My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Jules yes Rosemary's life will definitely be a celebration. She was the nicest soul you could ever come across. Sometimes people find comfort in planning their funeral maybe it makes them relax a bit so their not worrying when they pass away and things haven't been arranged etc. I feel black is such a depressing colour where funerals are concerned. 

    I really hope the weather does hold up for us. Yes we're going to the spa later so that's something to look forward to. Both my sons are always busy with work or at home so don't see them nearly as much as my daughters I must see my daughters 7 times a week but I think most people see there daughters more than their sons. 

    Dont think you saw me commenting 2 days ago. Brian posted a bunch of pics right after I commented so you's didn't see it. I'm going to Millport for the weekend in September just for my birthday were planning cycling round the island 2 times over 2 days that's no problem for me bikes I find the easiest. Take care -Diane x

  • Your birthday cycle sounds like fun and would be a great way to see the scenery and get exercise as well.  The only bike riding I do is on the static one at the gym (have never ridden a bike as refused one as a child and never got round to learning once my parents gave up on me ha ha).

    My Dad planned his funeral and when he died my Mum gave me her instructions (she also has a pre-paid funeral plan so will just need to make a phone call when the time comes).  Think it is a good idea if you have particular wishes (my Mum wants no flowers, no black clothes and a service that is a short as possible and as she is not fond of alcohol has suggested tea and biscuits afterwards).  My hubby on the other hand left no such guidance or last wishes so me and the children discussed it and it hopefully was a celebration of his life - with nearly 200 there it was quite a send off, bless him. 

    Well it is raining here now so instead of out walking I am watching the tennis (it's still sunshining in Eastbourne) on the tv and thinking of making a fish pie for my dinner later.  Off now to phone a friend who has just text to say they are free to chat.

    Take care and have a lovely day at the spa. Jules x



  • Hi Jules,

    Have spent all morning out in the garage tidying up. Well that was my intention but about three years ago we were given a second hand strimmer. The one I had bought wasnt self feeding so you had to keep stopping to pull more line out. This other one needed some attention so I took it apart and boy on boy I could see why it wasnt working that well. It was completely clogged up with dried grass. The bearings also needed a bit of grease. It works almost like new now but it took me much longer than I intended as I didnt have instructions as to how to take it apart. There was one screw hidden in a recess covered with grass. Once I found this it came apart quite easily. Mrs B managed to mow the back lawn but just as she finished, there was a downpour so she couldnt do the front lawn. I have sharpened three pairs of  gardening shears including a long handled pair that cut really nice now. Since then we have had a big thunderstorm with buckets of rain. I have also altered my tool cupboard over top of my lathe and have hung some of my new tools/ drills up inside. Still have about another days work to do to finish tidying as being as I have been so busy, it had been a bit negleted. Then I need to alter my sawbench so I can use it as a rip saw/ mitre saw which may take a couple of hours. Time goes by so quickly when I am in my garage.

    I have had my clear plastic pipe delivered now in readiness for my lighthouses. Will do two sizes this time.although the price wont be much differnt as the work content will be the same for both sizes. With regard to the wood club, Even when our members retire from the club, if they have e-mail, I still send them the newsletters as it doesnt cost us anything. I also ask the widows of any member we have lost and most want to continue reciving the newsletters as they still want to know whats going on and what shows we are doing. The group of woodcarvers who I met last weekend have thanked me for sending them our newsletters and have said how good they are compared to theirs. They only do about two A4 pages every three months with no pictures in them.

    My son has struggled all week as they have put him straight back on big conservatories. He had to take Friday off as his foot was giving him so much grief. But I have had good news from my sister in this country; she has been discharged by her physio as she said he has never seen anyone recover so quickly after have a new knee joint done. So she is well pleased as she doesnt even need the crutches anymore.

    Mrs B is enjoying picking fresh strawberries from the tubbs in our garden every day now for the last fortnight. Very nice they are too. We really have had a lot this year.

    I hope you have a good time tommorow and Monday. Sending best wishes to you and your family, Brian.

  • Hi Jules yes will definitely be a fun weekend out in the fresh air. As a child I couldn't ride a bike I always just ran behind my friends when they were on them. But when I was 20 something I took Intrest in learning as my kids grew up and that's how I learned. I remember my mums car broke down must of been 1963 and she had a small bike in the back so I remember her cycling down the street with a bottle Gin in her hand oh it was hilarious to look at her wobbling. 

    Many of my friends have set there funerals out and got a will etc I myself haven't sorted anything out incase anything happens but my kids will never have to worry about money that's the main thing for when I go and to sort it out. Well just about to make some pasta and sit done and watch some tv I have Margaret my neighbour coming round for a glass of champers and to have some dinner so will be nice company. Take care -Diane x

  • Hi all, I am still trying to catch up with your posts but hope all is well with everyone? Got back late on Friday night after a perfect few days away. Beautiful hotel, gorgeous weather and some delicious meals out all added up to a short but delightful stay (will send a couple of photos to bore you with later!)

    Will be thinking of you and the family tomorrow Diane, I am sure you will all do Rosemary proud in your colourful dresses as you celebrate the life of a lovely lady.

    Take care  Sue xx









  • Afternoon Sue, what are you doing up at 6am when you are supposed to be relaxing?!  Can't get out of the habit, I guess.  

    So glad you enjoyed your break, sounds really great - especially all that lovely weather!  It's been Noah's Ark weather here, not that I'm jealous or anything!  Look forward to seeing your boring old sunshiney photos (yawn).  ;-))

    Do take care, Hazel xx

  • Hi Brian

    You were a busy boy out in  your garage and was no doubt tired but happy with your achievements.  Always good to plan to do something and carry it through.

    Really feel sorry for your son and do hope the bosses attitude to giving him too larger tasks on his return after medical leave does not backfire on them.  Fingers crossed that after resting his foot he will be able to manage as I am sure he would rather not be off sick again (financially as well as physically/mentally it is such a worry).

    I had a lovely day out at the Woburn Abbey Garden Show yesterday and thankfully it was dry during our visit (downpours were whilst we were on the coach and then when I was back indoors, so perfect timing).I managed to find a couple of gifts for others and below is my latest garden acquisition - it was fun walking everything home once I left the coach (only 15mins walk thankfully).

    I was planning to take the same friend who came along yesterday, to Wimbledon today but as we could not get tickets (it was going to be my early birthday treat for her 60th) and the weather is not great for spending ages queuing just in case, she decided she did not fancy it and so we will make new plans for her birthday after she returns from her holidays and maybe before I go on mine. So another year watching it on TV and the strawberries and cream will be cheaper!!! 

    It is lovely that you have good harvest of strawberries from the garden.  Never managed to grown them myself but  do have raspberry canes at end of the garden so may be a few of those eventually.

    Hope the weather clears (drizzling here just now) and then I will be out and about this  morning - some free time I was not expecting but will put to good use.

    Have a good day and best regards to you and Mrs B.  Jules x

  • Hi Diane

    Glad you had company for the latest glass of champers.  I do not enjoy drinking alone even at home but  more than happy to have a glass or two when out for a meal or social occasions.  There are plenty of 'bottles' in the cupboard 'just in case' for when I have visitors (though some of the spirits are some years old, pretty sure they keep well unopened!!).

    Had a wonderful day at the Woburn Abbey flower show and you can see what I treated myself to in my post to Brian!  Such fun (and some amusing looks from other people) as I walked a milk churn home through town).  My friend (also a Margaret) bought some plants and a windchime for her garden and we spent 6hrs wandering the various stands, listening to Pippa Greenwood's hints and tips in the demonstration marquee as well as visiting the Abbey (more stunning inside than its exterior I felt) and also being allowed to view the Duchess's and family's private apartment and garden (only open for the two days of the show).  Luckily it stayed dry and warm (raining when we were on the coach going there) once we arrived and we enjoyed lunch listening to the band whilst sat by the Japanese themed area. All in all a beautiful day.

    Hope all goes as well as these days can when you celebrate Rosemary's life today. Will keep you in my thoughts.  Hugs from Jules x

  • Hi Jules yes lovely to have company as I can never run out of a conversation when Margaret's there. 

    So glad you have a lovely time I quite like wind chimes in other people's gardens not mine as I find them a little noisy and wouldn't want to annoy the neighbours. Glad it stayed dry when it rains all you want is to be inside. And that picture looks very lovely that water just looks refreshing. 

    The funeral was quite early in the morning so I was up super early so I could get tided about and dressed without being in a rush. I collected my sister from her house cause we didn't see the point driving separately. It was a lovely turn out many people went and spoke about how lovely she was and her life and career.  There was lovely orchids around the place and then a venue after wards where we went back to and had a bite to eat. Her family were delighted by how many people turned up and said so many lovely things about her. And then we all went home so I phoned Eileen and she was very happy with today and said now we just need to try and get on with our life's which is true we can't just be at a stand still we need to keep moving if we like it or not. So I'm about to have a cup of tea and watch some tv. Take care -Diane x

  • Hi Diane, good to hear that today went as well as possible and that so many people came to pay their respects, very comforting for you and the rest of the family. Take care   Sue x