My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Diane, so glad to hear your sister is doing so well, that's great and well done to her. And I hope you get your own results through as quickly as possible. Did you "just" have a mammogram or did you have any other tests after that as well?  As Hazel says, do try to slow down, even just a lilttle bit, with such a big family there must be others who can do some of the running around?  Take care  Sue xx

  • Hi sue yes glad my sister is doing well as well. Yes I just had a mammogram and no there was no tests. In my area there targeting the over 65s so I got a letter through the door last week telling me to get a mammogram and had made a date for me on the letter. Though I haven't felt any lumps or bumps still best to get checked. You just never know. I really should slow down the more I think about it. But it keeps my old legs going ha ha. With having a big family I still take over the mother role sometimes and do everything. But we're going on a family holiday in May to Spain so plenty of time then to relax. Take care and hugs -Diane x

  • For sure, it's understandable that you feel sad, but I'm sure hubby would be proud of you and is watching from somewhere and saying 'good for you, that's my girl!'

    I can't decide whether to phone for my results next week or remain in 'blissful ignorance' until my next clinic appointment on 3rd May.  I want to know and yet I don't - I'm sure you and lots of others on here will know the feeling!   

    Thanks for the chuckles and hugs, darling, what a lovely lady you are!

    Hazel xx



  • Hi Hazel if I was you I would just wait because it's not as though you have long to go until the 3rd anyway only a couple of weeks. I can understand you want to know but at the same time you. The best thing is to be positive like you have been through your cancer journey both times. Take care -Diane x

  • Hi Everyone,

    I had a disater this morning;I drropped my laptop and broke the screen so have had to buy a new one. Its going to take me a while to set the new one up so just to let you know normal service will resume as soon as possible.

    Best wishe to all Brian




    Hi Brian, what a pain it is when things get broken. I can only assume your getting a new one as it would be too much hassle getting the screen fixed. The prices these days are ridiculous. And it's also how long it takes. Happened to me a few years ago broke the hole computer had it put on to get fixed they charged me at a ridiculous price also took forever. Really wasn't worth it. Hope you have been having a good day apart from that. Weather has been okay a bit cold but nothing new there. Enjoy the rest of your day -Diane x




  • Oh, gosh, what a pain!  As Diane says, probably just as cheap (!) to buy a new one and certainly better from a 'waiting for repair' point of view.  After all your setting up of your newsletter on the old one too, what a nuisance!   Hope you manage to get set up soon without too much hassle. 

    Take care, Hazel x



  • I think you may be right, Diane, I hadn't realised how close the 3rd is, so will probably wait until then.  

    Hope you are having a good day, rushing about as usual no doubt! 

    Take care, Hazel x

  • Hi all,

    Brian, Hope it wont be too long before you are up and running with your new laptop.  Always frustrating when you find yourself 'high and dry' and know only too well how dependant we become on technology.  Hope the house insurance helps towards replacement as I am sure you did  not drop it on purpose!!  I only had my laptop repaired once (the fan went) but would not do so again as it will be cheaper to replace it next time.  Most computer shops would say that laptops are only meant to have a 2/3 year life - shocking really.

    Hazel, with only a couple of weeks until your appointment no doubt  you will decide to hang on though really understand your mixed feelings as I know many who use the forum will too.  We are all here to keep you company when you need a chat to ease the wait.

    Diane, do hope you have managed to slow down a bit today, if only to have some well earned me time.  It's great that your sister is doing so well but we do not need you 'cream crackered' before  you go away next month.

    I have had a lovely day in the sunshine.  Was out by 9 am, having already got two load of washing outside.  Went to the gym and then met up with daughter and the boys for a wander around the local monthly Artisan Market. I managed to keep my hands off the fudge though the others shared a bag as we walked! Am aiming to  lose 2kg by my next assessment so trying to find some will power ha ha. Did treat myself to a hand crafted necklace  and then we went round the food stalls. The regular cheesemaker from local farm was there and after a few tastings my grandson was in no doubt that the goats cheese with garlic was awesome so we bought two packs (it freezes well!!).  We went our separate ways after lunch as they were off to a charity event with my son in law mid afternoon.  I got home in time to watch the F1 GP highlights and to take a call from the decorator who asked if he could come in from tomorrow so really pleased at that.  Take care all. Jules x

  • Hi Hazel yes it would be best to just wait. Can't believe we're nearing the end of April felt as though January was last week. Hope you had s lovely day. Weather has been cold and cloudy. I stuck to the house today haven't stepped out the door. Only the garden to put washing out. Just a bit of light cleaning a few Washings and watched a bit of TV you will be happy to know ;) Neighbour has got over her virus thank goodness with her being in her 80s some people just don't recover. Though she's quite fit anything can happen. Take care -Diane x