osophagus cancer diagnosis


I have recently been diagnosed with oesophagus cancer stage 3 and have come across this forum while googling, since the middle of September, I have had a plethora of tests and have been very well treated by the hospital staff, I’m starting my FLOT treatment in 9 days’ time a regime of 4 rounds 2 weeks apart then hopefully followed by surgery and then another FLOT regime.

  • Thank you Andi,


    It is early days, I hope I get to that stage sooner rather than later. 

    Anyone have any tips for mental health while I cannot walk more than 10 yards without being sick? At 30 it's really playing on my mind that I can't do anything anymore really, not to sound ungrateful to be alive folks sorry. 


  • Yes, just focus on and remember that your current situation is not your forever situation fella.

    Like Andi says, one day you'll realise how much progress you've made without knowing and feeling it until that time.

    Rest and sleep is such a good healer too, don't push yourself too hard, rest a lot - it really helps.

    I suffered after my op with foamy phlegm coming back up too but it's gone now and passes - you will get there, just keep walking forwards through your journey and stay positive !

    Youre post op with all your bad cells removed in surgery, you've much to be grateful for, even if you are feeling a bit battered, bruised and through the mill currently !

  • Hi Tracy

    nearly everyone on here has had the cough , regular sinus rinse with saline solution has done the trick for me , you can buy a kit it at your chemists.



  • Wow y'all quiet for weeks then a flurry - yay.

    We have a new member I see Brotherhood- welcome to the oesophageal cancer club - the club no one wants to be a member of, but here we all are (:

    I have to say none of us have ever met, and none of us are medics- just experts in the lived experience and living the dream ! on the fastest rollercoaster in town I feel are very close bond with all us strangers on here, as we all 'get it' enough cheese (:

    I am afraid brotherhood, that you are completely common (: - what you describe is how it is post op- pretty sheeeeite, BUT, slowly bit by bit you creep back up. Looking back I would say my husband took about 4 weeks to get on anything remotely solid, he had no appetite and those 'delicious' over night feeds were RANK, but day by day it does get better he went for his first outdoor walk, only to the top of the road and back about 8 weeks post op, then creep creep, little by little better and better, but it sure ain't a quick recovery. As for your SATS etc, yep, your lung was deflated! and it really won't be happy about that at all! Most on here have collected some post op extras, it is a maahoosive op, about as big as it gets- mine was short of breath, rubbish SATS etc for about 10 weeks, then guess what, little by little, day by day bingo. You WILL get there, keep sipping fluid and your feeds going on, then just pick at stuff, literally anything you fancy, the wired thing being the more you eat the better your appetite- go figure, but you are very early days, and it is a bit of a twighlight zone, but give yourself another 6 weeks of day time TV- and you'll be legging it to the bottom of the garden and back with relish x

    NOW , who mentioned COUGHING !!! Yes, we are the experts in that department- look back at my posts they are EXTENSIVE LOL . We know it is nothing 'dodgy', but it is still driving us nuts , none the less (:Husband has had 2 scar tissue stretches and a hernia repair, which slightly helped , but still coughing he is, although I have to say , it has improved slightly and has better days, the surgeon next plan is to go for a barium swallow to see where the any food and fluid is going ( green face emoji). They are fairly positive it is down to irritation and likely to be something coming back up what remains of his stomach/oesophagus. BUT, my husband is not the best at doing what he is told, so when they said food needs to be 'little and often' I think he turned deaf, because he eats as he always has done grrrrrr, which I think is what makes his guts full and bubbling back- although , when he downs several pints it is much better!!! Funny that! , but I guess all that fluid is washing he guts out, so no food overload left to irritate. He has behaved himself better this week, grazing throughout the day and guess what?? Much improved, maybe, by some miracle the message might be sinking in.

    Take care y'all and keep keeping that faith- although tough sometimes

    Hilts x

  • Thankyou for the responses folks really appreciate it,

    I'm just hoping this constant vomit and wretching doesn't cause any issues inside as the last place I want to be is back in hospital. 

    Great community to find,


  • Hi Brotherhood, hope you had a good weekend.

    It shouldn't do ... my sickness and wretching on Post Op Chemo were levels I've never experienced before and would be literally feeling like I was turning myself inside out it was so severe and bad from the chemo after the op.

    It didn't do any damage though, and am all still intact and out the other side now.

    Keep going, you can do it and it does get easier and it does get better than this !

  • Good Morning everyone, hope you are all good xx We did it, myself and Shaun got married yesterday up in Gretna Green, the day was beautiful, happy and full of friends, and laughter xx Chemo starts on Thursday for him so one more day of rest before we fight this xx love to all from Mr and Mrs Barber xxxx

  • How wonderful ! Huge congrats Mr & Mrs Barber !!

  • That's wonderful news Manfyh! Congratulations! :happy:

    I hope you're able to enjoy these next few days of wedded bliss together before Mr Barber's chemo starts on Thursday.

    Fingers crossed he doesn't experience too many side effects but if either of you have any questions about the chemo or would just like to talk things through with someone then don't hesitate to get in touch with our cancer nurses. They're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    Wishing you both all the best on this journey and a wonderful, happy marriage.

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator