My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Brian,

    Thanks for your continuing support.  It really does help to be able to offload. Spent much of the weekend debating  with myself and daughter and son in law.  Put our heads together and got a plan in place. Have taken advice and spent much of this morning on phone calls.  Feel drained but plans are in place and wheels  are turning. Thank goodness mum is not aware of it all and I now have some breathing space. Needless to say I  have tried to take off the emotional hat and be logical. Half way there now which feels calmer but am sure more chats to come though at least now I  have a human to talk with rather than a computer. Ironing out the creases will be another days work I suspect  but they cannot take what she does not have!  Put some welly into my workout today and hope to get better sleep tonight. 

    Hope you are enjoying a pleasant evening with MRS B. Jules 


  • Thanks Sue, think I have aged a few years in the last few days  but slowly sorting things out. Just as well not at work till Wednesday as need time to put plans into action. Very tired but kids been very helpful and we will get through it eventually. Sadly more financial assessments to wade through but as I have said to Brian they cannot take what mum has not got. Feel like I am back in secretarial mode as have files all over the place ha ha. Will hope for some decent sleep tonight and be in touch soon.

    Hope this week at work is an improvement on last week for you.  What a pain it all is! Take care. Jules 

  • Hi Jules,

    Last night was our wood club meeting so was busy getting ready for that. We had two new members join up last night so have just sent out welcome packs,newsletters and info about the club. Thats three joined in the last two months so hope we can continue to recruit new members. Have also spent the morning working on our Decembers newsletter. I have included more jokes than normal and they are Christmassy one too. It will be a bumper issue. The talk we had last night was about life on canals and the speaker was very good indeed. He told us how one year he was on a boat and found another one completely blocking the canal. He woke the chap up and he said, we wernt here last night when we went to bed. Turns out they had parked up near a pub and someone must have untied the mooring ropes. They were at least a 1/4 of a mile downstream from where they had parked up.the night before. 

    Our club used to close July and August but this year we are closing January and Febuary instead as our members dont like turning out in the cold so we will see how this works for our members.,

    After a dull and damp start, The sun has just come out as I write this. I hope you are able to resolve the situation soon regarding your mum as you dont want that hanging about over Christmas.

    Take care Jules and I hope you have a good weekend. Sending kind thoughts and best wishes to you and your family, Brian

  • Jules, I am so sorry, I have just read about your ongoing problems with the home finances - I don't know how I missed it, so sorry.  I hope things will soon get sorted.   You may not have your lovely hubby to lean on, but you DO have your family, so please allow them to be 'leaned on' occasionally - you cannot always be the strongest one and I'm absolutely certain they know that.  

    Sending a big hug, my love, take care.

    Hazel xx

  • Hi Brian

    Must be lovely having new members coming into the wood club especially as you can all share knowledge and hints and tips. I am sure members, old and new will appreciate the light hearted Christmas edition of the newsletter.  Will be interesting to see who does and does not like the  Winter closure versus the Summer one but can understand people not wanting to venture out on the dark cold nights. If I am out for any reason in the evening I certainly walk faster to get home.

    Have had a busy couple of days at work but the branch got a good report so worth it. Spent time with friends on Tuesday after visit to see Mum which was lovely.  As to the financial side of things I have never spent so much time in banks as I have this week.  Obviously cannot go into details but suffice to say nearly enough to clear payment to social services. Had a few problems when our Bank's atm did not read a cheque deposit correctly and sent it back!!  Nearly had heart failure but after 20 min chat in branch after work today left it with them to sort as need cleared funds to make payment Monday.  Think my face must have shown how distressed I felt as by the time I got home there was a message on the answerphone to say they had  been in touch with Clearing and account was now in order, phew.  No wonder I have trouble giving up my comfort foods. Hopefully the rest of the issues will not be quite so troublesome. 

    Light relief over the next few days as will be seeing my son and family plus spending time with my soon to be daughter in law and her Mum when we go out on Monday to see about the 'Mums' wedding corsages. Am also babysitting Darcey tomorrow so looking forward to that and a few cuddles.

    Have a lovely weekend with Mrs B. Stay warm.  Jules x

  • Hi Hazel

    Thanks so much and no worries; we all have our own lives to deal with too.  Just nice to be able to offload on those down days.  As you may see from my recent response to Brian above I am 'getting there' though Bank's mess up has not helped.  Still has been resolved so hopefully once the back payments are settled (hopefully in a position to do this by Monday) all will be well and I can feel settled again.  Daughter and son in law have been helping as daughter in joint power of attorney but it would be nice for none of us to have to worry about things.  Never mind onwards and upwards and at least Mum hasn't a clue what is going on.

    Hope now that your three monthly check up is behind you again, you will also feel less anxious and get some better zzzzzzzzzz's.  I am missing my gardening therapy so maybe I will venture out there this weekend (tend to leave it to its own devices at this time of year). Whatever happens I need to top up the feeders as they are hungry little devils at the moment.

    Take care my forum friend.  Jules x

  • Oh, Jules, poor you, thank goodness the bank sorted out the credit and hopefully the cheque will be cleared by Monday.  It never rains but it pours sometimes, and all this is something you could well do without while you are so busy at work as well - having to rush about trying to get this money sorted, nightmare! 

    Hope little Darcey gives you some respite tomorrow, lots of lovely cuddles and chuckles, eh? 

    Take care, love Hazel xx



  • Hi Jules,

    So pleased to hear things are getting sorted and I bet you will heave a sigh of relief when its all done and dusted. Another hurdle you will have crossed over. Hope you are enjoying fun with your grandaughter today.

    I had to take my grandson to one of his usual hospital visits yesterday afternoon and as he left my car he said "Goodby old man, thanks for the ride". He is so cheeky and I have no idea where he gets it from certainly not me ha ha, although Mrs B would most certainly dissagree with this. MRs B said, "dont forget, to him you are an old man". Look at what I have to put up with. The thing is and I am being honest now, I dont feel an old man. Execept when I have to go up a lot of stairs. I do find I tire easier these days but I recover pretty quick. It all down to those nuts I eat according to Mrs B.

    I wish you a very pleasant weekend and hope your b/p and stress leves drop, Brian.



  • Hi Hazel

    With great relief the bank got it sorted and hope that things will be more settled this coming week/  If affected me more than I thought it would that's for sure. Still with help and support of family and my forum  buddies made it through. 

    Spent a lovely few hours with my grand daughter and her smiles and chuckles were indeed uplifting. Saw her again today as the family came for lunch.  Also a nice social time at the gym first thing this morning.  When the family left around 4ish I went for a quick walk to get some fresh air and needed to post a birthday card (it will catch first post tomorrow now). Will settle down to dinner and a bit of tv this evening.

    Tomorrow I am going with my soon to be daughter in law and her Mum to decide on flowers for our wedding corsages so more quality time with them and Darcey; I am very lucky.

    Hope you are doing okay now that your check up is behind you for another few months. Have a pleasant evening and take care. Jules x

  • Hi Brian,

    Yes, greatly relieved to have seen the back of last week's dark days and hopefully have my mojo back! Have settled with Social Services for the time being and set up new monthly payments so feel back in control. 

    Had lovely cuddles and precious time with Darcey on Friday and then again today when son and future daughter in law popped over for lunch.  It was lovely being able to have some social chit chat over the lunch table and hear how plans for Christmas and then the wedding are coming along.

    Beautiful day today so also managed a quick walk to gym before they arrived and a short walk around the block via the post box after they had left.  Now a quiet evening before going out tomorrow morning to discuss wedding flowers. Never a dull moment!!

    Hope all is well when you visit the vampire's den and that the results are as good as last time. I am sure you will feel a little jittery until you hear.

    Wishing you and Mrs B a pleasant evening, take care. Jules