Urgent referral after ultrasound - trying not to worry

Hi there,

Following a transvaginal ultrasound on the weekend my GP called to tell me that she was making a 'fast-track' 2 week referral to the gynaecologist (they've now also called and I've got an appointment Wednesday next week). It's knocked me for six a bit and although I'm thankful that the wait isn't too long it feels like forever and I'm finding it tough, knowing that the 2 week referral can be because cancer is a possibility.

I've been getting symptoms (spotting and a bit of pain in my pelvic area) for around 6 months and in October had the most excruciating period pains and heavy bleeding, which has happened every month but one since. I knew something was up as that's not normal for me, so saw the doc in Feb, who referred me for the ultrasound. I'd convinced myself that my symptoms pointed to endometriosis, so when the ultrasound technician mentioned that I'd be referred to a gynaecologist to talk to me about my uterus lining, and she seemed surprised that I hadn't been experiencing symptoms for longer, I figured that maybe it was endo.

Then I got the call from my GP yesterday to say that the ultrasound showed thickened uterus lining and said she was making an urgent referral to gynaecologist, where they may do MRI or hysteroscopy. She mentioned a one-stop shop, not sure what that means? She then mentioned something about that they may find it's fibroids or polyps, but that they need to rule out cancer too. It was the secretary who called to book me in for the gynae appointment, and she said I'd be sent a letter with more info, so I guess that may give me a better idea of what tests they might do and what will happen at the appointment? 

Tried to talk to my mum about it to relieve my worries but she lives a long way away and is quite matter of fact about medical issues (she had problems with fibroids and had to have a hysterectomy, so has been through similar), which I do appreciate but I felt I wanted to be able to talk her about it more. 

Sorry for long post, would really love to hear from anyone who's been through/ going through similar. Just reading other's posts has been a big help.


  • Hi All,

    I am new here. I have been reading all your discussion and I decided to join. I have been diagnosed with an ovary cyst 6 years ago and I was searching for help and advise and what I have heard was we will need to observe this. I have done the CA125 was good. I have been told so many different diagnosis and have decided to travel to Poland and I have found a Professor who is an expert in ovarian cancer. My all results were clear - CA125,ROMA. But still I didn't feel well I started to have a back pain. I went to him and after the ultrasound he referred me to the hospital with a risk of having Borderline ovary tumour - semi cancerous. I have booked the laparoscopic surgery and I have done it within 2 weeks. At the end it was the benign tumour . But I lost my ovary ( left) and the tube ( June 2019).I have had a follow up scan in August 2019 - all clear. I have been asked my GP about referral to the gyne clinic as I wanted to double check ( I had an ultrasound on the 27.02.2020) and during that I have been told I have a 4cm dermoid cyst on my right ovary. I was shocked. I didn't expect that. How is it even possible that have happened within 6 months. I will have a follow up app on 16/03/2020. The sonographer told me that it's nothing to worry about . But I am scared that I will lose my only ovary. I am afraid that if something like that developed within 6 months that must be something serious. I can not go through the wait game again. I don't have any symptoms but I am shocked and not sure what to do.


  • Hi @samilou87​​​ a long shot as it's been a few years but what was your outcome in the end? I'm experiencing the same on my right side. Had my internal sonogram today and petrified of results x

  • Hi I wonder tele man do if you could give any advice I'm so anxious I feel ill I went through the 2w pathway for a colonoscopy I had that they took biopsies but in the wait I had to go for a ct scan which terrified me my biopsies came back fine I've still not heard anything from my ct but consultant is ringing me tomorrow that was already booked I'm terrified  

  • Hi Nsp12.


    I don't know which is worse: sitting in the waiting room to see the consultant, or waiting for someone to phone... 


    I've certainly done the one where you've had a series of tests and they've all been clear, so you're waiting for the result of the final test, and they're running late... so you're just sat in the waiting room for over an hour.  I was convinced it would be cancer - and it was all clear.


    I think that if I were in your situation, I'd probably fall back on my favourite five minute relaxation video: How to medidate in a moment


    Best of luck for tomorrow.




  • Thankyou telemando il take a look at that I've noticed you always give good advice so thought I would ask the phone call was booked in before the colonoscopy or ct but I feel like I can't cope

  • Thanks for the vote of confidence. It's much appreciated.


    For tomorrow, it might help if there's someone with you who can listen in as you receive the news.


    I'm not sure I can think of any other suggestions.

  • Hi got scan Monday and am awaiting results, I have had a emeterosis removed two years ago and have had a pain in pelvis and pain in back passage periods had got less frequently and are now 2 days most ,  I  have had a sore throat for nearly a year and still swaying to get checked . Am getting worried as scanner was asking lots of questions and took pictures of one side getting want in results, has anyone else had these problems ??

  • Was you all clear I'm going through the same thing my name is Jane I'm 53 

  • Hi,

    sorry for jumping on the post. I'm new too!

    I had a referral to gynae from my gp after over a year of horrendous periods lasting 10-14 days. The pain is often crippling and I need to wee all the time. I had the hormonal coil and that made symptoms worse.

    I had an appointment for a hysteroscopy about a month ago, however they said my symptoms were definitely down to the coil. Didn't do the hysteroscopy and just took my coil out! I'd prepared myself to have the procedure and on hindsight should have asked for them to have a look around anyway. A little confused and annoyed after my appointment I rang my gp straight away as they'd left me with no contraception!

    First period after my coil removal- i daren't move out of the house that weekend. The amount of blood and the size of the clots was just awful. I went through a pack of pads within 48h.

    So now my gp has referred me for an ultrasound and possibly a transvaginal scan too. Which is tomorrow.

    I work for the NHS and we make the worst patients!

    Has anyone experienced similar symptoms? I'm 29.

    I'm thinking possible endometriosis, PCOS and obviously the worst... cancer.


    Apologies for the long post!


  • Hi Liz I've just stumbled across this post and your situation is exactly same as mine I'm having a scan this Sunday and a referral with gyny 2 weeks later exactly same heavy bleeding my iron levels very low ca125 blood test also high 

    how did you get on pls 


    Thank s Diane