My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Hazel, Was going to post on your own thread but then realised that was started quite some time ago so will reply on here and hope you read it.  Just wanted to send  you hugs as I suspect the chemo is leaving you feeling a bit 'pants' but hoping it will be your last treatment so that your mind and body can have some recovery time.  I am  going away for the weekend but will be thinking of all my forum buddies and be in touch on my return (not taking the laptop with me as hoping for precious quality time spent with my daughter).  Be kind to yourself and take care.  Jules xx

  • Morning, Jules, thanks for the lovely hugs, much needed (had some from Diane too so am doing well on that score) - 'pants' is one word to describe it!  It seems to be cumulative, it gets worse each time, but no more to come now, please God.  I am feeling a wee bit better this morning, have washed my hair and got dressed, so onwards and upwards.  

    Hope you have a really lovely weekend in Edinburgh with your daughter - the weather seems to be on your side so ENJOY!

    Love Hazel x





  • Hi Jules,

    Good on you for getting a new phone and tablet. I am so pleased I changed my broadband provider as my download speed id up 50% and half the price I was paying. The old company has sent me a bill for last mount, despite me telling them in no uncertain terms I would not be paying it because of lack of servive and the fact I spent four hours on the phone to them, and a further four hours re-tyoing e-mail and e-mail address they had lost in changing my webmail page. So I am sending them a bill for my time which is double what they want to charge me. I am having to send it via post as their sytem doesnt recognise my phone number any more.

    Now I've had my moan, I hope you have a great weekend and make lots of happy memories with your daughter. You never know, you might just bump into Diane ha ha.

    Have a great time, Brian.

  • Morning Hazel,

    Well snap, I am now up, hair washed and ready for the off. Mind you did not need fog for our drive to the other side of London grr. Fingers crossed it clears quickly.  Son in law has decided he will drive us (rather than getting a taxi) so am happy to give him the petrol money instead of the 'fare' which also means we are leaving probably half hour earlier. Will feel happier once we get to airport - not a nervous flyer but worry about not making it on time ha ha.

    Had the added bonus of a phone call last night from the decorator and he is coming in Monday to start preparation work so weekend away probably do me good!!.

    Just seen a new edition to my birdfeeder - a blackcap - a good reminder to fill the feeders before I go.

    Take it easy and hope each day brings continued recovery. Hugs  Jules x

  • Morning Brian

    Glad that you are happy with your new providers and love your way of dealing with the last bill; will be interesting to hear what their response is!

    I am up and raring to go as they say. My daughter and son in law will be around as soon as they drop grandson to school.  Unfortunately we have fog this morning so hope it clears quickly as have to get to the other side of London for the flight up to Scotland (with rush hour and all that entails). Have my fingers crossed that journey goes well as will feel more relaxed once 'checked in' (though even the flight could be delayed with the weather I suppose). We are both looking forward to having a relaxing couple of days together and enjoying the sights that Edinburgh has to offer (and being waited on ha ha).

    Hope you and all my forum buddies have a peaceful and happy weekend. Take care.  Jules x

  • Hi Jules hope you have a good time up here though I would Advise bringing gloves and a heavy coat as its to rain all day and it's wet and cold right now. I'm off to my daughters today to look after my grandson as she needs to go into work and my son in law is on a work trip. He's got a bad cold and feeling run down so his gran will make him feel better with some lovely soup I made last night. Then in the afternoon about 5 pm I pick my new car up I got a Audi A3 looks lovely so looking forward to driving it  Diane x

  • Hello all, I am posting on Jules's thread  because I'm feeling a bit rough again today and don't want to be a misery on the lovely inspiration threads.  I have read all the posts though, and will respond asap.  Hope you all have a lovely day, it's really nice here, only wish I could take advantage of it.  Sorry to be such a whinge!  

    Love Hazel xxx


  • Hi Hazel,

    Soory to read you are feeling a bit rough today. Lets get one thing straight; you are not a misery nor are you a whinger. Just someone suffering from the side effects of chemo. Knowing you though, you will soon bounce back and be chasing me if I am late posting ha ha. It make Mrs B laugh. She says its about time someone else chased you up ha ha.

    I know you like colourful things so I found a vitual bunch of red roses for you from all of us to try and cheer you up. Hope you like them, Brian.

  • Oh, Brian, thank you SO much, you are so thoughtful, now you have made me cry!   

    Everyone on here is so lovely, don't know what I'd do without you all!  

    Love to you and Mrs B, glad I can give her a smile.  

    Hazel x

  • Hazel you need a bowl of my soup wish I could send it through the post. Sorry to hear your not that well today. You are not a misery far from it. Now you relax and just take it easy. If your up for it go for one of your walks and get some fresh air. Sending hugs and love -Diane x