Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Good morning Jules,
Hope things are warmer now you have your bay window fitted. Bet it's looking good now. I also bet you are looking forward to seeing the finished result when all the work has been completed.
With regard to my son he has a special strap on type legging/boot as apparently they dont use plastercast much anymore. It is still a bit painful but the main problem he is facing is boredom. He has never been one to just sit about and he told me he is already suffering from cabin fever. He is having to take advice as his firm wont pay him while he's off work and it looks like it will be at least eight weeks.
You made me smile with your comment about using so many tea bags. Ive had a small tidy up in my garage workshop ready for when I can start turning again. Still have plenty done from last year but want to try a few new things. one of them is to turn some draught pieces to go with the chess boards Ive done. I turned a set for myself years ago but now want to do some for sale. Have an idea of a way I can do them much quicker so want to see if it works. That the thing with turning; if it for yourself you can take as long as you like but if it's for sale you have to look at quicker ways of doing things otherwise they become to expensive.
I hope you have a peacful weekend. Sending best wishes to you and your family, Brian.
Morning Jules, glad the building work is coming together, enjoy the 'no housework' time while you can! Hope you managed to get your hair done okay at the new salon?
Take care, I will be back soon.
Hazel xx
Morning all thought I would take a quick pop in and say I'm feeling a bit better though sleep deprived. Just could not get to sleep last night. Hoping to catch up on lost sleep today. Sister is doing fine just getting on with her daily tasks. told the family to stay away as I don't want to risk it and they might get it. Got a bit do fresh air and sat in the garden this morning. Got some news that my neighbour has died durning the night across the street. No one knows if it was natural causes or god forbid somethings happened to her. Police were round here sharp this morning and forensic team were parked up near my drive way with police tape around the house so don't know the full story yet m.
Anyway taking it easy hoping to get this flu gone so I can get to the gym on Monday. Take care Diane x
Hi Jules
And your popular thread turns 1000 today. Hope everyone here has a swell day. Kim
Hi all,
Just a very quick post to say have been invited to an over-nighter stop with friends so will be back to chat soon. Hazel and Diane - wrap up, stay cosy and hope you feel loads better soon. Big hugs. Brian loved the cat and the butterfly on the other thread.I have been watching a BlackCap bird on the feeder but the little devil flies when I try to get a picture!
Kim, hope you doing okay and now you have just added the proof that everyone needs that I am a chatterbox on this thread (amongst others!!!).
Wishing everyone a peaceful weekend. Take care. Jules x
Good afternoon Brian,
New window a great improvement and even managed a mini bit of DIY in that I bought new net curtain fittings and got them back up before I went to visit friends yesterday.
Have been back an hour or so an managed to put in three plants I bought at a garden centre this morning and also set up new feeding station. Now just have to watch and wait!!
I am not surprised that your son already feels bored and it must be a worry if he cannot work and does not get paid. I hope he manages to talk to his company and they can sort something out for him. Possibly he could qualify to Statutory Sick Pay (I did not work enough hours to qualify the last time I was off (bereavement leave) but was lucky in that the company decided to pay me due to the circumstances).Your son's GP should be able to advise him whether he would qualify as that is where I got my info from. Hope he has some good news soon.
Lovely day in Buckinghamshire today (visiting friends) and was lovely to get some sunshine as yesterday was an overcast day. Planning on mowing the lawn tomorrow once the electricians have been in (they are fitting the ceiling lights).
Sounds as though you have projects in mind for when the weather is warm enough for you to begin turning in your workshop again and it will certainly give you pleasure I am sure (and others when you sell them on), Look forward to seeing the results of your labours in due time.
Best wishes to you and Mrs B and the family. Jules x
Hi Hazel
Glad to see on other thread that you are improving. Was very happy with new salon and have booked next appointment for six weeks time as have a weekend away to look forward to. When she saw how short my hair was and it took no time at all to dry she applied a lower price (better even than my previous hairdresser) so very pleased indeed. Having visited friends overnight (surprise invite as their son in law was in my neighbourhood to 'ferry' daughter to sleepover at friends so offered to 'transport me') I had a very enjoyable evening meal with them and then a visit to the garden centre this morning where I treated us all to tea and scones (and no I did not put cream on mine ha ha). Got back and decided to put up new feeding station for the birdies so will see how long it takes them to suss it. Take care. Jules x
Hi jules and Hazel that's me getting back to my normal self thank goodness this flu didn't hang about for too long. Woke up feeling like I had more energy so got around the house and got it tided. Went to the car wash and did a spot of shopping. And seen the grandkids. I don't hold back on getting out and about once I'm feeling up to it. Phoned my sister and she told me she went for a jog I was utterly surprised didn't even know she had the stamina to jog but she said she felt like Wonder Woman after it sure got a good laugh. She told me she got her date for her mastectomy. 28th of March I was so stunned how quick this is all happening like jules said its sad that this can't happen for everyone and it's so uneven of the U.K. People getting chemo etc it can take months for some people to get things done. So they Said to her they will remove all the cancer along with her breasts and then chemo for prevention. So I am so happy for her. She's lost a bit a bit of weight due to life style changes over the last weeks. Like excersize and eating less sugary things. I didn't even know she was doing excersize. So my day has been good. About to settle down and watch the end of country file and then the voice is on which I love. Have a great night -Diane x
Hi Diane
Really so pleased to read that you are feeling much better and keeping busy as usual. Also good that all is 'happening' with your sister's treatment and that she has not long to wait. Not sure our hospital down here would be doing ops on Easter Monday. That it is great that she does not have to wait around though and it all sounds like she is handling it well just now.
I did a bit of gardening (few new plants in and new bird feeding station) when I returned from an over-nighter with friends and hopefully will mow again tomorrow as we are promised rain in time for Easter break (typical!!). My daughter and all the family have gone down with the cold that my youngest grandson had mid-week but as she says it will run it's course.
Was delighted to see The Voice on tonight as I too like to watch it (though I was glued to the rugby last night too) and am also watching The Night Manager which begins at 9 so like, you am settled for the evening now, with an early start tomorrow as electricians due at 8 am. Take care Jules x
My goodness, Diane, and there's me telling you to have rest! You take my breath away, woman! Glad you're feeling better, though, I was worried for you. I feel better now as well, thank goodness, and like you I managed the housework today. That was all though, I still get quite tired at the moment.
So pleased your sister is bearing up so well, good for her. With her attitude I'm sure she'll do well.
Enjoy your evening of telly!
Hazel xx