Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi Brian
Good to read on other threads that the show has been going well and that it is helping you sleep like a baby! I am sure it must be very tiring with all the preparations and then the setting up and chatting to folk too. With Mrs B giving up her bud vase for sale (bet it's gone already) it would seem that you will have some more work to keep you busy once the show is over.
I have done a bit in the garden in between walks today. It's lovely to have decent weather for a bank holiday and so I went back to the garden centre and have now planted the new purchases in the back garden along with a few bulbs I found in the cupboard (not sure they will produce anything but worth a try).
Providing my son does not become a Dad by tomorrow the two grannies in waiting have been invited over for lunch so I have just had my first attempt at baking a cake in the new oven and hope to take it over for them to be my 'taster panel'. I rarely make a cake but thought I would give it a go as we have a tea and cake morning in aid of two charities at the gym cming up and foolishly offered to make something!
Well the lawn has been mowed and now it is covered with starlings so must be some insects on offer (plus grass seeds). Fingers crossed for another good day tomorrow. Take care. Jules x
Hi Jules you must be over the moon for this baby coming and I'm sure it can't be long now. For all four of my pregnancies I was overdue and it can take forever sometimes they need a kick start and then they come. Glad your day was busy nice day up here for walking and sitting in the garden. Take care -Diane xx
Always interesting to see how other people's decorating turns out! I was talked into the ceiling lights by the electrician and am really pleased with the look and they are so bright! At least I will no longer have to shop for lampshades and have a couple of table lamps when I do not need full light.
The bag was something I treated myself to when away in Bournemouth for the weekend though the photograph does not give its true colour which is fuschia pink!!
Thanks for your kind comments regarding the gardens. I love the colours at this time of year and the sunshine and extra warmth has really bought things out over the past week and yes they flowers outside my patio doors are alium. Its the first time I have planted these and I am thinking of increasing the number I have as they are a lovely shape and colour.
Hope you have a peaceful evening. Take care Jules x
Hi Jules and Co hope you dont mind me asking here but has anyone heard from Pauline ? I know she was going to the hospice from her posts but have not seen anything since. I have been away so may have missed any news - Thanks river
Hi River I actually follow Pauline's thread and she's not been active on it for a while now. But I'm sure she will be back on it as soon as she can. She was going through a lot recently. Take care -Diane
Hi River
Sorry no recent news and I know she was feeling poorly and awaiting bed at the hospice. Hope you are ok. Jules
Hello River, sorry to say I haven't heard anything from Pauline lately, though I have sent a few PM's. I think she must now be in the hospice and maybe internet isn't readily available.
I would also like to know if anyone has heard from Max or Jo (Meerkat), both of whom were a bit poorly last time they posted.
Take care, Hazel x
Hi ladies
I stopped following threads while away and have been catching up so just wanted to check I had not missed anything.
Been on a cruise to Norway we booked this in November after I was told I was in remission. It's somewhere I had always wanted to see.
I am doing well and getting stronger every day it's been just over 12 months since my last treatment. Still going every 3 months for check up plus twice a year to see the consultant, they are really keeping an eye on me. I feel as if I am one of the lucky ones but realise I still have a way to go before the all clear.
Hope everyone has been enjoying the sunshine and doing well.
River xx
Hi River so glad to hear you have been well. I'm quite jealous to be honest as I have always wanted to go on a cruse to Norway and a few other countries round that area. It's something my hubby and me planned to do but he sadly passed away before we could make arrangements.
Thats great your getting stronger everyday it will be nice to get all your strength back to do pleanty to of other things. I actually have my scan coming up on the 4th of June to see if im still in remission (Hopefully) but I have no doubt I am. The weather has been lovely hasn't it hope it lasts for another while. Take care -Diane x
Evening River,
Hope you really enjoyed your cruise, a well deserved break from hospital appointments eh? Glad you're doing well at the moment, long may it continue!
Jules is waiting today for her new grandchild to be born, and we are all waiting eagerly for her news.
Take care, have a nice evening.
Hazel xx