My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Diane

    So very sad for you and the extended family to read your latest news on the loss of Rosemary. It will take some time for her husband and close family to process all that has happened and can understand the need for reflection by you all.  Such a shock when you had hoped for an improvement.  My thoughts and condolences to you all.  Jules x

  • Thank you ladies and moderator lucie. It's definitely been quite a shock to the family. Hazel yes I did think she might not make it but of course I'm never going to say that to her close family. I gave her husband a phone today to give my condolences and say that I'm here if he needs me. 

    They are sorting out funeral arrangements and giving everyone a call to let them know of the sad news. Really have just pottered round the garden with Rosemary in my mind. Take care all -Diane xx

  • Hi Diane

    Emotional times for you and the family thats for sure.  I hope you found some peace in your garden.  Sending hugs and thinking of you. Jules x

  • Hi jules yes I did find comfort in my garden. Today I need to crack on with things. Need to take my grandkids to a  football match that there playing so will pick them up from school. Once I drop them home need to pop to the shops and go to my sisters. A little busy later on in the day which will be good it will get my mind off it. Then I'm doing a power walk with Margaret my neighbour that's if the weather stays dry. So better today don't have to sit about and think. Take care hope you have a lovely day -Diane x

  • Hope you have a good day as well, Diane - keeping busy will be the best thing as you say.  Sending hugs, take care, Hazel xx

  • Hi Diane

    Following some horrendous weather (local town centre flooded!!) yesterday evening, today we have sunshine so everything drying out (including my washing!!) and local businesses trying to recover.  It is only two weeks to our 'fun day' so residents association committee and locals will be rallying around in the hope all will be well in time.  I walked past my hairdressers this morning which was awash yesterday and they had makeshift flooring down and some furnishings out on the pavement drying out but were still smiling and carrying on.

    I see that Rosemary's funeral will be on Monday and I know how difficult this will be for all of  you.  Sending hugs and keeping you in my thoughts.  Take care.  Jules xx

  • Hi jules yes I did hear that England did have severe floodings in places though glad with the dry weather down there has cleared it up. It really must be a pain in the back side when things like this strike for the local businesses. That's the only way the people running the shops can get on with it having a smile on there face. Trust me if they weren't smiling they would be crying. 

    Yes Rosemary's funeral is on Monday so will sure to wear something lovely. Rosemary had a will and it said "When the day comes where I have to leave the world don't come to my funeral in black remember me for a bright bubbly person as I would like to think I was. So will be wearing a lovely white dress with flowers on it. Still quite surreal that she's gone.

    Today I went Into the market and got some fruits and pottered about. Didn't take the car as I wanted fresh air then I walked to my sisters and spent the day with her. She needed my help moving her big sofa so she could get in behind and get it cleaned and hoovered so I did that. She had went out and bought some lovely plants so I put them in the garden with her and then made us a cuppa. 

    My granddaughter asked me to go to a fancy spa with her spend some time with her as she's been so busy with university. Looking forward to it tomorrow will be relaxing. And some lovely quality time though I said I was getting lunch on me. Just about to put dinner on I have made a homemade steak pie so looking forward to that. Take care -Diane xx

  • Oh, that's lovely, Diane, the bit in Rosemary's will, but very sad too.  It must be surreal as you say, it's all happened so quickly.   I will be thinking of you all in your pretty dresses on Monday celebrating her life and remembering her bubbly personality as she wanted.  

    My condolences again to you all, take care.

    Hazel xx



  • Hi hazel yes it it lovely but sad. After the funeral I would just like to move on from this and put it this to the back of me though keep her in my memory. Hope your well dear -Diane xx

  • Hi Diane

    I hope Monday is a wonderful celebration of Rosemary's life. It certainly sounds as though she was a bubby character so wearing bright colours would be a lovely way to remember her and follow her own wishes too.  When a very good friend of mine died 2 years ago she had planned everything herself and her husband and three boys did her proud.  She wanted everyone to where something pink which was her favourite colour and I had never seen so many shades worn with the utmost respect in her honour (I learnt how many mens' ties were available in pink too!!).  Of course it is an emotional occasion in so many ways but honouring our loved ones in this way is very special. I hope the weather holds good for you and all the family.

    Have a wonderful time at the spa - a very relaxing treat and great to spend time with your grand-daughter.

    Be kind to yourself and take care. Jules x