Thymic Carcinoma

Hi, I’m Tara I was diagnosed a year ago with a stage 4 thymic carcinoma. I’ve had chemo last year which wasn’t hugely successful I struggled with it too. I’ve had radiotherapy on my thymic gland and again on my neck where I have secondary tumours iin two lymph nodes. I’m currently going through chemo again. 

  • Hi Tara and a warm welcome to our forum, 

    What a year it has been for you going through treatment for stage 4 thymic carcinoma and I am sorry to hear that last year's chemotherapy was not easy for you and you are going through it again at the moment. I hope you are not feeling too bad at the moment and are coping with treatment. I've come across other members of our forum who posted recently to say they had been diagnosed with thymic carcinoma.  for example posted a thread on living with thymic cancer a few months ago and they were looking to connect with others here who have been dealing with thymic cancer.  also posted this thread about being diagnosed with thymic carcinoma and  also posted their Thymic Carcinoma threadThymic UK is another great resource you may be aware of already and they provide information and support for those affected by thymic cancers in the UK. 

    I hope this helps a little and that you will hear from other members of our community who have been affected by thymic cancer and that you will be able to support one another. 

    Best wishes and best of luck for the rest of your treatment, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator