Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi Brian
So chestnut season is back in your life and bet you could not be happier and are busy squirrelling them away.
How lovely that the club has financed your new Office program for the computer and am sure you will find it very useful once you learn your way around it. I am dreading having to replace my laptop when it finally throws in the towel ha ha as know it will mean getting used to updated software (I am still running Windows 2007 which suits me just fine! and have heard many nightmare stories about 2010!!). Good news for your club members who will continue to enjoy your newsletters and the amazing and interesting facts that you have researched and passed on.
I only had the flu jab when caring for hubby on the insistance of his GP. Thankfully my last bout was 35 years ago!! (awful as my daughter was only 3 months old though thankfully she never caught it). I should not be surprised to get called into the surgery at some point as have not had to attend for over a year and they will probably want to test my colesterol if nothing else. Keeping my distance whilst I can as my weight has crept up again and I am trying to find the willpower to get back on track ha ha. I have an assessment at the gym at the end of the week so hopefully a new exercise programme to look forward to which always refocuses me. As I have thigh muscle strain at present we will also work round that.
I have managed to begin my Christmas shopping today as was in town collecting an order on behalf of my daughter and found a few bargains to be had already. With just a small number to buy for it is easier getting it done before the shops get too busy.
Glad you were able to catch up with your Canadian relatives. With the time difference it is not always that easy so bet you had a lovely chat. Our loved ones are missed all year but anniversaries and the approaching festive season highlights the 'missing links'.
My Mum had a 'funny turn' on Friday so the staff called doc out but all her obs were okay so the 'keeping an eye on her' continues as usual plus they are involving the community nurses now too. Will be popping in to see her tomorrow unless I hear otherwise. Just feel very sorry for her situation really but she no longer voices an opinion or talks in general anymore.
Right I had best get back out into the garden as have mowed the lawn and now need to trim up the edges. You never know when it may be the last opportunity but it is still growing quite well with the rain and sunshine mix we have had the last couple of weeks.
Regards to you and Mrs B and hope your son and family are well also. Jules
Hi George,
Hope you are well. Yes, I saw the later part of that program. When I used to work in the timber industry, I found Russian softwood was generally very good timber as due to the cold climate , its slown grown with narrow growth rings and usually very stable. Hopefully, the area should regrow given time
Kind regards, Brian.
Jules, sorry to hear about your mum, hope it was just a 'blip' - it is SO worrying isn't it? Glad the home is being vigilant though, but I bet you are always on edge when the phone rings, I know I was with Roy.
How did you strain that thigh muscle - all that extra weight I suppose, haha. ;-)
I have nearly reached my final 'platinum' marker for 4 weeks with the rapid walking app, last one tomorrow, but I'll carry on doing it for 10 or 20 minutes daily (instead of 30) after that, more manageable. It will be quite nice to be able to 'just stand and stare' in the park, too!
Take care, Hazel xx
Thanks Hazel
You are so right, when the home phone goes I jump! Visited Mum today even though she is now asleep more than she is awake and no longer talks to anyone. Doctor in again for routine visiting today.There is little they can do now other than keep her pain free and comfortable. She will have been there six years in November and I have a good rapport with the staff who are so supportive.
As to the muscle problems am putting it down to age and over-working it ha ha. Of course those extra pounds could do with coming off too so am booked in for assessment time at the gym this Friday and hope this will help re-focus me!! Well done for all your efforts and am sure you will enjoy admiring your surroundings when its time to take a break.
Lovely weather for walking here the last few days but have managed to catch up in the garden instead. I also went to the cinema today which was a really lovely change and a delightful film 'Hampstead' was on for Silver Screeners (over 55's get in for £3 which includes cuppa/biscuit). It was filmed around the area that I grew up in (Hampstead Heath became my back garden as we never had access to one!!).
Hope you are keeping well. Jules xx
Hi George
Sorry that the Crohns is playing up. It is not an easy illness to control over the years. I have in law's who deal with this so know that family support ìs invaluable. Sending virtual hugs to you and Anne and hope little rascal Ria is happily by your side.. jules
Hi Jules,
Took Mrs B out for a ride the other day and guess what trees we came across, Chectnut trees of course and I just had to stop and pick some up didnt I. Mrs B said now I know why you were so keen to get me to agrree.
But we went down the country roads and allthough we have always lived in the country, we both saw more pheasants than we have ever seen before. One field we passed there must have been close to a hundred right near the road. Yesterday I had to take her for a check up at the local hospital and there in the car park was a chestnut tree so picked up a few more.
Have also contacted several local village magazines to ask if they would be intersted in some editorial on our wood club. So far six have expessed an interst. I have told them I will send it with photos early next year as we close Jan & Feb so dont want to do it when we are closed. I have also been working on next months newsletter and have recieved several nice comments from member about the last one. I do appreciate their kind comments as it make it all worthwhile. Also have got our Decmber show listed in their Whats On sections for free.
Hope work has not been too busy this week. I was looking at the calendar and was shocked how few weeks we have left before Christmas.
Arnt the nights drawing in quickly and the mornings are darker later. Just reminds me Autum is here and winter is not far away (Just to cheer you up ha ha)
Well had better press on; so much to do and so little time to do it as they say,
Sending kind thoughts to you and your family, Brian