How long does pain last after mastectomy

Hi - I have bilateral breast cancer and had double mastectomy and full axullary clearance of lymph nodes one week ago. No drains were fitted and instead I have to go and get fluid drained when too much builds up. I had expected pain to lesson as time went on but it seems to be worse (or maybe My coping is not so good as I expected it to lesson). I am still wearing the surgical vest as I feel more supported with it on - although it is v uncomfortable! Can anyone advise how long pain lasts, how long I will continue to fill with fluid and/or any suggestions on what i could wear to offer support during this 'fluid filling stage' that would be more comfy than the vest they put on during the op? (I did not get reconstruction so the support is for the wounds/swelling). Thanks ( I am overweight so the vest 'curls' up all of the time and presses in my armpit)

  • Ouch! Ihope it will start to ease soon. I had a right side mastectomy and removal of an implant which was put in over 40 years ago to cosmetically fix a depressed sternum, basically ribs that side go in not out, so I had a pothole for a chest. I found the pain was worst in my back behind my shoulder blade, and in my armpit. all the nerves were messed up, and its coming back to life in fits and stats, Im 9 weeks post op. I had reconstruction done the same operation, Although the initial wounds have healed, Im scarred, and sometimes the scar I have which goes nipple to armpit is tender. Initially, I had dead nerves in my left arm and dead fingers in left hand, nurse reckoned that was because it was a long operation and I was sort of laid out in a cross shape on the operating table, so it upset the nerves. sensation has returned left side. operated side is very hit and miss sensation though, but I do get pain in the breast chest and under arm if I reach out or down with my arm outstretched, like everything is tight.  I dont know if anyone has shown you the exercises you might be able to start soon, but although uncomfortable, they can prevent some problems like frozen shoulder, I did them gently but regularly, the nurse gave me a hardback folder of cancer information which contained info about exercises, and they were manageable. It was from breast cancer care and called primary breast cancer, I recommend it. Your breast nurses may be able to advise about managing the roll up dressing, it sounds very annoying.  There may be reasons why you have your seroma fluid drained instead of having drains in, so ask what the options are.  Im sure they will discuss it with you but make sure to ask if you need anything to help avoid arm or hand swelling (a friend used to have to wear a long compression glove to prevent it swelling)   Perhaps they could cut out a section under the armpit if its a nuisance?  just a thought, ask your nursing team.  good luck, and keep us updated, all best wishes for a quick improvement x


  • Hi Poland - thank you for your reply and I hope that you are fully recovered (and all nerves regained) soon. I have got the exercises and have been doing them - since posting this question I have learned that the exercises help to limber up and ease the pain - bit of a double edge sword 'hurts to do them/hurts if don't' lol. I think I just want a miraculous and speedy recovery to go back to 'normal' however, I am learning that I maybe need to find a new 'normal' now. 

  • yep, new normal is a good way to think about it, and people have suggested to me that its useful to take things slower, one day at a time. Im still learning to pace myself, which doesnt really fit with how I go into things, gung ho. My next new normal will be going to get a hairdo, with highlights etc, ready for daughters engagement party at end of the month, by which time I hope to dip a toe in the water of starting to do a bit of work. And also buying a different bra once Ive seen my consultant in mid march - I am so tired of being stuck with just  the two I bought when I knew I was having surgery, M&S, very plain, one black one white, oh dear, been living in them since december and never got to wear all the pretty underwired ones I bought myself as a treat last summer. determined to have a go at them eventually even though Ive been told not to, and I cant take them back either as receipt went west last year! 


    Hi Jax,

    I had a double mastectomy 9 years ago. I wasn't given a vest to reduce swelling. I found that I had to do my exercises regularly and this helped me to move more freely as well as reducing the pain. Initially, I started with a soft bra and, as soon as I could I moved on to a more supportive bra which was not underwired.

    Like you, I didn't have reconstruction. I had drains in and, had to have my breasts aspirated twice. Despite doing the exercises regularly, I later developed Lymphoedema and have been attending the Lymphoedema clinic since then.

    For a few years they also massaged me and tried to improve the lymphatic drainage. They also applied several layers of bandaging from my shoulder to my fingertips for 2 weeks out of every 12. I looked like the Michelin man with both arms bandaged up like this and got some very strange looks and questions.

    The Lymphoedema clinic provide supportive bras, but they're not the prettiest. They also provide support sleeves which I wear all of the time. This hasn't reduced the swelling much, but it has retained the status quo.

    It is still early days for you and I hope that things do get better for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi, I had a mastectomy 8 days ago and am in pain in my arm, under arm and chest area. The breast care nurse said it is the nerves knitting together. How long does this last please. I did the exercises today and made it worse 

  • Hi Frances 

    you are still very early days - I know it doesn't seem like it but the pain will ease and your movement will come back. I was on max doses of painkillers for about 2 weeks and then was able to drop them and just took as needed and the amount I took reduced each week :). I am 8 weeks post DMX now. The worst pain for me was my arms (probably because I was not expecting arms to hurt lol). For me, I found exercise eased the pain - if it is making yours worse you might  need to reduce the amount of exercise. If it is worse pain in your arms it might be due to cording so worth googling that too and then maybe a chat with your breast care nurse. I spent so much time crying in the first 2 weeks and really thought it would never get better, struggling to dress, not being able to roll on my side in bed, an effort washing my hair etc. But I am glad to say that all of that seems like a distant memory now (although I am back in pain today as just got my Hickman line fitted :( ).  If you are in Facebook look up a group called Breast Cancer Support - the ladies are fantastic and it is a great place to get quick answers to questions like this. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Diane x 

  • Hi Jax, that's how feel, crying all the time. My chest feels as though there's a clamp on it. It makes me feel better hearing about you 


    thank youxx

  • Join the Facebook group - it really kept me sane during the early days ;) . But honestly this will be a distant memory and much more bearable before you know it. I could not look at my scar at first and now am trying to stretch it and massaging E45 into it and I very rarely cry now - only if something sets me off lol. But pain wise - no tablets needed, it feels tight but that is easing too and I ordered my first pair of knitted knockers which I love lol. If you had told me Inwould feel like this 8 weeks after surgery I would not have believed you - so sending big hugs and this will get better for you, just take one day at a time and it is fine to as this is a massive thing to go through xxxx

  • Hi Jax

    im taking Zapain tablets on prescription but they don't do a thing. The breast care nurse said because it's nerve pain I should have been prescribed Gabapentin. What did you take?



  • Hi Frances - I have not heard of Zopain. I was prescribed codeine and I took them alongside paracetamol and ibruprofen. I stopped the codeine after the first week though as I wa scared of getting addicted (and I also really wanted a glass of wine and didn't want to risk it with codeine lol). I then stayed on paracetamol and ibruprofen taking both together (but not everyone can take ibruprofen) - pretty much full dose of 8 of each a day. It sounds more than just nerve pain - have you googled 'cording' as it may be that as that can be very painful - I had it in one arm but luckily the cord was quite thin. Keeping my fingers crossed that your pain begins to ease xx