranged for hubby's entry into the Book of Remembrance and have made a donation in his memory to the Garden Memorial Scheme which supplies bulbs and plants for the grounds. It is such a peaceful place to visit and the gardens are beautiful.
Glad you have been able to get back to woodturning. I went to several craft fairs (small village affairs) during the holiday and came home with a woodcarving which includes two mice!! as something to remember the holiday by Sounds as though you will be well stocked for your forthcoming Wood Club Fair. Hope it goes well. I am working May bank holidays this year. My next break will be the first week of Wimbledon although I am hoping to have the odd day out before then. Hubby's sister is due to visit mid-May and hope she will be able to visit his final resting place and gain some comfort from being able to do so. We will hear all about the house renovations on the Isle of Man too.
Hope you and Mrs B are now fully recoveered from the bug. How are things going with your Dad and brother in law - stable I hope?
Take care. Jules x