Should I be well enough to work or not?


I'm taking Ribociclib for metastatic breast cancer and I just assumed I'd take the tablets and be able to go to work. Do other people take this treatment and hold down a job?

I'm currently off sick and am unable to do much outside of the house. It's a lot worse than I thought it would be to the point that I've moved in with my parents as I'm unable to live independently.  

Is this normal?

PS - zometa is a son of a drug, isn't it? Urgh

  • Hello Sprinkles,

                              sounds like you are finding out that the cure can be harder than the illness, but if you can get to a good outcome at the end of it that will make it worthwhile. The thing about cancer treatments is that the effects can be cumulative and increasingly build up over time, l certainly discovered that .

    The thing is that we all react it becomes difficult to get an exact answer, and the nearest you will get to that is to listen to what your own body is telling you.In general terms the idea of just resuming work as you were before is asking an awful lot, more realistically its a case of doing a little more as and when you feel able to.

    No cancer treatment is nice, but l took a perverse comfort in knowing that if it was giving me a hard time, at least my unwelcome visitor was not getting an easy ride.

    Hang on in there, stay positive, and get yourself out to the other side once again,trust me its great when you do,

    above all,be kind to yourself,


  • Hello David,

    Thank you for your kind reply.

    It's very hard adjusting to this 'new normal' and to be realistic in what I can do vs what I want to be able to do. 

    I shall try to take your advice and be kind to myself, thank you.

  • Hi Sprinkles,  I am so sorry that you find yourself on this horrible journey.  I have metastatic breast cancer too with mets in pelvis,, spine and ribs.  I have just finished my second cycle of Ribociclib and start again on Friday.  I am also off work and dont see me going back to be honest.  I seem to be okay generally and not many side effects.  I do make myself go for a walk every day.  I find that the walking helps (even if you dont think so at the time).  If I dont go for a walk every day, the pain seems to be much worse.  I really hope that your side effects get better. and wish you well.  Sending you hugs .

    Lee X

  • Hello Lee,

    We seem very similar and I'm about 2 weeks behind you with my treatment. 

    I will find it very hard to give up work if it comes to that. I miss it a lot. I just assumed I'd be able to live an almost normal life but with cancer. Clearly I was misguided, esp at this point in my treatment.  

    You said that you doubt you'll get back to work,  do you mind me asking how old you are?

  • Hi Sprinkles,

    No I don't mind at all, I am 59 and work in the jobcentre and have done so for 21 years.  The first time I had stage 3 breast cancer was 12 years ago and I was off work for 1 year about.  I suppose I am lucky in that we get 6 months full pay and 6 months half pay.  I dont know if I will return to work but at this point I cant see it.  I am living an almost normal life except the work.  I go shopping, for meals to pubs etc.  I am a lot slower than I used to be but still keep active.  Hopefully as your treatment continues, you will start to feel better, I hope so.  What kind of work do you do?  Sending hugs.

    Lee x

  • Hi Lee,

    I'd take that kind of lifestyle if I could. I'm still in a lot of pain and unable to do those day to day things. 

    I had an op on my spine following lots of back pain so I'm still trying to get fit again following that. 

    A few weeks ago i was feeling good, and strong, but now I'm just tired and achey.

    I'm a receptionist, so if I can do any job then it's a sit down computer job like I have. Fingers crossed things get better. 

  • Hi Sprinkles, no wonder you are still in lots of pain, a back operation.  What is to do with the cancer or unrelated.  I really hope you feel better soon, one day at a time.  Take care, here if you need to chat.
