Radiotherapy Side Effects

Hi there,

I am due to meet an oncologist next week to discuss radiotherapy ater having bilateral WLE & SNB

Please could you let me know what side effects you had and were you able to work during & after your treatment?

Thanks a lot



  • I have has a couple if glasses if wine, which I have not had in ages and feel a lot better, so gave a great weekend x
  • Good for you, I'll be doing the same tomorrow! x

  • Hi Daisyboo,

    Thank you for your info and I can see why you would find it difficult to work with that journey to do every day. Plus the fact that your recovery seems to be taking a while. I hope you start to feel better soon.   

    As per my rant to Shirley, the hospital I thought I was having my treatment at is very close to where I work so would have been ideal but, now that they have switched me to another one, the daily round trip works out at just under 90 miles which is just silly.

    Take care x








  • Hi I've been reading all your posts about radiotherapy with avid interest as I've recently been diagnosed with secondary breast cancer in the base of my skull.  As it's causing pain they decided to start with radiotherapy in my skull/base of the neck (10sessions for me).  I'm seeing the doctor on Monday as they've not yet said what they are doing re the breast lump.  I'm sure you'll understand that it's concerning me!  I thought I'd just feel a bit tired towards the end of the sessions, however I had my third one yesterday and it really knocked me for six.  I got back from the hospital and felt so ill I couldn't get out of bed!  I rang the out of hours oncology as I was also feeling very sick and actually was sick during the night.  A doctor ended up coming to see me and said the radiotherapy can have that effect - I thought this type of side effect was what you got from chemo and that radiotherapy would be a breeze.  I'm guessing my reaction isn't quite the usual one though! X

  • Hi Sally,

    Very sorry to hear that you have two problems to have to deal with. There are quite a few lovley people on here with multiple issues and it must so hard to have to think about everything all at the same time.

    It's good that they are sorting out your skull tumour first since that is giving you the most pain but not fun at all if its causing such awful sickness. I know we are all told to expect different reactions to the treatment but you seem to be particulaly unlucky, you poor thing. I wonder if it is anything to do with where on the body you're being zapped?  I woud have thought you could be given some anit-sickness "stuff" to help..  

    You don't say what type of breast tumour you have but presumably they will start dealing with it once your radiotherapy is done. I imagine you'll find out on Monday so all the very best for then, I will be thinking of you.

    Because I had two different cancers (lobular on the right and tubular on the left) I will be getting two seperate lots of treatment each time so do worry if that will double up the side effects at all but, as you no doubt saw from my earlier rant, my concern at the moment is getting the appointments sorted out. Having had all that yesterday, I got another letter today postponing my bone scan to the morning of my first treatment day so I will be whizzing back and forth between hospitals like a mad thing!

    Anyway, I digress, I really hope the sickness is dealt with for you asap and that you have more of a plan once you've seen the doctor.

    Good luck, take care and do let me know how you get on.xx





  • Thanks for replying somehow it always feels a bit better when you know you're not on your own in this nightmare!  The way they have arranged your appointments is pretty thoughtless in my opinion.  I know they have to fit us in but some thought should also go into it.  I had a similar rant on Friday as they e suddenly decided they need a PETscan and I was given the impression it would be tomorrow when I go for radiotherapy.  I then got a call from Alliance Medical who I assume the NHS have outsourced to telling me 28th April but would call back once they checked something.  I then got a call the next day saying it would be 30th as the 28th had since been taken!  As my symptoms have been ongoing for some time and I'd no idea I had breast cancer I was horrified at another wait.  Unfortunately the poor lad on the phone got both barrels!  Bless him he called back later to say he'd managed to fit me in this tues.  Like you I now have to dash between three appts but it's something that has to be done so I'm not complaining.


    i feel a lot less sick today, still not myself but that's expected am absolutely dreading next week though.  I haven't been told what type of breast cancer it is yet, and didn't even know there were different types till I started researching it! Good luck with your appointments and treatment, no doubt we will will both be posting as things progress x

  • Hi Sally,

    So glad you are feeing a bit better today but can see why you are dreading next week. Do ask them about giving you some anti-nausea tablets, they must have something up their sleeves?

    Good to hear that your rant worked and that your PET scan is all booked in for Tuesday,well done you!.

    I must admit I didn't know much about breast cancer either before my two came along. I had felt a lump only on one side so it was a bit of a shock to discover that I had the second on the other side. I was very lucky though because the one I didn't know about was the nastier one and would have stayed undetected so at least I was able to get both dealt with at the same time.

    All the very best for next week, will keep my fingers crossed for you.

    Take care xx






  • Hi Shirley,

    Hope you have a good week and that the effects are kept under control.

    Take care x


    Hi Susu   I have had a good weekend, sorted out the garden, a bit late planting my flower seeds, so hope they come through! Also transplanted all my strawberry plants into the raised bed, so have been quite busy.    I noticed in the shower this morning the straight line the zapping has made, right from under the left armpit across the whole breast, so keeping an eye on that, hope your weekend was good?  Shirley x




  • Hi Shirley,

    You've put me to shame with all that gardening, wow! I wandered around my garden a few times if that counts? No, didn't think so!! I did top up the bird feeders though and made sure they would be happy for a few days so that was something at least... it's been very breezy here so that's my excuse!

    Sorry to hear about the zapping mark, I really hope it does't get any worse for you. Out of interest, have you had any issues with the skin on your back at all? You haven't mentioned it so I am guessing you are ok but I read in some of the blurb I was given that the exit site can also be affected by the treatment and wondered how anyone managed with that.  

    Take care and have a good week, will be thinking of you  xx