Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Evening Hazel
Yes, still awaiting roofer's return but the current 'fix' is doing okay and as his ladders are still here no doubt he will pop in when he finishes his other job. No immediate rush though it will be good to get my guttering cleaned and general maintenance finished. Have a feeling I am in the midst of the 'year of the house' https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/cancer-chat/sites/all/modules/custom/crukc_smileys/packs/crukc/wink.gif (this is weird - what happened to being able to put a smiley face???). Me thinks there are gremlins at work grrrr.
Shopping for gifts tomorrow so should be really enjoyable. Have a relaxing evening. Jules xx
Thanks Sue, It was good to get back home after work today and have the positive news. Really appreciating the efforts my workmen are going to. They are very good at talking to each other and keeping the 'ship steady' so to speak. Chat soon. Jules xx
Good Morning Jules,
Thanks for your kind words on the other post. You too are a lovely forum friend to have.
My son is at last improving and yesterday he managed to mow his lawn, its been bugging him for a while. I did offer to do it for him but like me he is an independant sort.
They came and picked upmy old laptop yesterday and I did even have to provide any packaging. I hope they can repair it as it was in good condition apart from the broken screen. I have found two folders didnt transfer allthoigh I am sure they are on the back up I made but I just cant find them at the moment. Have just finnished re-arranging my files/ folders on the new laptop so just about back to normal allthough Mrs B will say I never was normal ha ha.
I bet you are enjoying getting to use your new kitchen and appliences. Must seem a little strang though at first. Hope you enjoy your walk /gym this morning and that you have a pleasant weekend.
Take care, sending hugs and best wishes to you and your family, Brian.
Good morning Brian
Good to read that your son is improving and can understand him wanting to manage himself (we all hate to have to bother others don't we?!!). I mowed my lawn before setting off for a visit to the gym and then a walk to local high street to pick up a couple of bits Mum asked for. Thankfully no rain until early evening.
Have been using my new applliances for the past week and all seems okay. As I do not do 'fancy' cooking or much cake baking there is little noticeable difference other than it is so much easier to keep clean now! Of course I have not been tested on the entertaining front yet and it will be a while before this happens as the work continues in my through lounge. Being open plan means the re-plastering creates a bit of dust and do not think this would add 'flavour' to meals (plus with all but one chair and the tv under wraps not really suitable for visitors). Hoping the plastering will be finished by the time my sister in law visits although she is only here for two nights and one of these we will be out for dinner with the family. My decorator says that he will take a couple of days fishing during her visit if needs be!!!
Decorator should be here by 8 am and then I will make myself scarce (probably to the spare room as have some paperwork to deal with and have supply of recycling bags at the ready alongside the papershredder and also my printer (financial assessment time for Mum again so need to dig out relevant 'proof' for the Social Care team and do some more form filling).
Today is also supposed to be switchover day for my broadband provider so awaiting delivery of new router - fingers crossed it goes smoothly as I do not like being without the service. So much of our lives relies on availability of technology these days and I have a few internet orders which I usually track. Still if all else fails I can check things via other wi fi services but the last time I switched it was pretty smooth (hope that does not jinx it).www.cancerresearchuk.org/.../happy.gif (still not getting pretty emoticon(first time I have tried it again but no doubt the gremlins will be ironed out eventually. I noticed that you can access them so probably system specific and in the scheme of things not the most important thing to worry about!).
Hope you and Mrs B had a peaceful weekend. Take care xx
Hi Jules, what busy bees you and Diane are, you take my breath away, even when you say you're being lazy the pair of you are still doing something! I suppose that comes with having had to look after a family, which I never had to do, though looking after Roy when he was poorly was quite a busy few years.
Glad the kitchen is in working order, even if a bit dusty! Plaster dust seems to get everywhere, doesn't it?
Hope all goes well with your switchover, maybe you'll be able to get the emoticons working again on the new system. I tried on my laptop the other day and got the same odd results as you, and I've never been able to use them at all with my iPad on here, they just disappear when the message is posted, so I don't try any more. Pity really, they can say quite a lot!
Take care, love Hazel xx
Hi Diane, hope all is well with you, and the holiday packing is coming along nicely.
Pleased your sister is getting on okay, love to both!
Hazel xx
Hi Hazel
I am very much a morning person as far as keeping busy and usually by 3pm I am firmly on my bottom ha ha (though try to move about regularly to stop me seizing up!!
Well as you can see the 'gasbag' is back. New router arrived whilst I was out this morning and so set it up on my return and hey presto all gadgets now hooked up to new wifi service. Could not have gone smoother. Plasterer has just finished for the day and probably back Wednesday/Thursday. Needs to dry out properly before electricians can put in ceiling lights and then hopefully move forward again. They have left me nice and tidy but will probably need to wash my hair after the dust settles he he. Still unable to get emoticons so just imagine me laughing!
Managed to fill two recycling bags with shredded old paperwork whilst they worked on the lounge (was tucked away up in the spare bedroom) and also printed out all the documents that social services require with regard to Mum's care (a yearly financial assessment which lets us know how much her contributions will be) so hopefully am up to date for a while. Will pop to the postbox between showers.
How are you doing; feeling a little better post treatment? Pacing yourself I expect though easy to get carried away when you feel okay. Sending hugs. Jules x
Hi Brian
Just thought I would let you know (I have her permission) that Kathy has let me know by e mail that she is currently undergoing medical treatment for her own health scare (brain aneurysm) so does not visit the site too often. She has another neurological appointment/procedure due in early May and will keep you updated as and when she contacts me. At present she is having to take it very slowly and spending time with her family as well as at home.
Hope you and Mrs B are okay and also that your sister in law is staying well herself. Regards to you all. Jules x
Hi Jules,
Thanks for letting me know about Kathy. I am sorry to hear about her problem. Please send her my regards when you reply to her if you havent allready done so. We often used to pull each others legs about cheese ect.
I spent some time in the front lawn tthis morning as we have got so many dandelions and yellowy type daisies they have almost taken over the lawn. So last week I bought one of those weed pullers and it works very well. In no time I had filled two large black buckets loads of weeds including their roots. Still have a lot more to deal with but didnt want to leave to many holes at one time. Then this afternoon I mowed both front and back lawns. I shall fill the holes with compost and grass seed.
Thanks for asking about my sister in law. She has just come back from a holiday in Scotland which was booked before brother in law passed away. They always used to go with friends and they still wanted her to go with them. I know she was very wary about going as it was the first time alone but her friends are very good.
My son has to go for a x-ray on thursday and then it will be passed on to his specialist who will contact him by phone to give him an update regarding when he can return to work. Mrs B has told him I will take him as he has to go to Brighton. I cant see him going back to work for at least two weeks yet as he still cant walk properly.
Glad you have recieved you router today and had no problems setting it up. And you keep telling me your not very teck savy. Well done. They seem to have sorted the problem I was having in signing in on here so hopefully it should be back to normal.
Glad your building work is progressing well but please be advised we may have to nick-name you Dusty ha ha. Dont expect you've had much time for reading lately just as I havent had time to do any story writting lately. I must try and get some more done as I have several to finish
Take care, sending best wishes and kind thoughts to you and your family, Brian.
Crikey, Brian, if I did that to my front 'lawn' there'd be nothing left, it's nearly all daisies, clover and dandelions!
Hazel x