I am a stage 4 tongue cancer survivor

It was a long tough road but it seems as if I have won the battles so far.

Let me start this by saying I smoked from 1972 - 1977 and the Dr's do not think this was an issue.  I am a extremely light drinker.  I drink socially and only a beer or a glass of wine and never more than one.  HPV could be a culprit as I dated more than a few women when I was dealing with my divorce in 1987-88.  It's amazing that it took 20 years to present if that is indeed the cause.  I read that an oncologist wrote we have cancer in our bodies all the time.  It's just a matter of some trigger setting it off.  Stress, sickness of another type, etc.  I had tons of stress in July of 2007.  My wife lost her Dad and 10 days later I lost my Mom.  Her parents live in China and my Mom is in the US (as am I).

September of 2007 - lost taste of food.  I tasted something but it was only half the flavour I expected.  My family Dr said taste issues are in the brain so she ordered a CT of my brain.  No abnormalities.

November 2007 - Still experiencing loss of taste but now have developed a nagging pain under my right ear. - Went to see a Ear, Nose, Throat Dr.  He said it was TMJ and take Ibuprofin.

January 2008 - Went to another ENT Dr who said it could be a nerve in my ear.  He ordered an MRI.  The guy who read it said he thought he saw something on my tongue.

January 2008 - Another MRI of my head and neck this time.  They found something but don't know what it is.

February 2008 - Biopsy confirmed the worst.  Cancer of the tongue.  Stage 3.

Feb 08 - saw a cancer surgeon - he said it was inoperable (too large) as he would have to remove my tongue and my quality of life wouldn't be there.

February 2008 - went to see an oncologist (1st opinion) who was too blunt.  Said he was leaving to teach at University and had said if the cancr is in my lymphnodes I will be dead soon.  Said I should see my dentist for review.

Feb 08 - Dentist, oral surgeon, gum Dr., all said my teeth should come out.  All my teeth!  So I went in to have them all removed surgically. (Insurance doesn't cover this I found out later).

Feb 08 - Surgery to put in the feeding tube and my 'Port-a-Cath' - makes delivery of Chemo easier.  Ordered several cases of liquid food (Insurance doesn't cover the food either).

March - got to see 2nd oncologist they mapped out my course of treatment.  7,000 units of radiation over a 7 week period.  They made my face mask (to hold my head still) and we started on Monday.

Three heavy doses of chemo (cisplatin).  The chemo would be delivered on days 1&2 of weeks 1, 4, and 7.  The dose is so strong they had to give me half at a time, so two days for one dose.

April 08 - we finished treatment.  Now I just have to start feeling better.

August 08 - PET scan shows tongue and neck are clear but now there is a spot on my spine and my lung to be concerned about (turned out it was nothing)

December 12 - PET is clean from the top of my head to my knees.  Yippie!!!!

Side effects - Good - I havn't had to shave my neck for four years now and it's as smooth as a babys bottom.  Lost a bunch of weight.  Kept it off until I had dental implants put in to hold my dentures in place better.   Now I'm heavy again.

Side effects - Tolerable -  When my weight was down I was cold most of the time.  Because of the targeted radiation my neck cramps up when it is cold in the room.  I can't whistle well at all and my singing voice isn't what it used to be.

Side effects - Bad - none.  I'm still here.

There is so much more to this.  feel free to ask questions.

  • You are correct.  Now that we have Nationalized health care here we probably won't get much in the way of good care anymore, unless you have the big bucks to pay for it.

  • Hi Kjar53 and Donna

    There is another discussion about tongue cancer here Donna.

    It might be worth asking the same question on the other thread.

    There has been some discussion on what to eat among people posting there.

    Also, you could speak to our nurses who will be able to advise you.

    You can contact the team on: 0808 800 4040 from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

    Calls are free from UK landlines and most mobile phones.

    Best wishes


  • hi kijar, please reply my last questions if possible, im still having the symptoms you had which is strange taste and my mouth feels so weird, but the ent surgeon had done endoscope through my mouth nose and ear all the way down to my voice box they didnt find anything suspicious, where your tumor was found? i need somebdy's advice please , should i get mri or ct scan done to make sure nothing is wrong with me ? i would appreciate for any advice thanksss

    January 2008 - Another MRI of my head and neck this time.  They found something but don't know what it is.  ( which part of your tongue they found smething abnormal? could you see it on the mirror?

    February 2008 - Biopsy confirmed the worst.  Cancer of the tongue.  Stage 3.

    Feb 08 - saw a cancer surgeon - he said it was inoperable (too large)

  • Hi, Jose

    I can see you are really worried about your symptoms, which seem to be a very dry mouth and strange taste. I'm no expert, but dry mouth suggests a salivary gland problem (not tongue cancer, particularly).

    You say you are "in Indo", I don't know where you mean, exactly, but I will assume that you could ask a doctor for an MRI or CT scan of head, to see if you have any unusual structures that are not visible to the naked eye?

    But, you may well be getting over-anxious about something which will turn out NOT to be a malignancy. My best advice would be to try to get it investigated, if you're still having symptoms; butm at the same time, try not to worry until you know you have something to worry about.

    I hope this is helpful

    Best regards


    (head and neck cancer treated 2009, only symptom - painless lump in neck)

  • hi bron, thank you very much for the information, ive seen atleast 6 or 7 doctors, none of them recomended for mri or ct scan, i asked them for  those tests of my own will. but problem is there are many options of head and neck mri tests, such as mri mouth, mri nasopharynx, mri salivary gland, mri larynx and many more, the quality of medical system and hospitals here are really bad to be honest, im from indonesia. even a ent doctor and oral doctor have no ide which test i should have that covers whole throat and mouth area, i just need to put my mind at rest.its been more than 1 month i have this symptoms. but i read american cancer website, it says imaging test like MRI, CT scan and Xray does not use to diagnose oral cancer. http://www.cancer.org/cancer/oralcavityandoropharyngealcancer/detailedguide/oral-cavity-and-oropharyngeal-cancer-diagnosis

    you think an endoscope through ear nose and throat all the way down to voice box  from ENT doctor and few screening all over my mouth from few dentist and oral doctor should be all i could do to find out whats going on with my tongue and mouth?

    thanks again for the information

  • Hi Jose

    Sorry about your health concerns.

    I am sending you a link to our patient information on tongue cancer.

    I hope it's helpful to you.

    Best wishes


  • The Dr should order a MRI of the head and neck to see if there is a mass that needs to be addressed.  I didn't have a dry mouth until they started treatment.

  • Thanks for sharing this. 8 weeks ago I completed six weeks of radiotherapy and chemotherapy for tongue cancer. I'm slowly recovering and waiting for my next MRI scan. I'm confident it will be clear. It's good to hear success stories. There don't appear to be many of us out there who have suffered this type of cancer. You have done well and I hope I do as well as you.


  • JANE thanks for the information, ive read it, none of the symptoms match mine, only KIJAR's symptoms match mine, thats why i asked KIJAR where about in his tongue the tumor was, but havent got answered yet from KIJAR.

  • Hi Jose,

    I had tongue cancer in 2007 .

    I had pain in my tongue, teeth and ears. I was sent to 2 dentists who said no problem(one said probably a secondary infection from a tooth).

    On holiday in the US I went to another dentist who took a biopsy from my tongue which was slightly swollen and had a little white patch.

    This came back clear. On return home (France)  I had a scan and another biopsy. This was positive and I was told I had six months.

    An operation (6 to 7 hours) plus chemo and radiation therapy would give me a fifty percent chance of another 5 years.

    The tumour was fairly large and went from near the back of my tongue down towards the root.

    So I think you need a scan. If it shows anything then you will have a biopsy and know for sure.

    If there is no problem that will be great!

    If it is positive then you have to be ready for 3 or 4 months of unpleasantness.  But treatment and recovery rates are good these days.

    I cannot eat or drink and my speech is very poor.  None the less, I enjoy life to the full and still play golf, fish and enjoy my sports car.

    I am 77 yers old.and am not expecting to fall off the perch anytime soon.

    Good luck
