Radiotherapy after Tonsil Cancer and Neck Dissection

Hi Everyone,

Can anyone give me advice on what to expect when having Radiotherapy please..?

I have just had a Cancer tumour removed from my right Tonsil and a right side Neck Dissection to remove a 3cm cancerous Lymph node. Any help will be great thank you...


  • Hello SDG3

    I hope you're recovering well from your surgery. We've some information on our website here about radiotherapy for oral cancer which you may find helpful but we've also got a few members who have written their own personal blogs which I'm sure will be of interest. 
    If you use the forum search function (magnifying glass in the blue bar above) to search for [@Taff123]‍ and [@RadioactiveRaz]‍ you will find lots of posts from them and they have shared the link to their blogs with a number of people. 
    You're also welcome to speak to one of our team of nurses here about any questions or concerns that you have. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    I hope that this helps. 
    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Thank you Jenn, I'll have a look...

  • Hi Simon this is Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz I am now 21 month post radiotherapy for tonsil cancer with several affected lymph nodes I had no surgery but 35 radiotherapy sessions along with 2.chemotherapy. The treatment is doable it’s pretty brutal but the ootcome is very favourable. I am niw living my life riding my bike going on holidays ok I have slight issues with spicy and curry things but small price to soy. 

    My blog is www.radioactiveraz.wordpress,com hope it helps any questions just ask. 

    I was 61 when diagnosed and a true wimp 

    Kerp in touch Hazel x

  • Hey Simon,


    This is exactly the situation I find myself in at the moment.  49 y/o man with similar situation (left sided lymph not right). I've also had an exploratory surgery to check tonsil mass is operable / biopsy. 

    I am incredibly nervous about what is coming up - presumably a big op and then chemo/radio so I'd be super grateful for any pointers/tips/reassurance.





  • Hi it's Fooman I am 55 and I have just been told I have Tonsil Cancer and I have a large Lyph Node on the left side of my neck. I have had my bloods taken last Friday and I am waiting for 3 more tests. I should have these in the next 2 weeks fingers crossed. The had all ready told me that I need Radiation Therapy and medication. To be honest I am very freighted but I am trying to stay positive. I am still working but at work I find my mind running away with me.Good Luck with your treatment I am sorry I can't give you more advice. Take care

  • I'm all about finding some buddies to give each other some support - message me.

  • Hi I will keep in touch with you and keep you informed with my Treatment nice one 

  • Hi James,

    Sorry to hear about your Cancer. I'm not sure on what treatment you will be having, I had both Tonsils removed and had a Neck Dissection done on my right side to remove the Secondary Cancer that had built up in my neck Lymph Nodes. This was then followed by 6 weeks of Radiotherapy but luckily for me I didn't need any Chemotherapy.  I had my Operation in Oxford by one of the top Consultants there and thankful all went well in the end and I've just passed my first year Cancer free. 

    I'm not sure if I had this treatment because it was the best option at the time or whether it was because of COVID as my Operation was done at the end of April last year. The Consultant in the beginning asked me if I wanted to either have Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy first to see if that reduced the Cancer or go straight in and have the Operation, I asked what his thoughts were and he recommended to have the Operation, so I did. 

    I won't say everything was easy because it wasn't and it's still isn't. The biggest problem I had after the Op was they never put a feeding tube in and I couldn't swallow anything apart from the smallest amount of water for the first 3 days and even then it would burn on the way down. Eventually it was explained to me that the best way to drink was to hold the water in my mouth for a couple of seconds and then swallow, this was because I had to give time for my voice box to close first before the water went down which is why it was burning. Once I got used to that things slowly improved, however it still took me a good couple of months before I could get on to any solid food's again and I lost 3 stone in weight during that time. I still have issues today with swallowing, food can still get stuck and I have to cough it back up and there are times when I drink things like coffee or fizzy and instead of it going down it decides to go up and comes out of my nose, which is a great party trick. I have been told that this is expected and is probably going to be my new normal and under the circumstances and I'm happy with that. 

    Overall I have definitely had some good and bad days, both mentally and physically, but I'm still here and that's the most important thing. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and you've got to do your best to think positively and fight your way though it but I also know that's easier said than done. Always talk to family and friends about it as it is good to talk and get things off your chest. 
    I hope that this has explained a little bit of what I went through but we're all different and we all need different treatment. I'm happy to chat some more if you want and I wish you all the best as you move forward with your treatment. 


  • Thank you for your detailed reply, Simon.

    I grew up in Headington so I know the area really well -  my Dad worked just round the corner.

    I'm so glad you made it through albeit with some issues.  I've been told it would be no bad thing to put some weight on - and I'm now at my heaviest ever of around 14 stone so hopefully that gives me a little extra weight to play with!

    It's my big treatment meeting today following last weeks exploratory surgery.  I'm nervous as hell, as you might imagine.  At least we'll know more tonight.


  • I hope everything went well today...