The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Hi again Sandra, twas only afterwards that I realised your thread stgarted a while back,Im delighted to hear of your progress and positive plans, as far as good and bad is concerned, Monday, occupational health nagged me and pronounced me unfit to return, which rather knocked me off my "Im in denial, its not really that serious" perch.  Upside, after a lot of faff and feeling ignored by HR, they sent me a massive, and I mean massive, probably incorrect payslip. Way over what I anticipated, so have asked them to double check it before I go wedding dress shopping with my daughter next week I dont want a rush of emotion and generosity to put me into debt for the year if they want it back!

  • Hi Poland and welcome. Be very careful if you get to much money. Mine was slightly different. My lovely tax person gave me a cheque for nearly 800pounds about a month ago. Put it in the bank with a smile on my face. Two days later they wanted 1200 off me because I'd not paid enough tax year before. So glad you found this string hope you stay on and learn and help others because that's what the forum is all about. Best wishes for the future......


  • Thanks for the welcome Billy, yes, Im a naturally cautious person whenit comes to finances, I had to be attorney for both my elderly parents, and had some twists and turns with that and Probate, and some monies they settled on our kids.  Ive emailed the HR business manager today, copying in line manager, and she has forwarded that to the guy who sorts out stuff like this.,It was an unusally large payout, and I have felt mucked about due to them saying they hadnt received sick notes which Id gone in to deliver personally, but they seemed to get "lost" in admin as my three work organisers all left whilst I was off.  Anyways, Ive got proof Ive messaged them to double check it, and Im in a Union!

  • :D :D :D

    well we are British ;)

  • No probs :)

    go with flow on your return to work.. think we rush back because we think we should. If you feel ok ( ish) nd they say unfit for work ... throw a party in their honour nd kick back and relax :)

    woo hoo another wedding in the planning ( the lovely Dizzel is planning hers too). I do believe you r wise to check the payslip ... mind you it may include a tax rebate too ( I got a big one nd mine was a hefty tax rebate) either way .... hope it's right nd it's yrs :D x

  • Morning peeps 

    bad :- I've agreed to let the lil ones decorate older ones of bday cake ... sigh. Wonder who cracks first lol. 

    good:- lil ones being good as gold and did a fair job making lots of fondant flowers ( better play than play doh ).  They go to caravan tonight so I get 3 whole days off whoop whoop. Love having em but I also like a couple of days off lol

    have as good a day as you can peeps ️

  • Hi again Poland just remembered when i was having cemo, had some bad days so couldn't go to work tax man kept giving me rebates (big ones) i phoned up to check, told it was right. Year later told not paid enough tax.. If some of your money is tax rebate please check more than once some of them haven't got a clue. Tax wise even though they work for tax person.... Billy 

  •  Blimey Billy talk about taking you up nd throwing you down again. blinking tax man eh.

    hows you nd your lovely ladies Bren nd Bella doing. x


  • Hi Sandra, bella's getting over her bladder infection about a nother six weeks of tablets..hopefully it'll clear up completely this time,. 

    Bren I'm not hundred percent sure but think she's had another mini stroke she can't sit up straight in her chair she always leans to the right again. She usto do it before we new she'd had strokes, and specialist explained that's what was causing it, she'd had two eather side so she was straight up before. Last one. Worried she might have a big one. But nothing to be done just waiting..

    Hope your managing OK. 

    Lovely to see Dizzle on again, and a new one, 

    Love to all of you young girls, please keep in touch.. Billy xxx 

  • Bless it's amazing hope u cope with everything and then take care of us all... ️
    it is brill to see Dizzel back on again.... we think everything should be as it was before diagnosis.... easier said than done.

    ive got daughters dog staying with me she is 14 yrs old and yet still managed to escape the garden last night. That's another escape route blocked up lol. X