My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Oops, obviously did not proof read my earlier post. Word was Christmas ha ha. Now I am wondering whether if I ditch the padded bra for Monday weigh in, this would aid weight loss. Really heavy dose of willpower is required even though have healthy food choices in fridge. Not been helped by son and son in law both mentioning treating themselves to chinese and pizza respectively as their other halves away at hen weekend.grrr.

    Will hope for early good results and sending jugs......noooo sorry hugs.xx Jules

  • Thanks Diane. Gym is my regular social life and has helped get blood pressurre back to normal. Having weight issues until I lost 3 stone about 6yrs ago I try and keep on track now as got rid of old big clothes ha ha. with son's wedding next month want to be presentable :-)

    Hope u keeping well. Take care.xx Jules

  • Hi Jules, well hope you reach your goal weight for your sons wedding and you definitely have willpower. Got a letter through the door a few days ago from the hospital to get a ultrasound scan on Monday. Basically they will use sound waves I think to detect shadows on the liver or anywhere it's being used for. First time I've had it done usually I go for the full body scan. Will get bloods done while I'm there think its routine (The joys of getting old) 

    woke up early today and quite energetic so I went for a  2 mile walk and picked up some shopping on the way back and walked back with it. Felt still so get my legs moving. Take care -Diane x

  • Hi Diane

    Just wanted to wish you all the best with your scan today and hope the results are problem free. It seems that Scotland has a good routine check up service or are these linked to your previous treatment.  In any event must put your mind at rest once the results are in (even though the waiting is often anxious).

    Plenty of exercise yesterday so have my fingers crossed for gym assessment today (am trying to be good now that all the Christmas goodies are long gone).  Willpower varies on a day to day basis ha ha.

    My son and family bought me a lovely multi-framed picture frame for Christmas and I am having a great time trying to decide what to put in it - a mix of old and new photos seems to be the way to go so hoping for some good wedding shots next month which will probably finish it off.  My two grandsons have just had new nursery/school photos (which were also presents) so now have these framed and on show.  Good job I have plenty of shelves for display!

    Stay well and take care.  Jules xx


  • Morning Diane, hope I'm in time to wish you luck with your U/S today, if not hope it went OK.  Then you will join me in waiting for results :-(

    Take care, Hazel xxx


  • Hi Jules and Hazel, had the ultrasound scan earlier about Lunch time went fine. They were able to tell me after I had it that everything was fine. Was surprised they told me because usually even if they have the results they make you wait. They explained they could see my organs straight away so they would of told me if there was any abnormalities. Just glad it's done and everything is still fine. Don't think I could go through it again that's the honest truth. 

    Hazel hope your scans come back just as good and that's a heavy weight of your chest and a good way to start off the New Year ! 

    Jules I'm sure your gym assessment went well you seem very energetic to lose your weight so I'm sure there is no problem. I got one of those multi framed pictures last year and I had a great time putting my most loved pictures in it.

    Take care -Diane xx  

  • Brilliant news for you Diane and so nice to have the results there and then.

    Thanks for your optimism about my weight (willpower varies I can tell you).  Any way assessment means I now have another 10 week programme to follow which will make it more interesting again.  So many different exercises to choose from and it is nice to change them.  I had managed to lose 1kg since Christmas so it was a start; now need to keep it up and have home exercises to do too.  I have asked to be weighed once a fortnight (they do not have a problem with my weight so it is up to me to set goals!) in the hope it will keep me on the straight and narrow.

    I have decided that the new multi picture frame will have a couple of old photographs and then use it for the new ones that come along as the grand children grow as this will save on shelf space.  I suspect the first new ones will be from the wedding all being well.

    Visited my Mum today and she has had a poorly spell the last few days so is staying in her own room.  Mind you she is still managing to eat and drink at the moment so that is a plus.  GP will keep an eye when she does her surgery at the care home but unfortunately there is little they can do now to change things other than try and keep her comfortable when the bowel flares up.  Just wish she did not have to go through this bless her.

    Take care and stay warm.  Jules xx

  • Good morning Jules,

    My son's trip to the hospital was not as good as he had hoped for the wound is not healing as fast as was hoped. He has had to have his ankle put in a plaster cast again as they are trying to lift the front of his foot up to try and close the wound. But his new firm have told him his job is safe which is good news.

    Sorry to hear your mother is not so good but at least she is in a place where she get looked after well which must give you some degree of omfort. I know how hard it is though to see your mother suffering though, having been through it myself. We also have also just like you got around to putting photos in a multi picture frame that our son gave us some time ago.

    Have got the woodclubs March newsletter allready done and part of the April one as well. Thanks to your suggestion of a few weeks ago, am making the February one a Show Special with all the results of our competition and will include several photos taken of the show, Thanks Jules for the idea which all our committee like and I feel sure will be appreciated by our members as not everyone was able to get there on the day. So have been keeping very busy. I have also got a couple of ideas from Bradley Walsh's show. One of the question was, Where do sausage trees grow. now I thought I knew my trees a little but had never heard of this So I have bben on the internet and its true there is a tree by that name. It seed pods can be uo to two feet loong by about ten inches round and the flesh from the pods is used as a treatment for skin cancer. Picture of tree attached.

    Take care and am sending hugs and best wishe to you and your family, Brian.



  • HiBrian

    Feel so sorry for your son.  Am sure he must be very frustrated at the healing being so slow but it is good news that his current employer is keeping his job safe for him. Would not need to have that worry as well.

    Glad the newsletters are going down well and am sure with your way with words and pictures my suggestion was in great hands. Well done. Lots of work involved but am sure it gives you and all the club members much pleasure to produce and read.

    Do feel incredibly sad that my mum has this added diagnosis to her list of ailments but in all truth her depressive illness probably outweighs her physical state just now and, of course, no one can tell how long her suffering is likely to be as regards the latest news. So far she has not asked any direct questions but she is by no mean naive and I do wonder how much she suspects is wrong.  You are right though that she is in caring hands and that brings me some comfort at least.

    Hope you and Mrs B are having a peaceful day. Take care of each other. Jules