58 when diagnosed in September 2014. Married no children. Hobbies include Cycling for pleasure (mountain Bike) Walking, reading, meals out with friends. Holidays especially to Austria.
I have endometrail cancer - cells found on the outside of my womb and in an enlarged lymph node in my groin- Diagnosed September 2014 as stage 4B and told that the survival rate of over five years is 20%. Had a MRI scan in March 2014 which picked up nothing except a fibroid, abdominal hernia (which I knew about) and this enlarged lymph node. Had further tests and samples taken from my womb nothing found cancerous wise. The consultant arranged for me to have a full hysterectomy have the hernia repaired and have the lymph node removed. This involved two surgeons and happened in late August 2014. The Consultant told me that samples had been sent of for testing but not to worry as he was not expecting anything. Then the bomb shell was delivered in September.. They had also found ovarian cancer in a cyst on my ovary but this was contained. After another scan where nothing was found except another slightly swollen lymph node in my groin (which could have been due to the surgery)
Started Chemo in October 2014 finished in Feb 2015 Had another scan still no tumours but still slightly swollen lymph node. Finished radiotherapy 12 May 2015.
had my three month scan and check- up - no sign of any cancer, lymph node in my groin still slightly swollen & striations in my lower intestine/bowel area but these could be due to treatment or surgery. 7 Nov 2015 Had results from my latest scan - all clear. Early days and check up for 5 years to go.
Still here had my last checkup in December 2017 & now been put on 6 monthly checks.