Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi Brian,
So the gremlins had been playing tricks prior to Halloween but all appears well again now. I was also delighted to see Sonia posting. I know that by virtue of the way this chat room works that we do not always get to know how life treats it's members but it is always a delight to see those we knew back in those earlier days still enjoying their own life.
I hope your son was very happy with his own choice of birthday gift and though no surprise in store bet he still enjoyed opening it with his family watching. His cheeky son nearly did it for him too ha ha. I think there will be many parents that relate to this tale. Own days I keep mine hidden at a height the little ones cannot see. My eldest grandson's birthday is the end of November and his gift is wrapped and ready and secreted away in my special hideaway. It is amazing how time passes us by even though at times it seems like yesterday that we lost our loved ones. My Dad has been gone over 8 years now and I miss his sense of humour and guidance still. As a veteran and disabled during the war he treasured his life and though he died in the month of March I still treat 11 November as a special remembrance day for him as it meant a lot to him. Well battery running down on my tablet so bye for now and sending good wishes back to you and yours as another week looms. Take care. Jules
Hi Jules, just to say good luck with your negotiations re the care home refund! Go get 'em girl!
Take care, enjoy your day, Hazel xx
Thanks Hazel,
Hoping for the best of news at the meeting later. Did not sleep well and glad my daughter coming along too. Just hope the 'other side' turns up as not a good track record so far! I went to the Halloween market yesterday evening and bought a large piece of brownie cake so come what may I will enjoy this after my gym weigh in later. Hopefully it will be in celebration rather than consolation ha ha.
Your garden sounds ready for the winter season. I will continue to mow as and when possible as the grass is still growing grr. Only have lawn in the back though. No big trees so an leaf fall from shrubs gets left to decompose though maybe a few will be used by the hedgehog alongside the hay in the area of its house should it opt to use my garden for hibernation. Definitely chillier this morning and the goldfinches are busy feeding so going out to top up nyger and sunflower seeds. General seed feeders slower to empty.
Hope you have a good day. Jules x
Good luck, and I hope they do turn up - makes me so cross when that happens.
Garden not quite ready yet, like yours the flipping grass will keep springing up as soon as my back is turned! The leaves are from the big lilac at the bottom of the garden, it's a bit TOO big now, so may have to get out there with my saw once all the leaves are off - can't see the branches otherwise. It encroaches a bit on neighbouring territory and I don't like that.
Not long back from my blood test before next week's check-up and what should have been a 45 minute journey there took over 2 hours, traffic was dreadful, think there may have been something going on on the nearby A13. I got frozen waiting for the bus, got there much later than intended so there were loads of people waiting even in the small oncology blood-test unit. I want out especially early (7.15) too! :-(
Moan over, sorry. Treated myself to a hot cappuccino before I came home, so all's well that ends well.
Take care, Hazel xx
Hi Hazel
What a pain that the journey was horendous for your trip to blood testing and don't blame you for enjoying your coffee treat. Hopefully tucked up warm and toasty indoors now.
Well meeting went ahead as planned and hopefully things are sorted now. Mum has a refund albeit not quite as much as top up fees were owing. So thankful that my daughter came along and it was not too nerve racking. The home representatives have at last sorted things and will let social services know how things stand now. So feel like we are moving in right direction again. Mum herself non the wiser as she does not need to be stressed and she was in no mood to chat today though has been high fiving the staff! !!! Fingers crossed after 18 months of unnecessary confusion all will be OK.
Celebrated with a trip to the gym and a cake after my lunch. Back to being good tomorrow and hopefully a decent night's sleep as at work.
Most of my shrubs have been pruned ready for winter and not sure lawn dry enough to mow especially after drizzle this afternoon so will take it as it comes. The wild birds are definitely stocking up as the feeders are being emptied as fast as I can fill them. Have all had a clean and refresh and the goldfinches were down en mass early this morning. Will have to have the camera handy and catch their antics.
Take care and no over doing it with that saw. Jules x
Glad you (sort of) sorted the care home fees problem, hope Social Services can manage to get a full refund for you, but at least you have some back, better than nowt.
Hope you have a nice evening, don't tire yourself out after your busy two days at work.
Do take care, Hazel xx
Hi Hazel
Definitely been a very busy week but thoroughly enjoyed the social events and time flew by at work. Just the start of the 'silly season'. Helping out at my daughter's mum and toddlers groups shopping evening event last night was a real pleasure and nice spending time with her and Zack (until Daddy picked him up on the way home from cubs with the eldest lad). It went well for most stall holders and helped raise some much needed funds for them. Git home before mid night and watched some tv before getting some shut eye. Quieter weekend I think but unwound today with a manicure and gym visit before tackling the housework. Wet and grey here this afternoon so hope it's better for supermarket shop tomorrow.
Hope all good with you. Jules
I need to offload and I am so sorry that it is not connected to difficulties with cancer but to my own weakness and vulnerability.
I am missing my man's shoulder to lean on so much just now and am just so lucky to have the support of my children but feel the need to show my strong side (is there really such a thing at times like this) because they are still grieving too.
Some of my forum buddies are aware of the issues I have with my Mum and her care and hubby was so supportive in all aspects of family life until his illness took him away. Once again we are having to deal with financing issues and I just feel so drained by it all. Dreading the forthcoming battleground on mum's behalf and concerned that I am not coping as strongly with this as I should be able to as a grown woman and , of course, having to keep my feelings from showing when I visit Mum as she is totally unaware of the monetary demands now being made to 'bring her in line' cost wise. Such is life!!
Sorry to be a whinger when I have my own health and should be far more resilient. It has been a much disturbed night and though I am telling myself these problems will be resolved eventually I really needed to clear my head of my thoughts before heading out to deal with the day ahead. Thanks. Jules
Oh Jules,
I am so sorry to read this problem has reared its ugly head once again.
One thing you are definately not is a whinger. You only need to look back at what youve achieved with all the work to the house you organised and youve done all this all on your own. Hubby would be very proud of you, I am convinved even though I never met him. The people from the benifits dept have proved they can be very difficult to deal with in the past so its no wonder your sleep was not good last night.
You mention is there such a thing as a strong side, well I think there is and you have it. I believe you are far stronger than you think and I think this applies to lots of us. There are time in life when we face difficult times and thats when we are at out best for we always seem able to rise to a challenge.
Years ago I read a book that said if man ever found Utopia he would not be happy for long because its when our backs are to a wall, we are at our best.
I wish you luck in dealing with this situation and any time you need to offload, you know your friends are here for you to lean on and listen.
I wish you a pleasant day with your daughter and your cake making friend, Sending kind thoughts and best wishes to you and your family, Brian
Dear Jules, I am so sorry you are having to fight so hard to secure finance for your Mum but, as Brian has already said so well, you do have that strength in you. You may feel vulnerable at the moment which is completely understandable but by no means are you weak and with your familys help you can and will get there, my friend. We are all here for you. Take care Sue xx