My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Brian, I'm so sorry to hear about your nephew in Canada, how sad and how awful for your family.  

    Hazel xx


  • Hi all hope your day was good the weather here has been pretty rubbish I have to say. My daughter had the day off work so she wanted me to go and get a psychic medium reader which I didn't exactly want to do but I went anyway. From what I knew they brought family members who had passed on back and talked through the person. I was quite nervous as you just don't know what they will come out with. It was something my daughter always wanted to do but never got round to doing.

    So I sat down with the woman with my daughter she had a notebook making shapes it looked like and she said "I have a man by the name of John here" I was shocked as to how she knew my late husbands name was john. She said that he said "He's proud of me and the battles I have fought through and staying strong and being their for the grandchildren and when I was on chemo he was by my side. She went into detail about how I have angels watching over me and that I have many past family member that are attached to me and don't leave my side. She said they are protecting me.

    It's one of those things where it's all a bit much didn't know what to think I guess it's good to hear I have angels guarding me. She also talked about my mother she said my mum said " She left this world without saying what she had to say about certain things and out of me and my sister i needed more protection as I was special (Better not tell my sister that ha ha) also don't know what she meant exactly by that.

    I do find it strange to a certain extent and I do believe there is truth in what these people say It's good for  people who want to know if their is anyone around them and if they need to say anything. My daughter has spooked me out in a sense so don't think i will be returning anytime soon.

    Enough of me babbling on hope everyone had a lovely day and (sorry for me going on about this but I thought I would share it with you's.) Take care -Diane xx

  • Hi Diane

    Hope you enjoyed the company of your daughter yesterday.  I am not sure how I would feel at going to see a psychic reader/medium now and have never felt the urge since hubby passed away.  Went for a laugh a few years ago when one was 'on hand' at a charity event but  despite her being right on a couple of things (they could equally have applied to someone else) I suppose I remain a sceptic.  It was good that you spent time together with your daughter and hope it did not upset you too much.

    I am having new carpet laid as I type (am sitting in the kitchen watching out of the corner of my eye ha ha). He started at 8.15 and should be finished shortly so will be able to go out for a walk.  Thankfully it is still dry at the moment which is more than can be said for the last couple of days!!   I missed a delivery whilst at work  yesterday so need to pop to the sorting office to pick it up, go to the shops and also pop into the gym.  Hoping for a more relaxing weekend though always happy to do things at the last minute if something nice crops up.

    Take care.  Jules x

  • Well that IS spooky - I have just posted a reply Diane and it has disappeared!  Do you think someone or something somewhere is trying to tell me something?! 

    Anyway, my reply was as follows (near enough, I've forgotten the exact words) :-

    Funnily enough Diane, my brother in law and partner and I were discussing this last week.  I am a bit of a 'ditherer-on-the-fence' about this sort of thing, but I can never quite discount some of the strange things that happen. True or not, I guess it might give people hope and make them feel good, bit like a 'placebo' pill. Don't think I would go to anything like that, though. 

    How is your cousin now?  I hope she is progressing well, though it will be a long haul for her, I imagine.  

    Take good care, Hazel xx

  • Hi Jules,

    Forgive me for not saying Good Morning as it is still raining here. Have only just managed to unload my car. Now have the job to wash it as it got rather muddy driving across the field. It was a very sucessful weekend overall.  Sunday was so slow and by two thirty niether I or my collgue had sold a thing. Then suddenly it took off and I eneded up selling more than I did all day on Saturday. Just as wew were packing up a woman returned to buy my last tall lighthouse which was the second dearest thing I had sold. You were right about needing the wellies. I was visiting one of the other stands when this very young lad whos mother was on her mobile phone and not watching him, fell flat on his face in the worst of the mud. I was very annoyed as she didnt show any sympathy at all when he burst out crying. If I had been a lot nearer I would have told her a thing or two. Also met some interesting people at the weekend. People loved the fact that I have made all my items from wood that would have been thrown out and burnt. I have a load more turning to do now but my next craft fair at the moment unless anything else crops up is not until December so have plenty of time.

    Coming home last night I got stuck in a traffic jam where two lanes of the A27 merge into one near Arundel. Then again further on near Worthing so was about 40 to 50 minutes later getting home as a result. But Mrs B had made me Cheese straws and a Walut cake for fathers day bless her.

    Hope Fathers day was not too emotional for you or your family. Although I know you all miss your hubby, it always seems worse at special days like fathers day, Easter and Christmas. So I'm sending a big belated hug to you. Hope you dont have to go out in the rain this morning as its really pouring down here at the moment.

    My son has returned to work this morning. He doesnt mind the job itself but hates the way his bosses treat him and the rest of the staff but he cant find another job paying the money he needs as he doesnt have qualifications. He can do almost any job and is a very quick learner but whe you get to 45, not many companies will take you on as they only seem to want young peole these days. I experianced the same problem myself at times when I wanted to change jobs.

    Take care Jules and will chat again soon. Sending kind thoughts your way, Brian.


  • Hi all well I just got off the phone with Eileen and I got the sad news that Rosemary has passed away (Around 7:30) with her family around her holding her hand. Eileen said the docotrs told her earlier today to prepare for the worst as Rosemary fell into a coma and they knew she wasn't coming out of it. Her husbands coping mechanism is stay strong and don't cry but at the end of the day  the best way to let it all out is just a good cry on your loved ones arms.  Eileen said they were no way prepared for this as they docotrs didn't say she would die but she might not of been 100% again. So they will inform me of when the funeral is when it's arranged. I am very upset that she is gone and will always remember her as a strong woman because she was she didn't have an easy life that's for sure compared to the rest of us. Oh well going to inform my side of the family of the tragic news. Will take a calm day tomorrow and just collect my thoughts together. Take care all -Diane x

  • I am so sorry for your loss Diane. I know your forum friends will join me soon in expressing their sincere condolences.

    The Cancer Chat team is thinking of you during this difficult and upsetting time.

    Warmest wishes,


  • Oh, Diane, I am so sorry, another sad piece of news, and such a shock for her family if they hadn't been told to expect it - though I suspect you yourself were.  That doesn't make it any easier for you, of course.  My condolences to you and all your family, sending love and a hug to you, Diane.

    Hazel xx


  • So sorry to hear your very sad news Diane, my condolences to you and the family. Look after yourself and take care. Love  Sue xx

  • Hi Brian

    Your comment about having to clean the car, due to the muddy field, raised a bit of a smile bearing in mind you and the car were getting wet at the time. It certainly chucked it down yesterday morning. Thankfully I had a door to door service when my daughter Zack and I visited  my new grand-daughter.  We spent a lovely few hours with them and the sun had begun to break through as we left so a much better afternoon.

    I am pleased that the Show did well overall and now you have time to enjoy your hobby again to build up new stock levels as well as, no doubt, thinking up new ideas.  Lets hope some decent weather will be here to stay soon.  Good start today so am hoping for a pleasant walk for my visit to Mum and the gym afterwards and hopefully getting the washing dried outside for a change!

    Hope your son gets on okay with his return to work. It's not easy having to 'bite your tongue' and put up with difficult conditions when you know you have little alternative. Hope his foot is ready for the workload so to speak.

    I have almost completed my 'unpacking' of the boxes for the lounge and will, over the next few days, be taking more 'stuff' off to the charity shops.  When my daughter popped in yesterday she agreed with me that we had made a good choice with the carpet and it really does add that finishing touch.It was an emotional decision to get the project under way but am very pleased with the end result and feel sure hubby would have understood why I needed to move forward in this way

    Hope you and Mrs B have a peaceful day today and looks as though we need to make the most of the sunshine as the rain looks to be returning again in a couple of days. Grrr.  I have a day out booked with my friend on Sunday so am keeping my fingers crossed for a dry day as the majority of the day is outside!!  Take care.  Jules x