Rollercoaster: my husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer and I feel I am walking on eggshells

My husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer 12 months back he is 56 we both decided to give up our jobs ,lots of tears and upset at the beginning we haven’t wanted a prognosis or time frame he is well overall I am my husbands career I attend hospital appointments etc and support him at the min he is suffering from anxiety and I’m sorry I’m a very patient person but at the min it is really getting me down as he is distancing himself from me and is quite moody and angry he doesn’t speak to me much and today he as said I don’t listen to anything he says so that’s the reason he is shutting me off I have tried to say I’m here to support you and we are a team ,I speak calmly to him and at times I feel I’m walking on egg shells he speaks nicely with other people and they only see half hour of it were as I see all the time I’m really struggling at the min and I’m getting depressed  and down with his behaviour and I’m feeling very lonely I don’t say anything to him as I can see it is him what this is happening too and can’t imagine what is going on in his head but I just feel so sad at the min and feel like I’m living with a stranger we have been together 35 years please any advice on what to do xxx

  • Hello Adviceorhelp, 

    What a rollercoaster it is indeed for you both! It's totally understandable that this is getting you down when you are a very patient person. You are doing everything you can to support him, attending hospital appointments and being by his side every step of the way and I am sure he appreciates that but as you noticed yourself, sometimes the strain of it all can affect him and get him down and I am sure he doesn't mean to distance himself from you but there may be times when it all gets a bit much for him and it makes him want to withdraw in his shell. It must be so hard for you when he gets angry and short-tempered with you as you clearly do not deserve it and you're the one having to spend every minute of your time looking after him and that can't be easy for you either. 

    I hope that you will hear from the experiences of other carers and I am sure they will have been through something similar, looking after a loved one with cancer and feeling a little drained sometimes and powerless when their loved one is feeling low. It's important to remember then that it's nothing personal and that you are doing your best and actually helping enormously on so many levels. Other members of our community will also be able to relate to your feeling of loneliness, that feeling of being a stranger almost to someone you have lived with for 35 years. Cancer can have an impact on so many levels and it's hard to know sometimes what to do to make our loved one feel better. We do have some information on our website on how to support someone with cancer and there is a paragraph in there on 'the emotions they might feel' and an understanding of these emotions can help you to support them. It might be worth having a look too at our section on how cancer can make you feel as well as these tips for anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer on managing their emotions . Understanding how your husband might be feeling, the complexity of the emotions involved might be helpful and there is one crucial thing you mustn't forget to do in all this, and that is taking care of yourself, it may sound like a crazy thing to do when your husband is going through all this, but actually taking a little breather from time to time is so important. Caring for someone is very tiring physically and emotionally so by looking after yourself, taking breaks and making sure you are getting plenty of sleep and rest too, you will then feel a lot better to cope and to be there for your husband. There is support available and I would also suggest you reach out to organisations like CarersUK 

    I think what you are already doing is fantastic and phenomenal - it was a real selfless act to give up your job to be by his side and I am sure that he truly appreciates everything you are doing. It sounds like your husband is just struggling with anxiety at the moment and it might be worth bringing it up with his medical team or his GP just to see if there is anything they can do to help him feel better during this difficult time. If you feel that you also need to talk to someone about all this, there may be support groups in your local area or you could also ask your GP to refer you for some counselling if you feel it could help. 

    You are not alone in this rollercoaster and I will now let our members who understand exactly what you are going through come and say hello and share their story with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi love I went through something similar only my partner was the lucky one after the operation for tongue cancer but spread they managed to operate and remove it when he came home he would as you sa not talk to me go to bed and stay their life at home wasn't to good at all it was as if he blamed me at the same time my poor mum was diagnosed with cervical cancer but it was to far gone for anythng to help her she died two weeks later I began to recent him but kept it inside he was treating me like this and my mum passed away in the end I went the doctor and just let it all out how I felt hw angry I felt that this man I was helping doing everything for was treating me as if I wasn't their or had feeling and needed someone to talk to the doctor put me on some antidepressants these did elp the next day I received a call from carer's UK and asked if I would like to sign up she done it over the phone she then referred me to my local council for help they could offer I was then offerd carer's come in and give him his feed as he had to be feed through a peg I use to even just meet a friend and have a coffee and a chat and honesty it helped I only done it every third week but I loked forward to it and me not being in the house for that 2 hours he said he missed me and became more appropriate so what you need to do is reach out their is help out their don't forgot you need t look after yourself as well stay strong love sending hugs ️ 

  • Thank you so much for the reply xxx