Mammogram recall anxiety

Hi, didn't know such a group existed till I received my recall letter. My anxiety and worst case scenario have gone through the roof, to the point I had to take the afternoon off work. Couldn't concentrate. My appointment is next Tuesday, so the wait isn't too long. Anyway, hello all - I'm 54, 2 teenagers and one husband who has had a very weepy wife today. Apologies for my wallow. 

  • Thank you for your advice Jolamine. After my 2 weeks “off” I have my CT scan tomorrow first thing. It’s difficult to manage all the tension I feel as if the radiographers are going to scream because my scan is so bad. I suppose I just need to take deep breaths and find some bravery from somewhere

  • You have to get your head in a good place, I had breast cancer 3 years ago now it's back but the last time the cancer was detained non spreadable this time its spreadable her2 which spreads more rapidly, my op was on the 13th but theyve put it back until the 12 of march as I had a virus and was on antibiotics, but I have everything in my control I got everything sorted my freezers and cupboards and fridge is full I have my son coming to look after my dog and stay a few days I've bought my beanie hats and baseball cap for when I have chem, it's best to make lists of things you need to buy, things you need to ask the nurses or surgeons as when the time comes to ask things you'll forget, if you have them written down youll be more in control, keep a journal of your journey this help you realise yes it's bad but look how much better I'm getting, get organized dont sit around waiting do the things you like most, to hell with healthy eating eat what you want do what you want until you no for sure what's going to happen then get your head ready and be strong be in control 

  • Ty jolamine my surgery was cancelled due to having a virus and being on antibiotics but my new date is the 12th of march which I'm not worried my head is in a good place the surgeon said I dont need mastectomy hes going to tunnel down through the side of my breast and it's going to be less intrusive than the last lumpectomy, I have everything in place everything sorted out ready, I've booked a air cut so my hair will be short so it gives me time to get use to it encase my hair falls out through chemo radio therapy or the anti her2 serum, I have my baseball cap and beanies and new pjs boug I have my head in the right place and I'm ready to kick my cancers butt

  • Hi Jill,

    I hope that your scan goes well tomorrow and turns out better than you're imagining.

    Jolamine xx

  • You are brave honey your a strong independent woman you've got this once tomorrow is over then it's just waiting for your results which wont take long to come back, you can do this I no you can keep busy, get out of the house go for a walk ride a bike if you have one stay busy do something that makes the time go by fast,. Before you no it you'll be given your results, remember right every thing down on paper that you want to ask the surgeon even if you can ask the words out loud the nurse will read them out for you best of luck love let me no how you get on

  • Hi Angelwings,  you really do sound like one strong, determined lady..  I really like your advice about making lists for what you need in the house and what to ask consultants etc.  It does pay to be prepared and have a positive attitude.  I had stage 3 lobular breast cancer 12 years ago and now it has come back but has spread to pelvis, spine, ribs, skull etc so it is not cureable.  I always make notes before I see oncologist.  I wish everyone on here a positive journey, we can do this.  Oh yes and eat what you want and drink what you want.  I had a glass of wine after the first chemo session.  Keep to your normal routine was best advise I was given.

    Lee x

  • You are right I need to be less gloomy and get myself in a better place.Arm myself with chick lit to read so I don’t get too panicky when the outpatient clinic runs late. Rejoin life instead of hiding away and watching trash tv.