Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi jules if I was him I would probably eat the strawberry tart but that's me ha ha bless him. That's good there trying to raise money tomorrow. I agree it's great the alway there involving the pupils makes such a good environment when everyone's being involved and there happy. The time will fly by for him I'm sure tomorrow. I find that I am going to different hairdressers every few months. My last hairdressers the woman sadly died so that's was a bummer as she was a great stylest and done my hair great, and others just become very lazy with my hair after a few appointments. There's a few hairdressers that I have been to locally that's are good but been such a long time should maybe start going again. Yes the new car is really good. The car is higher than my other car I had so I can see more clearly when driving on the busy roads especially coming out of Edinburgh such a nightmare. My sister went for her bloods today and her scan is on Friday so everything is getting done quick which is great but I often wonder why others it takes months for things to get done. She should get a date for the mastectomy soon so hoping to get that out do the way. I was in the garden as usual oh and do you remember the garden awards I was telling you about well sadly I didn't win but I came second so I got £25 gift card which I though was brilliant. Went to the shops as well and visited my daughter got a chat. So I'm ready to settle down and watch some movies. Take care -Diane x
Hi Brian
Just reading all that you managed to achieve yesterday made me feel tired! Hope you are having a more restful day today.
Sorry to hear about your son and the wait he had for diagnosis - must have been in a great deal of pain and no doubt more than a little annoyed. How did he manage to break it?
Congratulations of winning the battle with the old provider - it pays to stick to your guns when you know you have a fair point.
I have retreated to the spare room with my laptop as my ceiling in the kitchen diner is being plastered as I write. They are cracking on at quite a pace so most of the preparation work will be done before the kitchen fitters come in next month. Anyone who visits would think I am moving soon as I am surrounded by boxes having packed up everything other than furniture - all in a good cause though. The workmen usually call it a day by 4 as they start at 8am so will be back downstairs soon though no point in doing housework ha ha.
Busy morning tomorrow (am making myself scarce whilst my bay window gets replaced) as have gym, coffee morning and hairdressers to fit in (the last being at a new salon as my usual chap is off work at the moment so have found one closer to home and hope I like what they do as had been with previous salon for many years).
The owl was an absolute beauty and they were raising money for the local sanctuary by asking for small donations for pictures - could not resist and have a couple of my daughter holding her too which she loves. The weather was a little overcast for photography but happy that we have some reminders of a great weekend. My next mini trip away is to Bournemouth in May for a long weekend with friends. Nice to have something to look forward to once the renovations are hopefully finished by then.
Take care and all the best to you, Mrs B and the family. Jules x
Hi Hazel
Hope you are feeling a little less jaded by the sickness and able to enjoy today's sunshine. Well, my two day week is done and am hoping to get into the garden this weekend. Quite a busy day tomorrow but it will keep me out of the way whilst the 'grafters' continue working indoors. Having a new bay window fitted tomorrow so will look forward to seeing the 'new look' when I get back.
Think my lap top is about to have issues again as the 'fan' is on all the time which is what happened the last time it needed repairing. If it conks out I will have to find my way round my new tablet in double quick time (it's not even out of the box yet ha ha). Still, seem to be coping fairly well with new phone and have downloaded a couple of books so maybe that will keep me amused.
Hi Diane
Pleased to report that all the 'tarts' made it into school today and no doubt I will hear how well they sold when I next catch up with the family. I get my hair cut about every 6/8 weeks (its pretty short and easy to look after) but as my regular chap is off work and no one knows when he will be back (he runs his own small salon and only rents out a couple of chairs to two other part time stylists so not easy to switch over), I have made an appointment at one in my local high street (good recommendation from a couple of friends) so will see how it goes. Will be at the gym and then a coffee morning before I get my hair done so a good way to keep out of the way of the workmen.
Your sister is getting her appointments through nice and quickly but it does seem to vary from area to area within the country - not how it should be as everyone deserves to be treated the same way but so many different 'bodies' looking after things these days. Hope her appointment for her scan tomorrow goes well and know you will be a 'good ear' for her to have nearby. Best wishes to you both and hope your back is feeling better after your mishap outside. Take care. Jules
Hi Diane, well done for your gradening sucess and I will be thinking of your sister tomorrow while she has her scan. Take care Sue xx
Hi Jules,
Just read your post to Hazel. It may be your fan has sucked a lot of dust in to the inner parts of the computer. Poundland shops sell a tin of compressed air for cleaning such as this. I had this problem once on my old laptop and used the outer part of a biro pen and blew through the vent and was amazed how much dust came out. I shouldnt have done it as there is moisture in our breath but it worked till I could get the proper product. Hope this helps.
Kind regards Brian.
Thanks Brian. Until you posted I had completely forgotten that I had a can of compressed air which I tried the last time. Will try and find it amongst my boxes and see if it does the trick. You are a mine of helpful information. Jules x
Thank you sue that means a lot. Take care -Diane x
Good Morning Jules,
I have just sent an e-mail to a company called Bio-engineering who are a company who are going to be using drones to plant tree seeds as I would like to include an artical about it in our club newsletter. They hope to be able to plant a billion seeds per year at only 15% of the cost of doing it the conventional way ie by hand. I do hope this idea is feasible and get adopted quickly. We need to used new technology to counter the worst side effect of modern tree harvesting. An area the size of Ireland is cleared of trees every year. If the cost of re-plant is reduced dramactically, hopefully it should lead to goverments taking up this idea .
Hope your computer is behaving itself. Like you I dont like it when it's playing up. The worst problem I have with my laptop is while I am typing, the cuser sometimes jumps backwards and I find I have been typing in the wrong area and have to change it.
Hope all goes well today with your renovations. You must be very pleased with the way things are progressing and taking shape. Once your new kitchen is in, it shoild make your life easier hopefully. Well done you.
I managed to mow the front lawn yesterday and it was so easy this time. Mrs B has just had a heart to heart with me, thanking me for helping her with the housework on Mondays and Fridays. With all her various health complaints she was struggling to do it and eneded up feeling so tired. I have been doing this for some years since retiring but have gradually taken on a bit more. Like most ladies, she was at first a bit reluctant as she is very independant (I AM TOO) but I was quite touched by her words just now.
Hope everthing goes well today and I wish you and your family a very pleasant weekend, Brian
Hi Brian,
How lovely that firstly you share the chores but secondly to have mutual appreciation of helping out each other - a truly loving partnership.
I was going to mow the lawn later today but too much going on with the builders to go out the back (plus they have boards down to mix the plaster. Maybe tomorrow if the weather stays dry. I am very lucky with the workmen who really are nice and clear up after themselves each day before they go home. Am having lunch upstairs and using my sun lounger as my seating so really quite comfy. Bay window is nearly finished and that will help warm the place up again as it really was very chilly this morning.
Have a quiet weekend planned but will go walking and also do some shopping (never got through so many tea bags ha ha). Hope you and Mrs B have a peaceful weekend and that your son is in less pain now that he has been properly treated for his broken foot (is he in plaster or a plastic boot cast?). Take care. Jules x