Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Beautiful bubba, Jules - and nanna doesn't look too bad either! I have to agree with Diane, you don't look as though you need to lose weight, but congrats on the 2lb anyway, well done you - mind you, who knows what you're hiding underneath that little bundle, could be a big fat belly for all we know. ;-)
Have just seen the other photo of Darcey as well, gorgeous!
Love to you and all your lovely family, Hazel xxx
Hi Diane
Yes we noticed the scratch too - believe it or not it happened during her birth and the first thing the new Mum had to do was cut Darcey's nails!!! - typical girl then;). She has a little jaundice too but they will keep an eye on her anyway as her maternal line carries a genetic link to Gilberts disease which is apparently linked to the liver though does not normally require any treatment (that's about as much as I know about the condition).
Hope you have enjoyed your day. I have been at work and very busy as it is the school holidays - still it helps the time fly. Now having lunch having shopped on the way home. Tomorrow taking the two grandsons to the cinema and then probably out for a bite of lunch. No plans as yet for the weekend but with the weather due to improve down here again maybe the garden will call me out ha ha. Take care. Jules x
Hi Jules yes well I did think maybe the scratch was from the birth as I have heard it happening before. I'm sure that jaundice will clear up in no time and there's no point worrying as long as they check on her.
My day was good took a long walk to the market and then popped round to my daughters for while and had cold drink and a chat in the sun. Sounds like a good little day you have planned tomorrow some nice quality time with the grandkids. Hope your weather does improve I'm sure you waiting to get out in your garden. Take care -Diane x
HI Jules, what a lovely photo of you with Darcey, a gorgeous little sleeping beauty! Sue x
Thanks Sue, Darcey is beautiful (albeit I am biased). She slept for the three hours we were visiting and hardly murmered when me and her other grandparents had our photoshoot. However my son says he could do with ear plugs when she gets going ha ha. I really do not enjoy seeing myself in photos but just have to make an exception when family is involved.
Hope you are coping with your pain levels and that you are doing ok at work. Take care Jules x
Hi Diane
Great day spent in the company of my daughter and grandsons. After our visit to the cinema we had a short stroll round a couple of shops and then had lunch. Another quick look in the shops whilst Zack finished his 'pushchair doze' and then we headed back to mine. Despite a lack of sunshine it was dry and warm enough so the boys had fun in the garden - digging holes, burying cars and watering my pots (one job less for me this evening - crafty or what!!) and my daughter and I were happy enough chatting and keeping our eyes on them. When it got close to tea time my daughter said 'time to go' and Zach said 'No thank you!' so I cooked their tea before they went home to see Daddy and they sampled my lemon drizzle cake which, as it's had the thumbs up, I can now also make again for the charity event next friday at the gym. Have a pleasant evening. Jules x
Good morning Jules,
Getting back to normal slowly after the long last weekend. Have decided to turn a couple of mushroom shaped tooth pick/ cocktail stick holders and see what reaction they get. I have quite a list of things to replace so will be getting out in my garage as soon as possible this morning. I phoned my daughter in law to wish her happy birthday and my youngest grandson answered and when he handed the phone to his him he said, "It's your husbands father on the phone", rather than grandad. I am sure he only said it like this as he knew it would make people laugh, bless him.
I have had three e-mails again thanking me for the wood clubs latest newsletter which is appreciated and makes it worth while producing it. I allready have next months one nearly finnished.
Bet the birth of your grandaughter has brought you a lot of pleasure and I know she will never lack for love from you. I hope you have a very enjoyable weekend, Take care, Brian.
Hi Brian
I am sure it takes a bit of time to get your energy and breath back after busy show weekends. so much preparation, packing and unpacking but I bet the wonderful feeling of selling something you have 'made with care and love' makes you feel it is all so worthwhile. Same goes for when you get feedback from the newsletters. Talking of writing did you ever look into getting those short stories of yours published?
I love your grandson's telephone quip; made me smile and children have a great way of making us smile. Was a bit like me and my eldest in the park yesterday. I was sitting paying ball with young Zack when the elder lad said 'if I play too Granny you can stand up as you are not that old' - both my daughter and I were in fits of laughter at his cheek!!
I now have a lovely picture of all three grandchildren (eldest holding the newest edition) as the 'wallpaper' on my phone and do feel blessed to have them in my life. We are all now counting down the weeks to our family holiday at the very end of next month (praying Darcey's passport gets sorted in time!!). The new parents are, as expected, pretty overwhelmed by the joy such a small bundle can bring as well as a bit bleary eyed from days and nights seeming to merge. Midwife very happy with baby's progress and calling today to check on Mum. I am hoping now the main relatives have all been for a visit, she and my son will have a little peace to enjoy these very early days. She is a week old today and my son has another week off from work - he will find it hard going back I think! I think the other Nana is hoping to have next week off to give her daughter the extra pair of hands which are so welcome for the mundane task of housework etc., while she continues her recovery.
Well, the weather needs to be made the most off so time to get my trainers on and set off. Tomorrow I am going with my daughter to look after Zack whilst she has blood tests and then next week will hope to be able to go with her to her next heart hospital appointment (in between I have Charity coffee/cake morning to bake for at the gym and three generations all taking part in Race for Life on Sunday -emotionally charged as always I have no doubt).
Hope you and Mrs B a keeping well and that the 'mushroom turning' goes well - look forward to seeing the results (I still remember my Mum's mushroom pin cushion in her sewing box). Take care Jules x
Hi all
Just wanted to up date you in case I go awol for a bit. Following a scheduled relative's meeting at Mum's Residential Home last night (which went quite well) and having spoken to Mum for a short while (she was very drowsy). I walked home. Just over an hour later I got a call from the Home to say Mum was very lethargic and although her vital signs were good they had called an ambulance and she was whisked off to hospital to be checked over. As I struggled to get hold of the hospital I was updated this morning by the care home!! (nothing from the hospital though they had been requested to keep me informed!!). All Mum's first tests were OK and she had eaten a good breakfast. On and off throughout today I have been attempting to find out the latest and have been passed from one number to another and as yes have not tracked Mum down nor has the home received any calls. To say the least I am not at all happy as was told not to go to the hospital unless she was fully admitted to a ward - they would contact me as next of kin if it was urgent) Not having transport just means I will have to catch a cab if needs be which is not a problem but am a bit miffed of their lack of contact. Care home is also now trying to find out what is going on. What a mess.
Just started to chuck it down with rain here so looks like a soggy weekend for a BBQ and the charity walk- got my waterproofs jacket handy ha ha.
Take care all. Jules xx
p.s. 9.45 pm and have finally managed to find Mum having spoken to a very understanding Night Nurse. She is currently on a short term observation ward(in the new wing) and has improved throughout the day. Have been advised to call about mid day tomorrow after doc's ward rounds to get latest info and now have a direct line number for the ward so can speak with the nurses looking after her welfare.Phew!
Hi Jules,
So glad you have finally managed to find your Mum and that she is now improving. What a horrible, and totally unecessary, worry for you both. I hope the call today brings better news all round. Take care Sue xx .