Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi ladies sorry that I'm quite distant lately just keep being run on my feet with things. Jules your kitchen look amazing for the size you have. The space looks better used. My kitchen has roughly the same Color as yours my oven and microwave is the same Color. Though as I said I have the island in my kitchen and that's the same Color as your cabinets though on a lamanet look and shine. Hope your well haven't had a change to get through everyone's posts to see how they are so will do that soon. Take care -Diane x
Hi Diane
Nice to hear from you and glad you ok, albeit up to your eyes by the sound of it!
Am very pleased with kitchen and have mastered the induction hob (well made a boiled egg for breakfast) and also grill function on top oven. Trial and error will probably see me through as I begin to adapt from having cooked with gas all my life. Take care of yourself, sending hugs. Jules x
.Hi Jules,
Just read your post to Diane about changing from gas to electric. Many years ago when I worked at Jewsons timber yard, I got a garbled phone call from Mrs B asking for help. I got home to find she was in the middle of a very bad diabetic turn. The food she was cooking in the saucepan had boiled dry and the house was full of smoke. She had tried to turn the gas off but was so bad she didnt know what she was doing. It frightened the life out of me and I made her change to electric very rapidly for I couldnt bear to think what might have happened if she had turned the gas off and back on again which given her condition was very possible. It could have been so much worse. A year or so later, they changed the type of insulin she uses and luckily her turns are now nothing like she used to have thank goodness.
You will soon get used to it and bet you are well pleased with your new kitchen. Glad you have have good workmen but then a lot of credit goes to you for planing things and getting the right people in to do the work. You should be very proud of yourself.
I wish you and your family a very good weekend, Brian.
Thanks, Jules, fed up with moping so making myself do things!
I'm not sure which is the 'before' and 'after' re the kitchen pics, teehee. Seriously, it looks really nice, all those lovely cupboards and drawers waiting to be filled, and looks like more worktop space too (ready for cluttering if you're anything like me, despite you having another clear out!).
Hope you enjoyed the boiled egg, and enjoy unpacking the boxes - what a job!
Take care, hugs, Hazel xx
Hello Sue, and thanks, we'll get there eventually I'm sure. Hope you are doing okay yourself, pleased you enjoyed your break - 'your' posh house looks lovely, bet you didn't want to leave.
Keep well, Hazel xx
Hi Diane, glad you are okay, even if you're so busy - be careful not to do so much helping everyone else you knock yourself back! (I know what your answer will be to that, 'don't worry about me!', but I can't help it, it's the nurse in me I'm afraid!) Hope your sister is getting on okay too.
Take care, Hazel xx
Thanks for your kind words Brian.
Can imagine how frightening it must have been for your and Mrs B. My Mum is diabetic and I lost count of the number of times she caught herself on the gas rings but she refused to change. In the last year or so before she went into care, she used to walk to the local cafe and have a hot lunch and then could manage her tea okay. Unfortunately I lived too far away to be of much help plus I usually only found out what was going on when we got invited to visit and even then she managed to hide a lot of what was really going on bless her.
As I like my food I have no doubt that I will have some 'fun' learning the ropes and the demonstration at the kitchen showroom was helpful. They plan to hold another one in October (though you can always pop in and ask and it is just across the road from where I work so quite handy) and apparently I will get an automatic invite. Must admit I enjoyed eating the food she prepared and I have chosen the most basic appliance (not too much fancy technology) as I have never been more than a basis cook and living alone means its small meals to prepare unless I entertain. As I have got older I much prefer to take the family out and then it's a treat for us all.
Managed to miss the rain when I popped to the shops and it has been mostly dry this afternoon so have got my exercise by fetching and carrying my boxes back downstairs. Only a couple left to do now and then I can plan my evening meal. Have a good weekend. Take care. Jules x
Hi Jules I'm not surprised your pleased it looks great. I have a built in gas cooker and I don't know if I could switch to electric with having gas for so long. I like how quick you get heat. When I got my kitchen done a few years ago I was the same for While trial and error in not exactly good with new technology that's comes with new appliances ha ha. Also it's totally different from what my kitchen was before and same goes for you. Take care -Diane x
Hi Hazel,
Cannot be easy and you are no doubt feeling the frustration of not always being able to do what you would like to. Weather not helping much either. The waiting for results is a pretty stressful time so try not to beat yourself up and be kind to yourself.
I did enjoy my egg - had to start somewhere ha ha and am trying to get myself on the straight and narrow again foodwise so perhaps being limited to what I can cook for a bit won't do me any harm. Plenty of space still and only two more boxes to unpack (and these are mostly filled with dry and tinned ingredients which will store very nicely in the carosel corner base units). I am not putting too much on the worktops .... yet......as would only have to clear them away again when the decorator returns( and gives me more to dust)!! Have bought a couple of new bits but again will wait until all the painting has been done. Hopefully the updated kitchen will prove to be hubby's lasting legacy and I certainly do not regret making the decision to go ahead (just feel a little sad about how it came to be). To think six months or so ago it was just a plan to keep me focussed.
Take care and sending some chuckles and hugs to help you smile. Jules x
Hi Hazel I am perfectly fine and will have to say (Don't worry about me) I know when I need to slow down but like you my family get on at me doing too much and to much for them but it's just who I am. I really appreciate your concern and your right I should I slow down. But big family =a lot to do ha ha. My sister is going great she's feeling almost 100% so that's good. Take care -Diane x