Mammogram recall anxiety

Hi, didn't know such a group existed till I received my recall letter. My anxiety and worst case scenario have gone through the roof, to the point I had to take the afternoon off work. Couldn't concentrate. My appointment is next Tuesday, so the wait isn't too long. Anyway, hello all - I'm 54, 2 teenagers and one husband who has had a very weepy wife today. Apologies for my wallow. 

  • Hi JayLou10,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I can empathise with your situation. I was recalled after a routine mammogram too and I was in a terrible state, waiting for my follow-up appointment. After all of the stress and worry, the second mammogram was clear. Was this your first mammogram, or have you had one previously? There are more recalls after the first one than any other. This is because there are no previous images to compare with. Don't worry about being weepy - it goes along with the territory! Besides, shedding those tears, is a good stress reliever and that is something that you'll need at this stage. 

    Unfortunately, our over active imaginations don't help and take us to all sorts of dark places. Fortunately, the reality is seldom as bad as we imagine. I am glad to see that you don't have long to wait for your appointment. Try to steer clear of consulting "Dr Google" in the meantime. Much of the information is poorly researched, out of date and aimed at the more spectacular cases. This won't give you any reassurance or answers and will only serve to scare you further.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thank you for your kind words. This is my second mammogram. My mind has done all Dr Googles work with out the googling! I will let you know how I get on xx

  • Hi JayLou,

    You may find that even with your second mammogram, there is not that much to compare with. The longer you have had your mammograms for, the more images there are for comparison. The other possibility is that the image isn't as clear as it could be and the want to get a clearer one. Even if there is a tumour present, not all lumps are sinister. Only 20% turn out to be cancerous. The other 80% are benign cysts, Fibroadenoma, or due to naturally lumpy breasts.

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • I was recalled after a routine mammogram. They have taken 5 biopsies and I have an appointment next week for the results. I’m 65 so I’m pessimistic.

    Along with google I find it hard to imagine less bleak outcomes

  • Hi Pollythecat,

    A very warm welcome to our forum. 

    I am sorry to hear that you too, have been recalled following your mammogram. We usually advise people to steer clear of Google until they have a diagnosis, as some of the outlooks are very bleak and only serve to scare us further.

    I am glad to see that your results are due next week and I hope that nothing untoward is found. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thank you I try to be philosophical and know it is better to know but I always go straight to the worst outcome, u

    you help me to be a little less pessimistic 

  • Hi, just back. It's been a long day. They found a very small area of concern, so had a biopsy. Lymph nodes all clear. They were absolutely brilliant and coped with my tears at the end of the day - people need to stop being nice to me! I feel better for just knowing and they said physical checks wouldn't have picked this well done me on going for my screening appointment. Results in three weeks, but I'm ok with that. I'll keep you updated xx

  • Most of us go straight to the worst case scenario. Fortunately, this seldom turns out to be the case. Try to remind yourself that no amount of worry will change the outcome.

    Keeping everything crossed for you!


    Jolamine xx

  • My doctor referred me to One Stop breast clinic after finding a lump I'm 75 so very frightened lymph glands appear ok at the moment but people have told me the older women doesn't get the best care because of her age even though I'm quite fit 

  • Hi JayLou,

    I am glad to hear that you got on so well at the clinic today. It is great to learn that all of your lymph nodes are clear. I am sure that you feel frustrated at having to wait longer for your biopsy results, but it's just as well to ensure that nothing is missed. We don't usually feel any different with early cancer symptoms, so this is where routine mammograms really show their worth.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx