My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Jules,

    I have had a phone call from my son to let me know, Robert Downy jnr has arranged for five free tickets to see the London premier of the new film, "Captain America; The Civil War". As you can gues, I have one very excited young grandson; in fact the whole family is very excited about it. They have been told they probably wont get to meet any of the many stars this time as there are so many appearing and secirty is very tight.

    My son was was quite relived to find the woman who plays The Black Widow will not be there for he was worried my cheeky young grandson would shout out, "My dad fancies you". He is always embarrising his dad by telling people this. He only does it to wind his dad up and it works every time; dont know where he gets this from; certainly not innocent me.I will let you know how they get on.

    I hope you have a great week, Brian.

  • Hi Brian

    Great news for your grandson and hope he has a great time. I am sure he will get away with any cheekiness too and suspect your son may have to grin and bear it ha ha.  Hope your son's appointment goes well on Thursday though suspect he will be very disappointed if he has to stay off work  much longer.  Very frustrating for him I am sure.

    I can understand how your sister in law would have felt but spending time with friends  helped me during the healing process and there are many 'firsts' that we come across along the way.  I have one myself   coming up when I go with friends on a long weekend to Bournemouth.Last time we went hubby came too even though he was quite 'fragile' and had to take a course of steroids to  help him through the formal dinner (GP's suggestion) but was something he did not want to miss. 

    Visited Mum this morning and she is much the same though did listen to my family updates before dozing back off so it was a short stay. Thankfully the staff and GP are keeping a regular eye.

    I have sent your regards to Kathy and pretty sure she misses the 'fun' comments we all used to banter about.  Talking of which how are the  nut supplies doing these days?

    Glad I mowed the lawn at the weekend as it is currently sleeting/hailing in short bursts. Think I will plan a cottage pie for dinner to warm me up (gas fire off at the moment as the plaster above needs to dry naturally!! Have just taken delivery of a new 'throw' which I had anticipated storing until the autumn but think I may  be getting it out of the packaging straight away.  Also picked up my new camera today as was ready earlier than advised.  Now just need to get new SD card (am currently charging up the battery) and have downloaded the user manual (I wonder what happens if you do not own a computer when you buy these gadgets!!) and then should be ready to set up and try out, with  my son giving me a lesson in due time (will set it up as 'Auto' until I get used to it and see how I go). Maybe a while before I can call photography a 'hobby' though.

    Hope you and Mrs B staying well and keeping warm.  Regards  Jules   

  • Hi Jules,

    Funny you should ask about the nut supply. When I took Mrs B shopping this morning, I thought I had picked up two packets of Cashew nuts but they must have moved the around again for when I got home, I found I had two pckets of peanuts. Speaking of nuts, when I cook the frozen chestnut, I have always boiled them. But last week I put a drop of oil in the roasting tray and roasted them. My computer has just had a brainstorm and is now showing everything sideways on(Portrait view), so will sign off and try and sort it out. wish me luck, Brian

    Managed to sort it out.

  • I reckon you just got too excited thinking of the roasted chestnuts and pressed the wrong key, Brian. 

    Hazel x



  • Hi Brian

    I would definitely prefer the cashew nuts!! so now you have to go back and buy two more packets - sneaky.Are you sure Mrs B did not swap them when you were looking the other way ha ha.  I am afraid chestnuts do nothing for me but hubby always did his in the oven (mind you he did not bother with the frozen ones and I  have never tried those).  Just taken delivery of a 5 litre tub of sunflower hearts for the birds so that will keep them busy for a couple of weeks!  Not sure they are enjoying this sudden cold snap

    It only takes a minute for a computer to change things and you are lucky to be able to sort it out so quick.

    Have a pleasant evening.  Jules x

  • Good morning Jules,

    What an end to the day yesterday. I went up my sons to give my grandson his story and as I was coming back it was sleeting/snowing together with thunder and lightening. The top of my car was covered. As I came home it came on even harder. As I went to put my car in the garage, there was about two inches on the top of my car so as I didnt want that thawing out and flooding my floor I got a soft brush from my garage and tried to clear it off but as fast as I was clearing it, it was covering the roof again . I have never seen snow/sleet coming down so fast and in such big lumps. I finally made it indoors. It is gradually thawing out this morning.

    I was also very impessed yesterday. My insurance company arranged for my broken laptop to be picked up last friday and I was told they would let me know in 7 days what they were going to do. But when I opened my new laptop up yesterday morning, there was a message saying it was bieng returned yesterday and at dinner time it arrived. It had been taken to North Yorkshire and back since Friday so well done to them. I will send an e-mail to thank them for such quick service. I now have a back up laptop. I have also bought a laptop table that i can slide the feet under our sofa so dont have to rest it on my lap anymore.

    My son and family really enjoyed their London trip amd all apart from my son had photos taken with Mark Hammel from Star Wars. They saw several other stars as well.but were very tired when they got home. I am taking my son for his x-ray  where afterwards he will see the consultant this afternoon, so he should know a bit more about when he can return to work.

    I have just realized its almost time to send my next newsletter out. I am just waiting for our chairmans contibution and then it's ready to go. This month has absolutely flown by. Dont know if you find the same.

    Hope your decoration work is progressing well. I bet you will be glad when its all complete and can get back to some sense of normality.

    Sending best wihes and kind thought your way, Brian


  • Well, you did have a mixed bag of a day yesterday, Brian.  I'm pleased to say that it wasn't too bad here, though very cold, and I managed my trip to the wilds of Essex without any problems, travel wise or  weather wise, though there was some sleety rain later on, I think - I was safely ensconced indoors by then, thank goodness. 

    Great news about your old laptop, just shows some firms can pull their finger out if necessary. 

    Glad your son and his family had a good trip to the film premier, and hope his x-ray appointment goes okay today, he must find it so restricting.  

    Hope you and Mrs B have a good day, take care.

    Hazel xx

  • Hi Jules, 

    Yes, thanks very much for the info, I do always use all the websites available for planning journeys but the final bit yesterday showing where to get the bus was a bit ambiguous.  I knew which bus I needed but not where to get it!  In the event, when I emerged from the station it was just across the road!  Amazing, all that worry all week and so easy really!  Anyway, the doc I saw, having asked how I got there in general conversation, apologised for my journey, bless her, and said she will arrange my next appointment for genetics clinic at Great Ormond Street.  

    Re the genetics testing, by the way, I was recommended to go for it by two or three docs over the last 4 years, not because I have any immediate family who might be implicated (as is the usual reason) but to see if I might be suitable for any alternative treatment as a final resort in future if necessary, depends whether I have a specific gene or not.  It's all a bit complicated, but nothing ventured, nothing gained!  Also, if I do have this gene and it was passed down from my mum, they will be able to offer my cousin, her two girls and her granddaughter tests as well, which is great. (Though my cousin's eldest, who is a senior Macmillan nurse, is no doubt already well aware of the inherited risks) 

    Hope all the decorating is nearly finished, Jules, and you are enjoying your lovely new kitchen.  

    Take care, hugs to you, Hazel xx


  • Hi Brian

    Hope your son's hospital trip went okay and that his foot continues to heal well.

    It sounds as though you had more of the white stuff than us here - just a couple of quick showers and then cloudy.  No storms though quite a frosty start this  morning and only 3 degs when I set off for work. Been fine today though.

    Decorating continues and have the electricians here just now putting in the wiring for the last of the ceiling lights. Decorator will get on with boarding/plastering/painting again tomorrow.  Has not bothered me at all really as whilst they are here I use one of the spare bedrooms to keep me out of the way.  They are great at clearing up and always make sure I have a clean space to sit in and access to the tv so no complaints.  Quite enjoy the chit chat too - will seem very quiet when work is completed but are probably looking at a few weeks more yet.  The furniture has never had so much moving around but has given me a few new ideas as to where things may end up (very handy being open plan as they are doing it section by section (payment the same way too!!) which has meant not having to move big stuff upstairs (many boxes filled with pictures/books etc which I will go through at my leisure once work completed.  May have to take a breather then before thinking about the next project.

    Glad all the family enjoyed their trip  to London and am sure your youngest grandson will be chatting about it for some time and will treasure his photographs.

    I have a few things planned for this weekend so once again will be out and about and then the following weekend I am going to Bournemouth so would be nice if the weather could pick up.  Hotel has great amenities if needs be but we would normally walk into the centre of town during Saturday.  Fingers crossed it stays dry as more pleasurable  for everyone. Usually aroud 80/100 people attend and its good to catch up with old friends.

    Hope you, Mrs B and the family all have a good Bank Holiday weekend. Take care.  Jules x

  • Hi Hazel

    Really pleased your trip and the appointment went well yesterday.  Thanks for filling in my gaps in knowledge re the genetic testing.  I am sure in certain circumstances it would be good to know what or how future treatment could be available and for other family members to  have the option of testing if needs be. Medicial science is always changing so good to keep in touch.

    The decoratoring is going well but will be a few weeks yet before the end is in sight I reckon. As the whole of the ground floor is being plastered and all my lighting changed there is much going on and it is very interesting to watch developments without having to lift a finger ha ha. I have my sanctuary upstairs in one of the spare bedrooms and they let me know when it's been cleaned up for the day and I return downstairs for the evening. Last couple of days has been waiting for the plaster in the central section of the lounge to dry out naturally to avoid any cracks appearing.  Today the electrictian is here breaking through the ceiling to thread new wiring through in readiness for when the new new boarding goes up and he will then come back and put in the lights.  As I type I can hear their hoover working away so will probably not be too long before I get a shout!!  At least the kitchen end is finished apart from the top coat of paint (no point doing that until all the other area is plastered and ready for painting.  As I said to Brian I am quite enjoying watching it take shape on a day to day basis and the decorator is usually here from 8.30 till 4 so not bad at all. 

    I have re-jigged the storage boxes upstairs so that the spare bed is now free of the clutter so hopefully when my sister in law comes to stay in mid May she can at least get a good night's sleep though will probably still only have floorboards downstairs as have not yet decided on what carpet to have and would not need it laid until work completed.

    Hope yesterday's trip has not  left you too tired today and at least the sun is shining.  Take care and chat soon.  Jules x