Life in Jersey, Channel Islands

Hi All,

Sorry it's been some time since I've been on due to full-time work and 2 local cancer projects I'm involved in and 1 I'm setting up.

Just a bit of an update, I'm still stage 4 breast cancer (obviously) but following my last chemotherapy I have 7 sites of isolated cancer cells in my body, they haven't formed tumours yet. My Herceptin and Perjeta every 3 weeks seems to be working brilliantly keeping it all at bay and my heart is currently holding up to the treatment, long may it continue.

We had a big fright some months back now when my identical twin went for her prophylactic bilateral mastectomy. She had been scanned by ultrasound, MRI and mammogram and, from this, they proceeded with her surgery. During the surgery they were shocked to find that she already had quite extensive stage 1 breast cancer. Unfortunately they hadn't asked for permission to take lymph nodes out so couldn't then take them out be 100% sure it's stage 1 but they are fairly sure it is. Because she lives in a very remote island and needs two overnights and lots of travel (boat and car) to get to her specialist in Glasgow they have shown her how to check her own lymph nodes and are adopting a watch and wait strategy. She will still get annual MRIs as already agreed when I got diagnosed.

They asked for a copy of my pathology report as only half of my large stage 3 tumour showed up on scans, and my mum's second breast cancer only partly showed too. So please don't anyone worry, it wasn't a situation they had seen before in all their years of treating cancer patients. They are considering that this is possibily something very specific to our BRCA2 mutation and are hoping to research it further to see if they can learn from it.

I recently had a COVID-19 scare, although my symptoms were also indicative of a DVT. My leg has since swelled so it seems it is a blood clot after all. They put me on blood thinners as a precautionary measure over a week ago so as to hopefully avoid any hospital admissions. Thankfully our hospital here is still coping and there is little alteration to oncology services so far. Hopefully that continues to be the case.

Hope everyone is well? I've missed out chats.


  • Hi twintwo 

    Lovely to hear from you your definitely very busy. So sorry about your sister hope things stay good for you both. Hope the young ladies see you and pop on soon.

    Noticed other day you went to your beach hut surprised you couldn't stay there you certainly weren't a'd be lovely in the sun. 

    Hope to hear from you not to long next time please...... Love Billy xxx 

  • Hi Billygoatt,

    NIce to hear from you too. I'll try and make more effort to come in regularly, I feel bad as I liked coming in and talking to you all and encouraging newly diagnosed people. I guess the thing is, with my new project, I'm meeting newly diagnosed people face to face and somehow that ends up taking up more time!

    Has anyone heard from @dizzle82? Was already worried when I was last on some months ago as she had gone quiet. I know she was in a good place, but would be good to know how she is doing.





    Hi TwinTwo,

    It is really good to hear from you again. It sounds as if you are doing well when you are back to work and, by the sound of things, keeping yourself busy in your leisure time too.

    I am so sorry to hear about your sister. That must have come as quite a shock to all the family. I hope that she is coping well. Is the swelling in your leg is subsiding with the blood thinners and have you found it very sore? This is not what you wanted, I'm sure, but possibly better that the alternative of the Coronavirus?

    If you go to the discussion 'The Good and the Bad' you will catch up on Dizzle's news. This is under 'Living with Cancer'. She has had a mixed time, but I'll not steal her thunder and let her tell you herself.

    Do try and pop by from time to time, as we all miss you here.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi there, I've just joined, hopefully pointless, pea in boob, hospital appointment  may 4th. So I've everything crossed for me, but I posted on a post you had started years ago.  Odd as it may seem I just thought id say hi and hope your coping OK. Thank goodness even though your doctor thought all seemed ok they referred you!! Family history is always a hard question for me, mum died aged 50 when I was 25 she was adopted and I have no siblings . Thank goodness you knew yours. . X