Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi Jules, glad your mum was okay today - did you show her the photo of Darcey? Surely nobody could help but be delighted by that!
No rain here, cloudy and sunny in turn, and very warm. Have just finished my back garden - unfortunately the mower decided to burn itself out just as I was finishing so had to resort to the strimmer for the last little bit. Poor old mower, it was smoking like a good'un, I thought it was going to burst into flames so unplugged it pdq! It's certainly been a faithful friend for quite a while, just old age I suppose. I do have another one but it's bigger and heavier - I liked my old faithful as it was light and got in tight places. Oh well, Argos here I come, I guess!
Enjoy the rest of your day, take care.
Hazel xx
Hi all just awoke from a few hour sleep didn't sleep well last night so I'm feeling energetic now after catching up a bit. There's 150 people going to be sqeezed into a hall and apparantly it's going to be loud loud music oh god I'm deaf enough without loud speakers in my ears ha ha. I'd rather just give him his birthday and see him tomorrow but I'm going since everyone else seems to be. Take care everyone -Diane x
Hi Hazel
Yes updated Mum with latest pictures on my phone (not the same as the one posted here but cute none the less) Whilst I go a smile I also got a comment 'she's fat'. So glad no one else there to hear that! At 90 I suspect she feels she can get away with it as most of her conversation is negative hey ho. None the less she wished us all a good holiday and that was a welcome comment. As she usually lacks much conversation I also take out the phone photos as a way to update her and she does like seeing flowers and wildlife.
The bit of drizzle we had earlier seems to have been short and sweet but the air does feel heavy and apparently I could be commuting inthe rain tomorrow so will need to dig out my showerproof jacket for themorning. Have a good evening. Jules x
Hi Diane
Glad you were able to catch a few zzzzzzz's before the party this evening.If you want to deaden the level of the loud music a small piece of cottonwool in each ear should do the trick. If anyone says you appear deaf you can at least blame the music. I am pretty sure your son would be very disappointed if you were a 'no show'.If you are driving yourself you may even manage to just pop in but reckon once you are catching up with family and friends you will enjoy yourself. Take care. Jules x
Hi Jules I actually have wool thanks for the tip I'll do that ! My left ear is perfectly fine but my right one have always had a bit of trouble hearing out it well usually in a lot of company when it's loud normally doesnt bother me. Can't believe at his age he's still wanting big parties etc but eh he's only that age once. Yes driving my self I think even popping in and out would be a disappointment for him so I'll stay and like you said catch up with family. A lot of my older family smoke so I'll just go out side when there having a cigarette and I'll hear them then and get a chat ha ha. . Take care -Diane x
Hi Diane, hope the party went well and that you managed to sneak outside a few times for a chat when the music got a bit much! Sue x
Hello Diane, I expect you are still at the bash at present, so when you read this I hope you had a great time and weren't too deafened!
Sleep well tonight, take care, Hazel xx
Hi Diane,
Hope the 50th went well and that you do not feel too jaded today. I am sure the birthday boy was delighted to have you there to help with his celebrations. Take care. Jules x
Good afternoon Jules,
The sun is out and its quite nice here in Sussex this afternoon. I turned an Ash bowl for Mrs B yesterday to go with another I made her some time ago. She loved one of my new Oak Trinket boxes so much I have given it to her. Tommorow I aim to glue some timber up to make some owl salt & pepper pots. I will also turn a couple more trinket boxes. My homemade sanding gadget make sanding these so much easier and quicker. My August newsletter goes out on Monday.
I hope to have some good news to tell you regarding my son soon. It my youngest grandsons birthday of Tuesday. My Granddaughter has just finished her work weeks working two days a week at a publishing company and she was well paid for this. She really enjoyed this and hope she can get part time work with them in the future as they seem quite impressed with her.
Bet you have had your camera all charged up in readiness. I think the digital camera is one of the best of the recent inventions for it has made photography so much easier and cheaper. If you take a bad shot you can delete it and not waste any money and can also edit it straight away. With programs to compliment it on the computor you can easily enhance your photos. Our neighbour when she was alive always gave me her holiday photos as several of them were taken in darkish conditions. Several time she said I think you will have to delete some of them but I was always able to improve them before making them into a slide show which I burnt onto a dvd for her.
So I wish you and your family a splendid holiday. I knoe it will be another First for you and bet it will feel strange at times but I feel sure you will make many happy memories and you hubby would feel proud of you all.
Take care, best wishes to you and your family, Brian
Have a wonderful time with your lovely family Jules Sue x