Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi Brian,
New light up and working so at least now I can see the keyhole in the dark haha. Preparation work for new lighting in bathroom now ready and waiting (though the current holes in ceiling make it a bit chillier!!). Hopefully works start in just over a week and will certainly been glad when it is all done and I will be dust
free again.
Sounds as though you all had a lovely drive out and having positive feedback regarding your presentation talk an added bonus too.
I have just returned from my Sunday gym and walk afterwards. Just a glorious day to be out and about. My garden is 'waking up' so took a couple of pictures before the weather is supposed to take a chilly turn!
Hope you having a peaceful and pleasant day. Jules
Hi Diane,
I have my fingers crossed that the slate grey I have chosen for my bathroom flooring will be complimented by the very pale grey 'grained' tiles for the walls. Once that is done I will think about a 'colour' for some new accessories. Electrics are done in preparation of new lighting but it is currently a bit chilly in there with holes in the ceiling ha ha.
Managed a good walk this morning after my gym circuit and was even okay to sit in the sun for a little while, watching the world go by (mainly wildlife or people walking their dogs).
How lovely to be involved with buying bits and bobs for your grand-daughter's new flat. I bet you both really enjoyed the shopping trip and then having a new haircut. Like you now that I have a very short haircut it begins to annoy me when a cut is due though do try and manage a cut every 8 weeks or so. Am away in April so am trying to tie in my next trim with this. Seems to act as a pick me up too!!
The chicken and rice soup sounds lovely (I make soup yesterday as love this for a lunch time instead of sandwiches (sweet potato/onion/carrot) and I hope your daughter enjoyed some if you got there. Wishing her a speedy recovery. So many bugs about at this time of year.
Stay cosy and take care. Jules
Hi Jules,
Pleased your new light is enabling you to let your light shine forth ha ha.
Had to take Mrs B for an MRI on her ears today. The hospital is about 30 minutes drive away but today took us about 80 minutes. She did wonder about cancelling but I promised to get her there safely. Our roads where we live were clear but when we got onto the country roads we have to use to get there, yhey were covered with overnight snow and it was not a drive I would want to do again for a long time for we had several steep hills to climb. We had to be there for 8.05 am so we were up early so we could make an early start. The outside temparature showing on my cars dashboard showed minus 8.5 c. We arrived with about 5minutes to spare and the scan went okay but Mrs B got very cold as the scanner was in an outside building without much heating so was glad to get back in the car to get warm again. The reason for the scan is she has been deaf in one ear for a long time and it affects her ballance. Handy for me for if I say things on her deaf side she cant hear me ha ha. Trouble is sometimes she does hear me and I have often been in trouble as a result ha ha.
Wonder how much snow we are due to get tonight? Looks pretty but I am not a lover of snow or cold weather. Hope you were able to get to work okay today without to much problems. Take care and hope you dont get any more snow.
Sending best wishes to you and your family, Brian
Evening Brian, hope Mrs B's scan result is okay and there is nothing drastic causing her deafness. Also hope you have both warmed up after your arduous journey this morning - don't think I would have fancied that!
Very snowy and cold here in east London, as most of the country.
Take care and keep safe.
Hazel xx
Lovely photos as usual, Jules, thanks. Good job you took them when you did, bet the garden looks a bit different at the moment!
Stay safe on your journeys to an from work - I'm so thankful I don't have to travel to work at the crack of dawn any more, especially when the weather is like this. I remember it well!
Take care, Hazel xx
Hi Brian,
Hope you are safe and warm. No more snow here overnight but everything frozen solid so have decided to have a 'stay at home day'. Bathroom now has no running water so well and truly 'living in the dark ages' with a bucket ha ha. However my next door neighbour called at 8.30 am to see how I was and also apologise as the terrific wind last night had torn down two more fence panels. Her husband cannot repair at present as he is waiting for op on a double hernia. Told her not to worry as not causing any problems at all and when she heard about the bathroom situation offered and 'open door' to their facilities any time over the coming days. She is at home as her college has a snow day so she is working from home. Very sweet of them.
Fingers crossed that Mrs B's scan throws some light on the reasons behind the ear problem and hopefully can be treated. I bet you were very pleased and relieved to be back indoors.
So far so good with transport links round here. Tubes have been running fine so did not have to revert to a bus. Not working now till next Wedenesday so should all be gone by then. Just waiting to hear if the plumber is still able to start work on my bathroom as planned next week............would not be surprised if it gets delayed.
My daughter in law due to have 20wk scan today but not sure if they can get there as no idea how much snow they had. My daughter finally had snow yesterday and it came with avengence sono school for eldest grandson today though Zack's pre-school is open and he is delighted as all dressed up as a crocodile as part of World Book Day (yesterday) celebrations. Our World Book Day plans at the shop had to be cancelled as the schoolchildren could not get in. Such a shame. Think they are considering doing something smaller this weekend for visiting customers. I will no doubt find out next week.
Our delivery driver finally made it to store by late afternoon (accidents on the roads caused usual delayd). He would have had a worst journey back no doubt. Town Centre was pretty quiet yesterday but pavements were gritted and getting about ok. Just a shame we had electrical problems in store so no heating, lift and escalator. My colleague spent 25mins in the lift until engineer got there to 'free her'. Left her a bit shaken and cold I can tell you.
Well the bird need fresh water and feeders filled so will put on yet another layer and venture into the garden as more forecast for snow this afternoon.
Stay safe and sending warm hugs to all. Jules
Hi Hazel,
Hope you safe and warm. No problems getting to work as tubes were running yesterday. Mind you it's been a long time since I wore so many layers!! Have got up this morning to a 'freeze' and no running water in the bathroom; what fun!! Lovely neighbour been in to check up on me and has offered use of their facilities as and when required bless her.
Here is my garden at present but apparently we may have more snow due this afternoon. All my daffs are ruined/buried in their tubs in the front garden but they were lovely beforehand!!
One of my little feathered friends!
Take care of yourself. Jules x
Hi Jules, lovely photos as usual. Glad you now have use of your bathroom again, not really the right weather for house alterations is it?! (Added to which a cold shop to work in as well, poor you!)
As with you, the thaw is setting in here, so maybe back to normal next week.
Stay safe, Hazel xx
Hi Hazel
Bathroom only 'frozen' for a day or so. Renovations start this coming Wednesday (whilst I am at work) and plumber rang today with timetable of events. Should be pretty manageable.Have waited a year for my plumber to be free so happy to be getting it done and have weekends away next month to look forward to. At least the temperature is now a balmy 9 degs ha ha.
Thanks for your kind comments re photos; glad you enjoyed them. Think I need to find some new subject matter when the weather improves!!
Stay safe and warm. Jules x