My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Good morning Jules,

    I see from Sue's post you managed to find where your mother was at the hospital and pleased she is improving. It must have been so frustrtaing for you, to say the least. Totaly incomprehensible. This happened to a friend of mine locally. His mother was admitted to hospital as an emergency by ambulance but when he went from work to visit her after being informed what had happened by a neighbour of his mothers, The hospital at first denied she was even there, and It took them over two hours before they finally located where she was. I hope your mother continues to improve and is soon back at the home.

    Yesterday I spent quite some time transfering pictures and music from my other computer. I thought I had allready done it but it had only transfered the empty folders with nothing in them for some reason. Grrrr. Then I had to re-organize them so spent even longer before I was happy with it.

    Today I mowed the back lawn and realized just how blunt the blade had become. So took it off and re-ground it; It really needed it. The edges were completely rounded. You have to take off the same amount each side otherwise its out of balance but I have found a way of telling when it right. What a differnce it made when mowing the front lawn

    I have decided to write some articals for our newsletter about the eveyday things that come from trees and which most people dont know about. Toothpaste and the plastic for the frames for glasses, plus all the drugs ect. I knew a certain amount but in researching this subject I have been absolutely amazed by just what comes from trees. Even some additives for Ice cream and you could even be wearing wood for a big percentage of rayon comes from wood fibres.

    Sorry I'm rambling again Jules; I do apologize. I attatch some  pics from Mrs B's garden

    I hope you have a good weekend and hope your mother is soon home again. Best wishes and kind thoughts on its way to you and your family, Brian.



  • Evening everyone, I am back after a lovely restful week of doing nothing but go for nice walks and sit in the sunshine - had some rain but not too much.  

    Jules, so sorry about your mum and all the unnecessary worry you've had, but pleased to hear she is improving, and hope she will soon be home.  

    Sue, hope you are feeling better now, poor you, and back to your usual cheery self.

    Diane, very sorry to hear about your cousin, as you say, no matter how fit you seem to be these things still come out of nowhere.  It must have been a huge shock to everyone.  I hope she recovers asap from the operation, and will continue to do so with therapy for the stroke.  Very pleased though that your sister is doing so well!  

    Brian, thanks for all your quotes and pics as usual. Hope your laptop folders are all in order now, there's always some sort of problem with these things, yet they are supposed to be so easy to do!  Lovely photos from Mrs B's garden today, by the way. 

    Big hugs to everyone, take care all!  

    Hazel xxx



  • Welcome back Hazel, so glad you had a lovely time away and that the weather behaved itself for you. (does this mean you'll be doing a Diane over the next few days with piles of washing and ironing ?!) Only 5 work days left to go before my break now, yippee. Off to France for a few days although not being football fans we had not realised our trip coincides with the tournament, oops. Luciky, we are not staying near any of the venues so should be fine! 

    Take care and look forward to hearing your holiday tales.

    Sue xx


  • Hi Hazel so glad you enjoyed your week away you deserved it !! Yeah came as quite a shock to her close family and there just in bits her husband was even talking about funeral arrangements I had to take him aside and say "she's still in there breathing fighting for her life don't just give up". My kids are about the same age as hers so they gave her kids a text saying there thinking of her which was lovely. I was always told the day your born there's a date set to leave the world just hope it's not her time yet she's only 72. 

    Anyway yes my sister is doing well though she can't over do her excersize with her pacemaker but don't think she's intending On running or anything like that ha ha. She's definitely got a tun of weight of her shoulders since the scan results. I think I'm the only relatively fit person in my whole family over 70 hope I stay that way haha. Just got to watch some tv and chill out. take care -Diane xx

  • Hi Brian, Hazel, Sue and Diane,

    Hope you do not mind a joint reply.

    Brian  Well done for getting your lawn mown yesterday ~(too many showers here plus I was away from home from mid day yesterday and  have not long returned.

    Hazel,  So pleased you had a restful and enjoyable week and managed to find a little sunshine mixed in with the showers.

    Sue, Hope yo have enjoyed a good weekend  and at least now you are counting the days until your break to France - bon voyage mon ami (no good at French!!) and hope your find your way ok as the backseat driver ;) (that's the wink if the image does not work!!!).

    Diane  Hope you managed a relaxing day too and that when you get news of your cousin, there will be an improvement.

    Well, everyone I spent a lovely afternoon at my sons yesterday and attach up date picture of Darcey and one of the two grandsons (permission granted!!) .  Also a  pic to prove I managed the 5K Race for Life in Watford this morning despite pouring rain virtually all the way round and despite being rather soggy then had lunch out. Steady pace saw us cross the line as a family team in just about an hour.

    I have posted the news elsewhere too but for those who do read my thread and also knew Meerkat@65 (Jo) I sadly have to let you know that her partner, Rob, has asked me to let the forum know that she passed away on 10 June at 9.30 pm, peacefully with him at her side.  My thoughts are with him and the family.

    Need to get a cuppa and reflect.  Take care.  Jules xx


  • P.S  

    Mum on her way back to the home (once transport arranged) so another hiccup overcome; despite her protestations to the contrary there must still be some fighting spirit in her and I look forward to showing her up to date pictures on my next visit.  Jules

  • Hi Jules,

    Glad your mother is well enough to go back to her home. Bet you are relieved. Hope she continues to improve. best wishes to you and you family, Brian.

  • Thanks Diane, I had a lovely time doing lots of talking, eating and walking.  

    Was your Walk for life Today as well?  Hope you did well if it was, and are having a relaxing evening now!  

    Take care, Hazel xx


  • Lovely photos Jules, even if you do look a bit soggy!  Well done all of you.  Grandsons look like lovely little boys, (and cheeky!) and baby Darcey is a little beauty. You have a lovely family to be proud of.  

    So pleased too that your mum is back home, must be a great relief to you, Jules, after all that hassle.

    Take care and rest those tootsies this evening!

    Hazel xxx



  • Hi Hazel yes my race for life was today as well we had tops with a picture of my hubby on it saying fighter forever. We ran in the rain and wind but we made it through and sure was worth it though terribly sad to hear about Jo she was such a lovely woman and helped many people's lives on here for sure. My legs are knackered so will be having them rested tonight and raising a glass to Jo -Take care xx