Emotional rollercoaster

Hi. My husband has bladder cancer. We have a consultation on Friday with his consultant to see how to proceed. As we've talked it over together, we've decided that bladder removal is best. So far, we've coped with everything. But I'm feeling wiped out and angry more than upset. He had to have turbt 3 weeks ago and that's how we found out that the tumour was larger than expected. Hubby is upset, naturally, and has been fairly emotional. I'd like to know how other people cope with daily life whilst this is going on. I'm trying to keep everything as normal as possible - we both are retired - but it's stressful. I find that little things make me angry. Hubby tries to keep his emotions in check, but today he was upset. 

  • Hello Clbell

    I noticed from your post that you're due to see your husband's Consultant today. I do hope that they are able to give you some advice and support to help you both come to terms with what has happened and how you now move forwards. 

    I also wanted to let you know that a new member  also posted this this week following her partner having their bladder removed. You can read the post that she made here. It may be that the two of you are able to link up and offer each other some support. 

    Do let us know how you get on today Clbell. We're thinking of you both. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • FormerMember

    Hello, I can completely relate, it's all a big shock to the system. My partner has mainly ok days, and a few where he finds it all overwhelming, well frustrating more than anything. He has coped very well post surgery but just wants to get back to work and normality.

    I did reiki a while back before all this happened, and mindfulness sessions. I'm getting us both to find some sort of peace in mind and body by almost hypnotising ourselves to feel fit, well, whole and happy. Talk ourselves into believing everything is good. The positive thoughts are pulling us through.

    We spent a few days away before the op several weeks ago, which was a great idea, and find strength by talking about and planning another break.

    Make the most of today and keep positive as anger can have negative impacts on your health, affect sleep, diet, etc. I know it's easier said than done but you need to stay well. 

    Wishing you both all the best x