osophagus cancer diagnosis


I have recently been diagnosed with oesophagus cancer stage 3 and have come across this forum while googling, since the middle of September, I have had a plethora of tests and have been very well treated by the hospital staff, I’m starting my FLOT treatment in 9 days’ time a regime of 4 rounds 2 weeks apart then hopefully followed by surgery and then another FLOT regime.

  • Heeeyy - big clapping emojis - smiling face with party bunting emoji.

    Well done Mr &Mrs Manfyh xxxx

    You might think it is just the 2 of you, tucked up in wedded bliss but nope, we ALL on here are tucked up with you !!!!
    Keep keeping that faith

    Hilts x

  • Hi All 

    Hope you are all continuing to improve - or getting on with the treatment. 

    Because I had a tracheotomy for 8 weeks post op, my breathing is still very bad and I can't walk far or do anything without getting very breathless. I am waiting for Pulmonary Rehabilitation but due to Covid the wait for assessment was 18 weeks - 9 have gone but still a long wait. Has anyone else needed this - and if so was it successful?  I am thinking about trying to find a private alternative- not sure where to look, but if it will help it will be worth it 

    Thank you

    Andi xx

  • Hi everyone,

    Unfortunately my Dad passed away last week. The regular members on here will know the journey we have been on for the last 2 yrs.

    Post surgery my Dad had a lot of complications and never managed to recover.

    May I take this opportunity to thank all the very good, supportive people on this 'rollercoaster' journey that we are all on.

    There have been many ups and downs and I have found this forum incredibly useful and inspiring- it seems that the people commenting on here, are the people that only 'truely' understand what you're going through.

    If anyone wants to contact me directly, to discuss anything, please feel free to private message me - I feel that if I can offer any support and experience, I will do. We have experienced many things good and bad.

    Good luck to everyone on this *** journey.



  • Oh Lee - I am so very sorry to hear your sad news. It was such a long battle for your dad. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family 

    Andi xx

  • Awwww Lee, 

    What on earth can I say to you, I truly do feel  for you x xxx
    but Lee, thank YOU, For being on this rollercoaster with us. We  all , I think feel for the others ,the highs and the lows.

    You were/ are an absolute gladiator for your Dad, you did him proud. 
    For once in my life I am a bit lost for words !
    PLEASE, do check in on here, we would genuinely miss you

    So for now Lee, bye and speak soon



  • Hi Lee, hope you're OK and thanks for the update.

    We've all ridden that Roller Coaster with you and know your Dad would be immensely proud of you and how you helped and advised him along the way, and sharing bits from here with him and back to us too - you were most definitely a rock for him.

    One thing my Mum said to me when she passed which has always stuck with me and I hope you can apply this with your Dad too is that it's OK to be sad for a little while, but when you think of me I want you to do it with a smile and not be sad. So, focus on the happy memories mate and always think of him with a smile on your face !

    Raise a sangria / San Miguel for me mate and keep on trucking !

    God bless ...

  • Lee, I'm so sorry to hear of your dad's passing and on behalf of everyone at Cancer Chat HQ, I would like to offer you our deepest and heartfelt condolences.

    Our thoughts are with you and your family at this very difficult time.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Lee

    Sorry to hear the news - I'll raise a glass tonight thinking of you all.



  • Dear Lee,

    I am truly so very sorry to hear that your dad has lost his battle against  Oesopagael cancer. He fought so hard to stay with you and you and your family fought so hard to keep him here.  He was, I'm certain immensely proud of you. When you lose a parent you are so close to its a huge life changing event especially hard I feel if it's too soon. As you say folks on here understand how hard this diagnosis and the path can be even though everyones journey is unique but only you know the true loss you have suffered. It's early days so be kind to yourself.Be proud too Lee - your dad lives on in you and even though we've never met you are clearly a great guy. Take care Lee and please feel free to post if you need support from us or you just want a rant.

    Take care and im sending a huge hug



  • Hi Andi

    I'm just catching up as we have been away to Tenerife- if anyone had told me we'd be doing that a year ago I wouldn't have believed them!

    In answer to your question my husband has been part of an 'Active recovery group' since he was diagnosed at the end of October 2020. It's through the NHS and was on Zoom. As you know he had a lot of complications following his Oesophagectomy and this resulted in him needing two further ops. The last one was on his left lung. He was able to use the spirometer which from what you've said you can't. Could anyone give you advice/exercises via zoom from the hospital? I can only suggest the obvious like gradually increasing  your walking which I'm sure you are trying to do. Have they said why you are struggling with your breathing? It may sound strange but breathing exercises for singing may help? I hope you get to see someone soon as it can be debilitating.
    You have done so well Andi - an Oesophagectomy is a massive op without the'extras'. 

    keeping the faith
